Prologue 1

The night was dark, Twilight had set long ago leaving the moon to fill the openings of the roads that connected through the woods. "Seonghwa!" I screamed as loud as I could. The SUV sped off ahead with the others following behind. Quickly as a SUV was getting ready to pull out I quickly jumped on the step up opening the door. The back of my fist landed against someone's face just as he had taught me, he passed out and I grabbed his pistol ducking as shots fired. "Fucking hit her!"

The driver screamed, I looked up  pulling the trigger with no regrets, just as he had taught me. One of the guys in the back clutched his shoulder, I took that as my go and hopped over the unconscious body shooting whoever was in the passenger seat and grabbing the door handle pushing the man bleeding out and the sleeping man out. "What the hell?!"

I immediately felt a stabbing pain in my right arm as the pistol I picked up hit the side of his head. I groaned as I pulled the dagger from my arm and grabbed the wheel. With 1 dead body and 1 unconscious, I grabbed seat adjuster and slid the whole seat back allowing me access to the petals. 

I looked in the rear view mirror to see everyone else following behind me on their motorcycles. I chuckled and stepped on the gas, I noticed I was going to fast and I would crash trying to make the sharp turn. Hongjoong's voice rang through my ear piece, "Y/N STOP, YOU WON'T MAKE IT!"

I grinned through the mirror and spoke into my speaker, "Trust me." I threw my ear piece on the seat and pushed the last dead body out of the car yelling a sorry to San who was on he bike next to me. I smirked evilly and closed the door. I waited for the perfect moment pushing my loud heartbeat in the back of my head and did just like Seonghwa had done many months ago.

I pulled the emergency break back hard and spun the wheel left. The SUV left the ground as it flipped in the air. I closed my eyes and held my breath, the SUV landed on it's wheels making glass break and I pushed the emergency break back down and stepped on the gas, gaining speed up to the other SUVs. I stuck the ear piece back in and fought to look through the cracked windshield. 

I heard screaming in my ear as cheers erupted from the boys. "I told you to trust me." I leaned down and grabbed one of the guns that was in the floor board and loaded it quickly. I leaned outside of the window and flicked the boys behind me off as I smirked at them. My foot adjusted the seat as I put all the unconscious man's weight on the gas as the SUV sped up.

"Y/N What the hell are you doing now?!" I laughed and smirked as I crawled onto the top of the SUV as it sped up. "Y/N!" I looked back and posed cutely before jumping on top of the other SUV as the one i drove made hard contact with the back of the other one.  "God Damn it Y/N be careful!"

Hongjoong's worried voice rang through my ear as the other boys cheered once again. Shots were soon being shot through the roof and I just barely missed them. I made my way to the back windshield and kicked the glass in causing groans from the men inside. Holding onto the railing I hung upside down shooting three men in the head, "She doesn't fucking give up does she?!"

"Nope!" His eyes went wide as I landed on the dead bodies and shot another guy in the passenger seat. "You took the only thing I had going for me, Now i'm gonna take your life. I mean it's only fair." I smirked devilishly as I pulled the trigger once again taking over the car. I'll get you back Seonghwa.. "Y/N Seonghwa would want you back safely, he wouldn't want you passing his kill scor-"

"Shut up Hongjoong!" The line filled with silence as I sped up to the side of the next SUV shooting the driver and his tire causing the whole SUV to flip to the side of the road.  "I'm making my way to the last car, I'm going to get him back!"

I took the ear piece and threw it out the window making sure it hit Hongjoong. I sped up making another turn, I got next to the SUV and launched myself through the window, just barely holding onto the other's side view mirror.  I busted the window open and slammed the drivers head into the steering wheel while shot fired and I ducked.

I almost fell only to feel someone behind me hold my back, I looked over to see Mingi, "Hurry!" I smiled grabbing the gun he handed me and lifting up shooting one of the men in the back. Another sat there with blood and a bag on his head passed out, "Seonghwa hold on!" While the guy was busy trying to catch the wheel I slowly made my way to the back of the car, my arm was beginning to slow me down. "Seonghwa-" My voice cut out and I felt tears wanting to leave my eyes.

I removed the bag only it wasn't Seonghwa but it was one of their men. My guard was down and he got the best of me, I looked into his eyes only to see a lifeless man looking back. He didn't care if he lived or died as long as his job got done.