Alissa Part Two

I watched as Alissa began to tear up and my heart hurt. I reached out and pulled Alissa into a hug. "Alissa I know this. This is why I talked to Mom and Able. To ask for advice on how to handle the situation. I do not want to lose my friend or hurt her nor do I wish to leave Able since I love him. Alissa… I am not sure how good I can be to you and to be honest, I had never even thought of being with another girl. But I can not see my best friend look hurt when you are with me when I kiss or have intimate actions with Able. But in order to protect my friendship and allow you to know I do not wish to ever ignore your feelings for me, I am willing to take you as my concubine..." 

Alissa looked up at me, her surprised expression said it all. "Rei, do really mean it? You are willing to take me as your concubine?"