At least I would look good... Unlike someone

I walked through the hallway with Tracy and Rose by my side. The whole hallway was filled with students who were rushing for their next class. And some of them were just lingering there chatting with their friends.

While Tracy was saying something my gaze suddenly landed on Elias who was a little far. He was walking alone as usual and some people even scooted away from him like he was a disease. But he didn't gave a damn about them. His expression was like nothing has happened. The confidence in his steps didn't flattered a bit.

He might have gotten accustomed to it. But I felt a prick in my heart like every time when I see people degrade him. He came after taking 3 days leave. Seems like he has recovered from his injury. I remained silent and turned my attention back towards what Tracy was saying.

"It's Elias!" Tracy and Rose said in unison and Tracy nudging me in my ribs. Oh, seems like They had noticed him too.

"Yeah. So?" I said nonchalantly.

"He's coming this way"

"What will you say if he greets you" Rose and Tracy said simultaneously.

I rolled my eyes. "He is not coming towards us. He's just crossing through this hallway. AND he won't greet me. He will ignore me just like he ignores everybody" I said by emphasizing the word 'and'.

"How can you say so?" Tracy glared at me in disbelief.

"I know he won't. Just wait and see" I said with full certainty. Even though the tiny part of me wished that he would at least acknowledge my presence.

As Elias got nearer to us Tracy and Rose didn't dare speak, waiting for the scene to happen. I didn't bothered glancing at him. I looked straight ahead of me. Even though I was looking ahead, my eyes weren't focused on it. They were somehow tracking Elias's movement.

Just like I said, he passed us without even giving a single glance this way. As soon as he passed us a bomb blasted who were Tracy and Rose. They halted and stood before me.

"He didn't even glanced at you" Rose hissed at low voice.

"Yeah! How can he be so heartless" Tracy whispered-shouted.

I rolled my eyes again. "I did said you already. And It's just his nature. You can't change it"

"What would he LOSE if he would just glance at you" Tracy said with disdain without listening to anything I said and her eyes still directed at him.

"I said you already, didn't I? Now, let's go!" I hold their arms firmly and turned them forward dragging them along with me. Both of them gave me a look which said 'how could you just let it slide'. I ignored them.

Just as we went little bit ahead the noises in the hallway quieted down. Our pace automatically slowed down and we looked behind us and found 2 popular gang blocking Elias's path and surrounding him in semicircle. One was Brian's gang and the other one was junior year's popular gang.

Even after such a long time it was still unsettling to watch them sneer at him. My gaze went towards everybody's expression. There was disdain written on everyone's face. Either they were sneering at him or scowling at him. Only their expressions were enough for oneself to lose the hope of living, and make oneself feel unwanted.

Back of Elias head was facing me so I wasn't able see his expression. Every other people who were passing through this hallway had stopped walking and even talking. But some of them were whispering with each other.

Then my gaze landed on Anna who was smirking at Elias and had stood before him like she was the queen of England or something.

My thoughts went towards the time when we were at freshman year. The time when every girl in our school were throwing themselves at Elias. Even the senior girls were crazy about him. And the time when so many girls would gather around him as soon as he would step out from his car but he would walk pass through them ignoring every single one of them.

Some had confessed to him, some had asked him on a date, some had tried to seduce him with their beautiful face, some had even tried to use their superiority they had in the school.

Even Anna was one of them. At that time Anna was different, she was girly but the arrogance was same as now. She used to wear dresses and short skirts more often. Once, we three were in cafeteria and it was filled with students. It was almost the end of freshman year, and now almost the whole school knew Elias.

We were engrossed in conversation while having our lunch, when suddenly someone shouted.

"Elias!" The voices in the cafeteria quieted down and everyone looked at the source of the voice. It was Anna, who had stood on the raised platform of the cafeteria. The raised platform was 2ft higher than the ground. Our cafeteria had a raised platform where every important announcement were made.

She had wore a beautiful dress which reaches just above her knees. I then followed Anna's gaze. She was looking at Elias Brown, who was holding a tray and was about to sit to eat but stopped when his name was called. He looked at Anna solemnly.

"Elias! Will you go on a date with me tomorrow" Anna shouted in front of everyone so that her voice would reach to Elias. Everyone looked dumbstruck. I looked at her with wide eyes.

Damn! She is way too confident. When everybody has seen Elias rejecting every single girl how can she boldly ask him?

Elias Brown stood there for few seconds. Everyone anticipating Elias's answer. But to everyone's shock he simply sat down ignoring everything like nothing happened at all.

I was dumbstruck. Even though I knew he would reject but ignoring like that. I looked at Tracy and Rose, they were wearing the same expression too. All of us looked at each other in bewilderment.

Anna was standing there and was looking at Elias like she was hallucinating it. It was quite a hit to her. At first hurt was written on her face but then it changed into humiliation. She didn't moved from her spot for few seconds. But then she ran down the dais and when towards his table.

When she reached his table, he glared at everyone who were looking at them and gave a look which clearly meant 'mind your own business'. So everybody stopped staring at them and went on with their own businesses including us. So I don't know what happened between them later. But it was clear that Anna was rejected by him.

Because after that day Anna was nowhere to be seen. By that I mean she was acting low-key, her arrogance had melted. Off course it would, after all she was humiliated in front of the whole school. From that time on she had been holding grudge on him. And her hatred for him didn't lessened.

After we finished our freshman year and was back for sophomore year. Anna was back with her new look and new arrogance. She became different. From girly she became tomboy.

In freshman only Hailey and Anna were together then at sophomore year from two they became five. Their popularity started to increase. Brian, Sam, Liam, Hailey and Anna. At the end of sophomore year they were known in whole school. They used their popularity to crush Elias. And by the end of sophomore year Elias was labeled as school's outcast.

Now back to present.

"Oh Oh!" Anna said dramatically covering her mouth with her hand. "You can walk now?" she curved her lips in a mock surprise. Everybody who stood their blocking Elias path laughed in her reply. The mocking laughter echoing the whole hallway.

I looked at them with contempt. How can they be so shameless!

We went near them. Now Elias's face was in clear view. Just like I thought his face was expressionless. He stood there waiting patiently for them to finish attacking him with their words.

"What do you mean Anna? Off course he can walk" Brian said in a sickly sweet manner mockery evident in his words and moved his gaze from Anna to Elias. Anna nodded mockingly in reply.

"I feel pity for his team mates. Poor them. Will get tortured by their useless captain again" Sam said in such a tone like he genuinely care for them and made a clicking noise with his tongue looking at Elias.

Elias's lips twitched and one corner of his lips slightly tilted upwards, my eyes blinked and when I looked at him again it was as if I imagined it.

But no I didn't! I swear I didn't imagine it!

He was about to smile but he stifled it. And how could he smile at this situation. When I looked around everyone seemed oblivious about it.

Maybe… I imagined it?

"Yeah! Poor them" a boy from sophomore year's popular gang said.

"HEY! ELI!" another boy from the same group called out mockingly a little louder than necessary. Elias slowly lifted his gaze towards the boy and gave him a bored look. "Why don't you join cheerleading squad instead of being a useless captain of basketball team" he said loudly and everyone laughed along with him. I felt like gaging by looking at him, he was not at all handsome and was acting like he was the most handsome. Elias glared at him, the confidence in that boy flattered. He swallowed whatever he was about to say after receiving a glare. He stood there silently.

I hate it when juniors disrespect their seniors.

"How beautiful you would look with short skirt and cropped blouse with that fair skin of yours" Brian mocked laughing hard. Everyone laughed even who were watching from afar laughed too.

How I wish I would have an arrow and I would shoot it right between his eyes!

But my mind immediately created a picture of Elias in cheerleading uniform. The laughter bubbled out from my mouth and I quickly stifled it with my palm.

When I looked at Elias his lips were lifted in smirk. I hadn't seen him smirk anytime.

"At least I would look good" everyone became silent "unlike someone…" Elias said with hidden laughter shocking everyone and looked pointedly at Brian. He never talks back. This is new.

Laughter automatically bubbled out from me uncontrollably. My voice sounding loud in the silence. Tracy and Rose laughed too not being able to hold it anymore. Few other girls laughed too, so I was saved from getting noticed.

Elias walked pass them stuffing both of his hands in his pockets and his expression was back to normal in split seconds.

It was really hilarious to imagine Brian in cheerleading uniform with his bulky arms and legs and with really manly face. Brian face was filled with anger. He glared at Hailey when she chuckled too. Brian's face was priceless.

"Rose Tracy, lets go" I said them quietly fearing Brian might get angry on us for laughing at him. We quickly vanished from there and went on our way.

"Weren't you shock to hear Elias speak?" Tracy asked still shocked.

"Yeah! It was quiet a hit to everyone" I said still laughing. "You should have seen his face later. It was like he didn't said anything at all"

"Don't you think you notices stuffs way too much" Rose said with matter of fact tone. I gave her an incredulous look. Her words reminded me of while ago when Elias was about to smile. I thought of asking her about it then thought otherwise.

"We still have 5 minutes for the class to start" Tracy said after checking her watch. "Let's sit somewhere"

Tracy looked at me and gestured at Rose with her eyes secretly. I grinned understanding what she meant and nodded subtly. We found a windowsill. We went near it and Tracy and Rose sat on that little space. And I stood in front of them, leaning on them.

Both of us looked at Rose with a weird grin on our face. We detained her with our gaze.

"What..?" she trailed off. "Why are you guys looking at me like that?" she asked grinning at us confusingly.

"How much long did you thought of hiding it from us? Yeah?" I asked Rose standing right in front of her and folded my hands in authority.

"What did I hide from you guys?" Rose asked acting fully confused. Let's make it clear here, she has many things that she hides from us so she didn't know which particular thing we were talking about.

"You didn't said us that you still had a crush on that Florida guy" I glared at her a little.

"What? Who?" she tried to act dumb but failed. She grinned and changed her sitting position. Tracy hold both of her hand and made her sit still. She raised her one eyebrow questioningly at Rose.

"Seth! Then who?!" Tracy said a little frustrated.

At last year winter break Rose went to Florida for vacation, there she met Seth O'Connor. I don't know what happened between them exactly.

"Oh!" Rose grinned giving an exaggerated nod.

"Do you still like him?" Tracy asked her curiously. Rose gave a slow nod. My grin widened.

"I said you!" I exclaimed at Tracy jumping a little. "Does he use ig?" I asked anticipating the answer.

"Mmm" she simply hummed in reply. I quickly take out my cell phone from my bag pack and searched his id name.

"Come nearer" Tracy gestured with her hand to bring the phone in her view. I then hold the phone in both of their view.

"Which one is him?" I asked when quite some ids showed up. Rose clicked on one of the id. I was about to scroll down but suddenly one post caught all of ours attention. I looked up at Rose and Tracy in shock, they had the same reaction. I clicked on the post and looked at it with wide eyes and then at Rose. I then narrowed my eyes at her.

"Did you know about it?" I asked her sternly holding the phone before her. "No! I didn't" she said and snatched the phone from my hand and looked at it closely. It was the selfie of Rose and Seth Together in a café. And it was posted recently.

"Tracy! Read out the caption" I said getting intrigued.

"Miss this girl. Who would have thought that losing my apartment key would led me to have such an awesome encounter with this lovely girl a year ago. I hope we can meet again" Tracy read out loud. Then I and Tracy looked at Rose with stupid grin on our face. Rose blushed and squirmed in her place.

"Rose is blushing" I and Tracy said in unison while laughing our heart out. Rose smacked Tracy so I quickly went a little away from her reach before she could hit me.

The apartment they lived in Florida was next to Seth's apartment. Rose forgot to bring the key along with her from her parents and Seth lost his key. 4 boys including Seth lived in that apartment and nobody was at home that day.

"Oh My God! We will be late" I exclaimed grabbing their attention.

"No! The bell hasn't rang yet" Tracy said and checked her watch. Just as she finished saying the bell rang. We started running, some of the students were still lingering in the corridor.

"Are you still in contact with him?" Tracy asked Rose after our classroom got nearer and we slowed down our pace.

"Yeah" she said nonchalantly.

"And you didn't thought it was important to say us!" I retorted.

"What's there to say? We just talk occasionally. And I had said you once that I talked with him" she said with a sheepish grin.

"It was a long time ago. You said us at the beginning. Later you didn't said that you are still in contact with him" Tracy snapped.

"Now you guys know right!" she said and grinned cheekily.