Prologue 2

His hand pushed something into my stomach, I grabbed his hand but he only pushed it further into my stomach.

He looked me in the eyes and smiled as blood filled my mouth. The gross iron taste falling onto both of our arms, he pulled the knife out abruptly. His smile fell only to see that we had stopped, I looked up to see we were the ditch, through all the crashing I was so focused on only the knife I never felt the SUV make contact with the green earth. The last guy up front flew threw the windshield as I flew to the seat groaning, the man who stabbed me stayed against the seat as his seat belt kept him there.

Anger rushed through me, my arm was pouring blood as my stomach was too. They had made a damn trade and took Seonghwa somewhere else while we were all distracted, I used the only strength I still had to raise the gun and pull the trigger one last time. The kick of the gun only hurting my arm more. 

I cried out in pain as I moved my body to kick the door out. I kept Seonghwa's voice in my head as I pushed past the pain, soon seeing everyone run towards me. San beat Hongjoong by an inch and tried his best to help me out, "Are you ok-" "I'm fine! They fucking took him in a different car on a different route!"

I gritted my teeth as San tried to help me walk only for me to fall, "Y/N! Someone get the medical kit!" "What's wrong with her?" I heard Yeosang's voice chime in, "She bleeding everywhere! She was stabbed in the stomach and arm- wait... Y/N When did you get shot?!" My eyes slowly closed as Hongjoong's voice faded, soon my whole body started to shut down and I blacked out.