The Epic Meeting

"Master, please be careful during the trip. Generals, be sure to protect the master closely."

At the gates of Xia Town, Li Kui brought a group of citizens to send off Chu Tian, Hua Mulan, and Zhou Yafu.

Throughout the warfare of the Yellow Turban Riot, logistic services would be managed by the Han Court, so Xia Town didn't need to supply its own food. Hence, Li Kui did not need to follow the army to help manage the logistics. He could stay in Xia Town, which was much safer.

During the period of the historical warfare, the Eastern Han Court had promulgated the decree of universal ceasefire, meaning no wars were to take place among the feudal lords. Feudal lords who launched attacks by force would suffer the enmity of all the dukes, generals, and feudal lords of the Eastern Han.

Chu Tian had prepared the construction drawings and development plans in advance, so Li Kui only had to develop the town according to the plan. The most ideal situation would be for Xia Town to be very close to a Level 3 town update after Chu Tian returned.

The Eastern Han occupied an area of several tens of millions square meters, and Chu Tian had chosen the Guangzong battlefield of Julu Prefecture. Julu Prefecture was situated in Ji State, which was around Hebei. If they traveled from Xu Prefecture of Langya Nation to Julu Prefecture of Ji State by foot, the great war would probably end by the time they arrived.

This wasn't even considering some feudal lords from even more remote regions, especially feudal lords of Jiao Prefecture and the western protectorates. By the time they reached by foot, forget the Riot of the Yellow Turbans, the attack on Dong Zhuo might even have begun.

Taking situations like this into consideration, the participating feudal lords and free players could utilize the transport stations of the nearby big cities to be sent to the battlefields. The existence of transport stations helped save a lot of traveling and time. 

In Feudal Lords, the existence of transport stations was also essential for transport between prefectures and cities, or else a feudal lord would never be able to unite the entire Eastern Han his whole life, as he would always be on the road.

It would take more than a lifetime to travel a land of several tens of millions square meters by foot.

However, activating the transport systems required a price to be paid; their usage wasn't unlimited.

Chu Tian led 800 people in the direction of Langya City. The status of Langya City was a large-scale city, and it was even the county town of Langya Nation. It was also named Kaiyang City, where transport stations were available.

Hua Mulan agreed to Li Kui's request, "Sir Li, please rest assured. We will certainly protect the master."

Zhou Yafu also added, "Certainly."

Xia Town's Level 5 hall of loyalty was still under construction. Chu Tian was slightly worried about the development of Xia Town, but in order to gain the rewards for the first historical warfare, Chu Tian chose to take the risk and leave.

Having an advantage during the early stages was of paramount importance. Besides, the rewards of historical warfares were the most attractive among all the events.

The Battle of Okehazama of the Dongying region, the Third Servile War of the Vatican region, the Samhan Union War of the Goryeo region… Each civilization had unlocked it's own first historical warfare.

Feudal lords with their names on the ranking of the historical warfare had a high chance of rising as the great feudal lords of their own civilization. In the future, they would be representing their respective civilizations.

Therefore, every feudal lord went all out and to acquire the early advantage for themselves.

"Xia Town will be left under your care, sir."

Before setting off, Chu Tian put his mind at ease and handed Xia Town over to Li Kui. With Li Kui managing Xia Town, Chu Tian felt more reassured.

"Remember to return alive."

Xia Tianliang, who was the market officer, came forth to see off Chu Tian too. She was a special talent in the field of internal affairs, which didn't grant her an opportunity to go on the battlefield.

"If other players come to find fault during this period, I'll need you to help settle them for me."

Chu Tian did not doubt Li Kui's capacity at all, but in terms of interacting with other players, Chu Tian still preferred Xia Tianliang. The latter was more familiar with the way things were sorted out among players, which was something that Li Kui couldn't ever compare with.

Xia Tianliang nodded, "Rest assured, I was a village chief not long ago."

"If I die in the war this time, you will inherit Xia Town."

Chu Tian appointed Xia Tianliang, who was also a player like him, as his heir.

Chu Tian had prepared for the worst. If he died in the war, Xia Town would no longer have a feudal lord, and the last thing he wanted was for Xia Town, which he had painstakingly built up from the ground, to end in ruins. Li Kui was the civil officer, but he wasn't suitable to take the post of the feudal lord. That left him with no other candidates.

"Don't say that. You will surely come back alive."

Chu Tian didn't know that his casual remark had resulted in a rise in Xia Tianliang's loyalty toward him.

There were no metrics for loyalty among players, but a gentleman would die for one who recognized his worth, which was a principle that everyone more or less upheld. This was one of the tactics to win people's hearts.

"Off we go."

Chu Tian led his 800 soldiers and began their voyage. The war flags of Xia Town and the banners of Hua Mulan, Zhou Yafu, and Liu Sando were fluttering in the wind as they marched to the North of the Yi River, where Langya City was located.


In Xiangping District, Liaodong Prefecture, You State, a small cavalry from You State was advancing fast in the direction of Xiangping City. This cavalry was a Grade 3 cavalry with only fifty members; the rest of the cavalries were Grade 1 light cavalries.

Despite the small size of the You Cavalry, what a Grade 3 cavalry meant during early stages such as this was clear, without anything being said.

"Jiujiu Old Qin, I have chosen the battlefield of Julu Prefecture this time. Which battlefield have you chosen? Let's see if you seize first place, or me."

The eyes of "Soldier at the Border in Late Ming" were blazing with high spirits. Standing by his side was a commander of the Ming Dynasty, Zu Dashou.

On the prairie of Guanzhong, a heavy infantry was marching toward the county town. This heavy infantry was armed with fine armor, with warring spears that were 4.5 meters long in their hands. They were far from what the light cavalrymen, in quilted and leather armors, could even hope to compare with.

The feudal lord who had been the center of the Eastern Han's attention, Jiujiu Old Qin, was the feudal lord of this heavy cavalry. He had been fighting for first place of the Eastern Han with Soldier at the Border in Late Ming, which was a matter that had been widely spread among other feudal lords. The first place of the Eastern Han was pendulous between them.

Jiujiu Old Qin was the feudal lord with the first village in the Eastern Han, while Soldier at the Border in Late Ming was the feudal lord with the first town in the Eastern Han.

This was closely related to their geographical locations. At the moment, Guanzhong had fertile prairies and a large population, while You State had large numbers of cavalrymen, which allowed it to expand quickly. Each had its own advantage.

"We are on the way to the battlefield of Yingchuan Prefecture, and we'll be meeting the hero Cao Cao in a bit. Cao Cao doesn't have any commanders at the moment, as he's still a young man full of righteous ardor at the moment. I might want to befriend him."

Jiujiu Old Qin was very confident about the battle this time.

In Lujiang Prefecture, most of the feudal lords had chosen the third battlefield, the one in Nanyang Prefecture. The reason was simple: the ferocious tiger of Jiangdong, Sun Jian, would be joining the battle of Nanyang Prefecture. The feudal lords around Jiangdong wanted to build rapport with the Sun family, using this opportunity to do so.

At the basin area of Hanzhong, a feudal lord was looking down upon the civil soldiers that were spread out all over the hills and dales, muttering to himself, "The less people join the Yellow Turban Army, the better. That way, I have a chance of topping the ranking of the Yellow Turban Army. The characteristics I received by joining the Cult of the Five Pecks of Rice are more suitable for the rewards of the Yellow Turban Camp."

More than 3,000 civil soldiers were heading for Nanzheng District, with him in the lead.

Feudal lords from Jing State, Yi State, Jiao State, Bing State, Liang State, Yan State, Qing State, and the western protectorates were gathering toward their respective county towns like moths drawn to flames, all ready to head for the three battlefields in Julu Prefecture, Yingchuan Prefecture, and Nanyang Prefecture via the transport stations.

Despite the numerous perils involved in historical warfare, humans would always die for wealth, like how birds died for food. Many great feudal lords were willing to take the risk. Some feudal lords and players had even chosen the Yellow Turban Camp in order to secure a place in the ranking.

Choosing the Yellow Turban Camp did not necessarily mean it was precarious. As long as they could stand it for a month, they would receive their rewards after the warfare had ended.

When Chu Tian arrived in Langya City with his 800 soldiers, the city was already teeming with people. The feudal lords and free players of Langya Nation were only allowed to be transported via Langya City.

In neutral cities, feudal lords and free players dared not cause any trouble, so it was quite safe.

These feudal lords and free players who came to Langya City could not help but go wild when they saw Chu Tian, who was leading 800 soldiers. The great feudal lords, who usually hid within Langya City, had all swarmed out like hornets from a nest at this time.