Alissa Part One

"Oh? Why is that?" Ruth smiled and asked me.

"Well, it's like this. I see Alissa as my best friend and I love her as such. But She has feelings for me beyond just friendship which hurts her when she sees me with Able. I do not wish to hurt her at all and I do not want to lose her as my friend. I love Able, and nothing is going to change that and I am not going to be breaking up with him either. So I am at a loss as to what to do. How do I keep Alissa from being hurt all the time when she sees me with Able?" I asked. I did not wish to hurt Alissa at all. I wanted her to be my friend no matter what. She was very important to me.

"Isn't it simple?" Ruth said tilting her head to the side, staring at me.

"What do you mean?" Now I was confused. Why would it be simple? There was nothing simple about my situation right now!