Grand-Scale Construction

"My name is Wu Shang. I have been practicing martial arts from a young age and traveling around the world. I came across this precious village of yours, which is an opulent land that fosters many talents, and I'm planning to stay permanently."

While Chu Tian was away, yet another ordinary hero arrived at Xia Village. Perhaps the system was worried that the feudal lord couldn't resist the big troops of Yellow Turban soldiers that were imminent after the harvest of crops. It was a silver-level hero that turned up in Xia Village this time.

[Name]: Wu Shang

[Talent]: Silver-Level (ordinary hero)

[Rank]: 40

[Experience]: 5842/100000

[Role]: The Descendant of Wandering Fighters of the Warring Era

[Loyalty]: 70

[Command]: 17 [Strength]: 45 [Intellect]: 24 [Politics]: 11 [Charisma]: 61

[Equipment]: Fine Longsword (silver-level weapon, Attack power +3, low chances of penetrating armors), Leather Armor (bronze-level weapon, Defense power +1)

[Phase]: 20

[Characteristics]: Descendant of a Prestigious Family·Minor (Level D characteristic, speed of attracting refugees of affiliated territory enhanced by 1%)

This hero was a martial-type hero who wasn't suitable for leading armies in a battle. However, the characteristic of being a [Descendant of a Prestigious Family] served to increase the speed at which the village could recruit refugees.

"Elder Li, seems like you are working hard in the village."

Chu Tian alighted from the back of the horse, he was satisfied with the silver-level hero recruited by Elder Li. It was a piece of cake for a silver-level hero to defeat several minor soldiers of the same level at once.

"It was all because of your brilliant leadership, Chief. You led a big group of our villagers and defeated the Yellow Turban soldiers, spreading the formidable name of our Xia Village wide and far. That was what made Wu Shang willing to stay in our village. Besides, the refugees in the vicinity are all coming to our village to congregate."

Elder Li's words greatly pleased Chu Tian.

Xia Village hadn't had civil officers with high politics at the moment. With the 30 points of political attribute that he had, Elder Li could be of good use. 

Upon returning to Xia Village, Chu Tian retrieved the drawings from the sachet hung from the saddle.

Firstly, the military camp.

Xia Village hadn't even built a camp for local soldiers because Chu Tian took the path of formal infantry and cavalry directly, thus he gave up on building camps for local soldiers.

Right now, Chu Tian had a Level 1 cavalry camp drawing and a Level 2 infantry camp drawing in hand.

Constructing a Level 1 cavalry camp would expend 20 units of silver, 100 units of timber, and 20 laborers. A Level 1 cavalry camp would take three days to complete, while a Level 2 infantry camp would take five days.

At the same time, the construction of special constructions like hoggeries, chicken farms, fishponds, and taverns were launched one after another.

These new buildings required the investment of grand-scale manpower as they were built entirely from scratch. As for the pre-existing Level 1 farmlands, minelands, rock quarries, blacksmith store, tailors, and hospitals, all of them were upgraded to Level 2. Upgrading Level 1 constructions to Level 2 also required expenditure of money, timber, building stones, and labor forces.

There was still a long fortnight till the harvest of crops. The entire Xia Village began to bustle with activities, doing what they could to contribute to Xia Village's development.

During the harvest of crops, a huge proportion of the village's labor forces would be engaged in the processes of harvesting wheat, thrashing, and drying the grains. By then, Xia Village would not have any manpower spared for building infrastructure. Therefore, they had to complete the construction of these buildings before crops were harvested.

After meticulous calculations and arrangements of manpower, Chu Tian estimated that the constructions could be finished just in time before the harvest began.

Hence, Xia Village delved into a grand-scale construction. The villagers were going ahead at full steam, marching boldly towards a Level 3 village.

Villagers would be rewarded for taking part in construction. The money spent on construction was, of course, paid for labor forces instead of being recycled by the system.

While waiting for the construction to be finished, Chu Tian went to hunt in the nearby forests from time to time to obtain meat for the village and collect the raw material for manufacturing leather armor—— the skin of wild boars.

"Ding! Player 'God Bless You' has risen as the first player in the world to own a Level 3 village, and is rewarded with a golden recruitment order, which can be used to recruit golden ordinary heroes with low chances of recruiting special heroes."

"Ding! Player 'Jiujiu Old Qin' has become the first player in the Eastern Han to own a Level 3 village and is rewarded with a golden recruitment order."

Right after Chu Tian killed a wild boar and was in the midst of collecting meat chunks and wild boar skin, two notifications buzzed almost simultaneously from the game system.

One after another, the player in the Vatican region 'God Bless You' and the player in the Eastern Han 'Jiujiu Old Qin' had upgraded their villages to Level 3. 'Jiujiu Old Qin' from the Eastern Han was reluctant to be outdone, almost deliberately setting himself against the Vatican region.

Chu Tian opened the ranking. He wanted to look up the prosperity levels of these two potential opponents.

The top-ranking 'God Bless You' had a prosperity level of 254, while that of the second in line 'Jiujiu Old Qin' was 235. He was keeping a close pace with number one.

Chu Tian suspected that the player from the Vatican region 'God Bless You' had recruited the imperial commander, Edward the Black Prince, thus occupying the first place. But 'Jiujiu Old Qin' from the Eastern Han was almost on par with him. Had he also recruited a special commander?

Chu Tian checked the ranking of heroes later. Hua Mulan was still ranked in the second, but the hero in the third place was one from the Eastern Han—— general of the Qin Nation, Meng Wu.

Meng Wu was the father of the ferocious warrior of the Qin Dynasty, Meng Tian. Before Wang Jian led the Qin Army and destroyed Chu, Meng Wu was holding the post of Deputy General.

"Seems like this 'Jiujiu Old Qin' must be the player who has recruited the special hero Meng Wu. I wonder which state among the Thirteen States is he in? Hopefully not Xu Prefecture."

Chu Tian took a glance at the ranking. Two players among the top ten were from the Eastern Han, and the tenth in ranking turned out to be the chief of an African tribe.

There were hundreds of millions of players being trapped in Feudal Lords. With the enormous number of players who were feudal lords, there would certainly be feudal lords who recruited special heroes in succession.

Chu Tian wasn't bothered by the fact that some players had upgraded their villages to Level 3 because he predicted that once Xia Village was done constructing all the drawings he brought back, it would most probably be upgraded to Level 3 as well.

In the channel 'Wolves Roam the World' which Chu Tian joined unintentionally, the other members seemed to have heard about the first player in the Eastern Han who owned a Level 3 village from the system as well. They began discussing the top-ranking player in the Eastern Han 'Jiujiu Old Qin'.

"I heard that Jiujiu Old Qin is a beta-testing player, and he has great influence. If he could make use of his influence in real life, he could surpass the top-ranking player in the Vatican region. But all of us are trapped in Feudal Lords now, so luck and choices become very crucial factors."

"In which prefecture is Jiujiu Old Qin's territory located? Xu Prefecture? Qing Prefecture? Jing Prefecture?"

"He's in Guanzhong."


Chu Tian kept quiet and got to grasp some interesting information from the discussion.

The top-ranking feudal-lord player in the Eastern Han was in the Guanzhong region.

Guanzhong was a great place. It was a very opulent one in the Eastern Han. It was known as 800-league Qinchuan. Otherwise, the focus of the Han Dynasty wouldn't be placed on it. When Zhuge Liang went south to attack the central plains, his strategy was to get hold of Chang'an.

Guanzhong was also one of the frontlines that resisted against the forces of other civilizations and NPC's from the grassland. Yes, apart from other players' civilizations, there were many NPC forces that had disappeared from history, such as the Western Xia, the Huns, the Otsukis, and Loulan.

The Eastern Han was colossal. Guanzhong, Hanzhong, Xu Prefecture, Yang Prefecture, Ji Prefecture, and You Prefecture had been chosen. Some even chose to settle in the protectorate of the Western region.

It must be a good thing that the number-one 'Jiujiu Old Qin' in the Eastern Han wasn't in the same prefecture as he was.