Battlefield of Julu Prefecture

At least a hundred feudal lords under the jurisdiction of Langya Nation had gathered in Langya City, along with free players from several dozen guilds. There were more than a hundred thousand players in Langya Nation, but not all the players were daring enough to take part in the perilous historical warfare. Lives could be lost at any time.

"All of you, do not make noise. Whoever disobeys will be beheaded!"

The guards of Langya City were maintaining order.

The expansion of players' influence and enhancement of free players' status were posing increasingly greater threats on the power of NPC's. If not for the fact that the NPC's hadn't had the desire to aggrandize their influence, the feudal lords would have been struck by catastrophes by now.

Chu Tian's 800-man army seemed particularly conspicuous among all the feudal lords. Especially the one hundred cavalrymen of Xia Town, which was an amount that almost no other feudal lords in Langya City had. A single warhorse cost at least 200 units of gold.

Aside from the 100 light cavalrymen, Xia Town also had 200 Grade 3 Xu archers and 500 elite infantrymen. These soldiers were equipped with equipment seized from various villages and towns, and weapons manufactured from Xia Town itself using iron, leather and timber, as well as leather armors, leather shields and wooden shields.

A robust cavalryman in the lead held the war flag of Xia Town high in midair. When the other feudal lords saw Xia Town's formidable army, they subconsciously dodged to the side.

It was the nature of humans to bully the weak and fear the strong.

Xia Town's array of commanders was even more impressive. It was made up of two royal, one golden-level, and three silver-level commanders.

Upon their arrival in Langya City, Chu Tian bought every one of them a silver-level low-grade warhorse.

"Brother Farm, you really came for this historical warfare. This is our chairman, Snow Moon."

A united army formed by a group of feudal lords and free players saw Chu Tian, one of the guys coming forward to greet Chu Tian.

This group of people were members of the Roaming Wolves Guild.

Chu Tian did not usually pay much attention to the guild, and the other feudal lords in the guild weren't within his area of influence either.

However, the Roaming Wolves Guild seemed to be a fairly powerful guild. They could afford to gather a few dozen feudal lords and form an army of several thousand men now. The chairman of Roaming Wolves Guild, Snow Moon, was a short-haired female player clad in iron armor, with a huge sword on her back. She seemed to be a commander-type feudal lord.

She took a measuring glance at the member before her with curious eyes. The total prosperity level of Chu Tian's territory was ranked among the top 20 in the Eastern Han; his individual influence alone was almost as strong as a medium-sized guild.

Chu Tian always kept a low profile. He went about his life almost only in his own territory, so as the chairman, Snow Moon had never met Chu Tian before.

"Which battlefield have you chosen?"

"The battlefield of Julu Prefecture."

"The feudal lords of our guild have also chosen the battlefield of Julu Prefecture. The transport station randomly allocated our points of birth. If the feudal lords of our guild happen to be allocated in neighboring camps, I hope we can take care of each other."

Snow Moon tidied her bangs. As the chairman, she did not request that Chu Tian do anything. It was only a normal collaboration among feudal lords of the same guild.


Chu Tian knew that the feudal lords of the guild had chosen the camp of the Han Court. In this warfare, they would be allies.

The country had thirteen states and about a hundred prefectures. Every prefecture contained a large number of guilds, so it was better to look after one another than to make foes everywhere.

Only madmen would choose to offend all the NPC forces and players' guilds, only making their own lives difficult.

"How many men have you brought? My Xue Yue Town has sent 500 soldiers."

The chairman of Roaming Wolves Guild, Snow Moon, noticed the group of elites standing behind Chu Tian, which included Hua Mulan, Zhou Yafu, and Liu Sandao. She couldn't help but wonder how many men Xia Town had brought.


"800?! I can't believe it. Not even my town can afford to raise so many soldiers. We would have gone bankrupt!" Snow Moon softly cried out in awe.

No matter what, being able to raise 800 professional soldiers in just half a year was a development that would leave many feudal lords in dead water.

The military forces dispatched by other feudal lords of the Roaming Wolves Guild were even smaller. Feudal lords with two hundred to three hundred professional soldiers were already considered big feudal lords in Langya Nation. Small feudal lords might only have a few dozen to a hundred professional soldiers.

"Many guilds will be participating in the warfare this time, and they might choose to join the Yellow Turban Camp. I wonder how many people will die this time."

The feudal lords of the Roaming Wolves Guild were more or less anxious.

All the feudal lords and free players who joined this historical warfare would be sent to random military camps. Therefore, it was difficult for feudal lords to join forces, unless two of them happened to be reborn at the same location.

When the number of feudal lords that had congregated at Langya City reached a certain point, the transport station of Langya Town was then activated. The city governor of Langya Nation, Zang Ba, came in person with his soldiers to maintain order. One by one, the feudal lords led their own troops into the transport station to be sent to their respective battlefields.

"How great will it be, if we are born into locations near each other? If our two towns join forces, we will have 1,300 soldiers. The chances of that are slim, however. Players from nearly a hundred prefectures have joined the battle after all, and at least ten thousand feudal lords have chosen the Julu battlefield," Snow Moon said before leading Xue Yue Town's army into the transport station. Their towns were considered the bigger towns among Langya Nation, and if they joined forces, they would be able to resist a thousand Yellow Turban soldiers.

Next, Chu Tian led his 800 soldiers into the transport station.

This was the first time Chu Tian used the transport station of the city.

The scenery before Chu Tian's eyes turned from Langya City into a prairie, surrounded by desolate lands. In front of Chu Tian was an enormous wooden stockade, with wooden walls as high as four meters. Precisely speaking, it was a colossal camp of the Han Army, which consisted of defense facilities such as chevaux-de-frises, abatises, moats, and wooden fences, as well as about a hundred wooden arrow towers. Arrow towers were the last of the Han Empire's elites!

[Name]: Archers of the She Sheng Camp

[Status]: 70

[Description]: Has the empire that was once so powerful gone for good? Where shall I go then…

Chu Tian was slightly shocked. The She Sheng Camp was one of the five troops of the Northern Army, the last elite that the Great Han Empire had control over. It was because of this elite troop that the Han Empire was able to suppress the insurgence of the Yellow Turbans. 

Nonetheless, as the elites of the Han Empire were lost and prestigious families and dukes rose all over the place, the Great Han Empire eventually lost control of the situation.

If one was hit by arrows released by a Grade 70 archer from the arrow tower, he might be killed on the spot.

The archers of the She Sheng Camp were guarding the place from the top of the wooden arrow towers. If the Yellow Turban Army was to conquer this wooden stockade, they might have to pay a tremendous price.

Apart from Chu Tian, many more feudal lords were gradually being sent to this wooden stockade.

Due to the excessive number of players who had participated in the war that would decide the fate of the country, the Han Army and the Yellow Turban Army at the battlefield of Julu Prefecture had set up numerous wooden stockades, forming an opposing force between the two armies.

The center of the battlefield was Guangzong County Town, and the Yellow Turban chief who guarded Guangzong was Zhang Jiao. There were at least several hundred thousand Yellow Turban soldiers in Guangzong City.

Chu Tian did not see Snow Moon and Fatty from the Roaming Wolves Guild. After all, players from nearly a hundred prefectures had joined the battle, and the points of birth were random. They were clueless about which camp they would be sent to.

A chief of the Han Army walked toward them under the escort of several dozen kinsmen, convening all the feudal lords who were born into this wooden stockade.

These Han soldiers were clad in expensive iron armors, which made Chu Tian rather jealous. Even with Xia Town's current capacity, it still could not afford to produce a large number of iron armors.

The Han Army's chief had a righteous look on his face, and his voice was like the rumbling of thunder as he spoke up, "I am the commander of the Han Army, Ma Zhangtie. This camp has 120 loyal chiefs in total, and 18,000 loyal soldiers. The Yellow Turban Army has been wreaking havoc in the country, attempting to sway our very foundation. Hence, we shall stand forth and fight for the country till our last breaths! Next, I am going to explain to you the rules of gaining merits in this war against the Yellow Turbans!"