Back to Xia Village

"I'm an honorable person. Why would I build a brothel on my territory?"

Perhaps due to the unpleasant gaze of the two women behind him, Chu Tian righteously rejected the tempting suggestion made by the shopkeeper at the auction house.

A brothel was an economic construction. In theory, it could bring high income. As for the specific effect, it was difficult to say. It could reduce the loyalty of female heroes and special talents.

"Heh. I'm not naive, but this is not really a brothel. It's just a place to hear songs and drink. Too bad... What kind of drawing do you have in mind?"

Compared to previous players who had to think for a long time when buying a Level 2 drawing, Chu Tian was a rare generous customer, which really improved the attitude of the shopkeeper. This was how it was.

"Drawings of a Level 2 blacksmith shop, a Level 2 tailor, and a Level 2 medical clinic."

Chu Tian had 36 taels of gold and 314 taels of silver, which were a total of 674 taels. He could buy a lot of ordinary Level 2 drawings.

Suddenly, Chu Tian thought of the Yi River near Xia Village. The actual area of the Yi River was 17,000 square kilometers. After the area of 'Feudal Lords' expanded tenfold, the river would be 170,000 square kilometers. In addition, the depth of the cross-section of the river would also grow, enough for larger wooden ships to navigate.

The upper reaches of the Yi River in Xu Prefecture reached Langya City, and the river's lower reaches reached Xiapi City. If Xia Village had wooden boats, then they could trade with Langya City and Xiapi City by water.

"Do you have drawings for shipyards here?"

"Drawings for Level 1 shipyards are 50 taels of silver. Drawings for Level 2 shipyards cost 250 taels of silver."


Chu Tian gritted his teeth and bought drawings for a Level 1 shipyard, then he spent 50 taels of silver on drawings for the dock construction.

The five drawings cost a total of 175 taels of silver.

"This is the construction drawing for a pig farm, and it comes with 'Elementary-Level Pig Raising'. There are also drawings of a siege equipment workshop, a tavern, a fishpond, a chicken farm, a pavilion, a clock tower..."

The shopkeeper displayed dozens of drawings. All of them were for construction that Xia Village lacked.

Rome wasn't built in one day, and Xia Village may not be able to accommodate so many buildings, nor were there necessarily enough workers. He had to be selective in what to build.

For example, a siege equipment workshop would not work in Xia Village. You would need a ladder, a siege tower, and a catapult only if you were attacking a town. If you were attacking a village, you just needed a big number of soldiers.

"Drawings for a pig farm, a fishpond, a chicken farm, all Level 2, cost a total of 60 taels of silver. There are also drawings for Level 2 taverns. They're 100 taels of silver."

Chu Tian picked another batch of construction drawings.

The Level 2 tavern was the most expensive drawing, at 100 taels of silver. It was because the drawing also came with a D-Level specialty, 'rice wine'. The effect could bring economic benefits and increase the appearance of special talents and ordinary heroes. Since special heroes were scarce, the tavern wouldn't be able to attract them.

If they built a tavern successfully, Xia Village would have two specialty products, 'rough celadon' and 'rice wine', generating more prosperity.

"I want drawings for a shop, a security bureau, a mulberry garden, and a bank."

Xia Tianliang of Xiaozhu Village purchased a bunch of drawings for economical constructions. It seemed as if Xiaozhu Village wanted to grow into a place of business, focusing on commerce rather than military interests.

Chu Tian didn't care how other lords developed. It was a good thing for Xiaozhu Village to overlook the development of military interests. At least there was no need to worry that Xiaozhu Village posed a threat to Xia Village.

Chu Tian got three life skills books: 'Elementary-Level Pig Raising', 'Elementary-Level Fish Raising', and 'Elementary-Level Chicken Raising'. They were all included with the purchase of drawings.

He randomly checked out the description of a skill book.

[Name]: Elementary-Level Pig Raising

[Effect]: When managing pig farms, pork production +2%, probability of swine fever -0.5%

[Review]: Pig-raising, from introduction to prosperity.


Although Chu Tian didn't want to learn this skill, it was undeniable that this was a very practical life skill book. You could give special talents to farmers, or players who had chosen the direction of advanced farmers in 'Feudal Lords'.

Were there players who wanted to be advanced farmers?

Yes, there were. There was a market wherever there was a need. You never knew how a player thought.

He would bring back these skill books for the special talents of Xia Village.

It was already dark since they had to finish the C-Level reward task. Chu Tian and the team found an inn in Langya City for the night.

The time in 'Feudal Lords' was the same as in the real world.

"An ordinary guest room cost 200 yuan here. The prices in Langya City are really high. Lord players could live in their territory, but free players have to buy houses in Langya or other cities."

Chu Tian marveled at the prices here. Real estate was just as lucrative in 'Feudal Lords'.

"Low-grade houses are five taels of silver, ordinary houses are 20 taels of silver, and high-grade houses are 100 taels of silver. Luxury houses could be many thousands of taels."

Xia Tianliang already learned about real estate prices in Yalang City.

"If 10,000 players lived in Langya City, they could earn at least 50,000 taels of silver. And knowing the players, they would definitely not be willing to live in low-grade houses. They want the high-grade ones, so Langya city could earn one million taels of silver."

Thinking of the enormous profit in real estate, Chu Tian couldn't help but envious of Zang Ba, the lord of Langya City.

When Xia Village expanded into a bigger town, he would consider building luxury houses.

After Chu Tian and his group stayed in Langya City for one day, they returned to Xia Village. 

They killed the occasional bandits they saw on the way.

They worked on two achievements. [Slay Ten Thousand] was now 35/10000. [Attack Yellow Turbans] was now at 112/100000.

It would still be a long time before he could finish the achievements.

"If our Xiaozhu Village encounters an enemy attack, I hope Xia Village can provide appropriate assistance. Of course, I am willing to pay the price. The news that a large group of Yellow Turban soldiers may appear after the wheat harvest is really disturbing."

Xia Tianliang led a warhorse as she bid farewell to Chu Tian and his party at the entrance of Xiaozhu Village. This horse was an ordinary warhorse that she bought in Langya City for 23 taels of silver.

"Everyone is trapped here. If we can help, we definitely will."

Chu Tian just bowed his hand, and then he led his people back to Xia Village.

"Village Chief."

"Where are you going?"

"Going to buy silk from Xiaozhu Village."

On the way back to Xia Village, Chu Tian found villagers from Xia Village traveling between Xia Village and Xiaozhu Village. Because of the signing of the two-village alliance, the two villages, separated by only five kilometers, soon began to trade. When the lords of the two villages started to tax the trading, their income would increase too.

"The distance between the two villages is too close. After being upgraded to a town, they might have to be next to each other..."

Chu Tian shook his head; he shouldn't think about the future for now. The most important thing now was to establish the various facilities as soon as possible and to harvest grains so that they would be prepared for the large group of Yellow Turban soldiers who might rob the village after the harvest.

Elder Li brought the villagers of Xia Village to greet him. "Village Chief, you are finally back. The population of Xia Village has reached 412 people lately."

"This many?"

When Chu Tian left, there were only around 240 people. In a few days, Elder Li has accepted hundreds of refugees.

In addition to Elder Li and Zhao Qi, there was a silver-level commander with them.