

The bell rang indicating the end of lunch break and beginning of the next class. I stood up from my chair. I, Tracy and Rose were sitting in our usual spot.

"I have lab now. Bye! I will meet with you guys later" I said and waved at them. I went towards Sam's table which was two table before us.

"Hey Sam! Let's go" I said gesturing with my eyes towards the exit of cafeteria.

He groaned and slumped in his chair deeper. "I'm not coming" he grumbled. I glared at him.

"Don't you dare waste my time!" I said while tapping my one feet on the ground. "Come on! Get up!" I ordered.

"I'm not coming" Sam said and placed his elbow on the table and turned his face away from me by leaning his face on his palm.

I sighed. "Why not?" I asked acting vulnerable. "Sam?" I whined.

"He's not coming" a authoritative voice came from opposite of Sam. Fear crept in me because of the sharpness of the voice. I turned towards Brian who was sitting there holding his cell phone and his face was dripping with arrogance. Looking at his arrogant face my hatred for him slightly rose. So the fear crept in me was overcome by the hatred for him.

I hid both my fear and anger and plastered a smile on my face.

"I'm talking with Sam" I said sweetly. I couldn't stopped the words coming out from my mouth. I said sweetly because I didn't want to be on his bad side. What if I would become their next victim after Elias. NoNo! Only thinking about it is giving me goosebumps.

"Saintess! We all are going to skip the class" Sam said finally turning his face towards me and gestured at his friends with his gaze. I ignored what he called me and rolled my eyes at him.

"You always do that, don't you? So don't skip this class. You can skip next one right?" I pleaded. "please! For me! Only this one!" I tried to act cute.

He sighed.

"Fine!" he said finally giving in. "But… I will attend only half of the period" he said with finality.

I nodded obediently.

"Only you can make him do whatever you want Mary!" Hailey chuckled. I looked at her and I chuckled too.

"That's not exactly the truth, Hailey! And… you're making me sound mean" I chuckled.

"oops, I didn't meant to make you sound mean. And it's exactly the truth" Hailey grinned.

"oh stop talking about me like I'm not here" Sam jolted from his chair and gave both of us a serious look. I looked at him with straight lips. I really can't take him seriously. I bet he is laughing from inside. My lips couldn't sit straight for longer. The corner of my lips lifted and then it was blown to full grin.

Looking at me Sam couldn't keep his serious face any longer and smiled. He grunted, getting slightly frustrated at me. Hailey chuckled again.

Sam took hold of my wrist and dragged me not letting me to talk with Hailey any longer. I gave her a quick wave. Sam stopped dragging me and dropped my wrist after we were out of cafeteria.

Hallway was fully packed everybody rushing for there classes. First we went towards our locker and took the books which was needed and then We made our way to the lab.

When we reached almost the whole class was filled. We took our usual desk which was the last second desk at the right corner of the class. Well this spot was chosen by Sam. He chose this spot because it is out of teacher's view.

Students were still coming. After two minutes the whole classroom filled with students and the teacher came. But she was not our lab teacher.

"Silence!" The teacher ordered in a loud voice. Everybody stopped bickering and concentrated on the teacher. "I am Mrs. Moore. Mr. Peterson is on leave today. So complete whatever work he has given you or you can practice with this chemical or you can do whatever you want which is related to chemistry. But don't ask your doubts to me about chemistry. Ask Mr. Peterson when he comes. Okay?" Mrs. Moore said.

"Ok" some students replied.

I slowly turned my gaze at Sam feeling guilty. I gave him a sheepish smile. I forcefully made him to attend the class not letting him skip it and the teacher is on the leave. I then frowned. "Sorry" I said to him genuinely.

Feeling my sincerity he nodded accepting my apology.

"I will forgive you for this one" he said in warning tone.

"We have match with west high this Thursday" Sam said excitedly. His expression changed from serious to the usual Sam within seconds.

"You do?" I too perked up by the news. I really like sports whether it be watching or playing. But off course I like playing more.


"In which school?"


North high, South high, East high and West high are the 4 famous high schools in our city. In which East high school is ours. West high was in final with us last year. And our school won the final. West high school have quite strong players too. So this week match will be awesome.

"Don't forget to cheer for me" Sam said.

"How can I forget?" I said.

"I will show everybody this Thursday how the real soccer is played" Sam said with enthusiasm.

I gave him a puzzled look. "Were you playing fake soccer for so long?" I asked acting puzzled.

"Saintes" he said with an expression which said 'stupid'.

I laughed in reply.

"Hey! you look good today" I said sarcastically giving him my full smile. "You should wear this kind of outfit more often" I mocked and then laughed.

He was wearing track pant which was double of his size. "I slept at Brian's yesterday. That Damn Brian didn't let me wear any of his jeans. And made me wear this loose and ugly pant" he said tugging at his pant. I laughed again. Even though I dislike some of Brian's behavior, he did good with Sam. Sam is skinny so obviously Brian's pant would be loose for him.

"Give a thumbs up to Brian from me" I grinned. He scoffed.

"Keep making fun of me" he said threateningly and smirked.

Oops I have to be careful. This man will not let me off easily.

"Sammm, can't I make fun of you for once? You make fun of me every time" I pouted.

"No" He deadpan. I scoffed.

"Mary" Suzanne called who was sitting in front of us with her partner. "Can you show us how to make this reaction?" she asked pointing her finger at the particular topic.

"Ok" I nodded. "Sam, come with me I will show you as well" I said turning towards him and got up from my place and went towards Suzanne's desk. Sam followed me reluctantly.

After I finished showing them some of the reactions half period has already finished.

Sam removed his cell phone from his pocket and used it sneakily.

"Mary, half of the period has already finished and Brian is texting me to come. I'm going. See ya!" he said and pocketed his phone back in. And walked towards teachers desk. He said something to teacher to which she nodded.

He looked back at me one last time and smirked and I childishly stuck little of my tongue out at him. He grinned and exited the classroom smugly. As teachers desk was quite far away from me I couldn't hear what he said. He might have given some lame excuse and Mrs. Moore might have actually believed it.

I talked with Suzanne and her partner for a while. After some time the bell rang. Everybody started to rush out of the class. I quickly took my books along with Sam's which he had left. And made my way out of the classroom quickly. After all I have to give it to him and go for the next class.

While I was passing through the corridor I found Tracy and Rose coming out of one of the classroom. Then they saw see too.

"Hey, where are you going in such a hurry?" Tracy asked and stopped me in my track.

"Sam left his book in class. So I have to give it to him. I have to go otherwise I will be late for next class" I said in hurry.

"What class you have next?" Rose asked.


"Let's skip then" Tracy said. I considered it for a while then agreed. Skipping literature class will not be much of a problem.

"And what class do you guys have?" I asked both of them.

"History" Rose replied.

"French" Tracy said with dislike. I chuckled at her expression. "You quickly give his book to him. We will be waiting for you at that place. Which is behind cafeteria and we will be sitting behind that big tree" Tracy said.

"Sam will be outside somewhere too" I said. We exited the building together then I took another route and Tracy and Rose took another. I took the way which leads to soccer court. I reach there and the whole court was empty. I looked at bleachers it was empty too.

Where else could they be. They might be somewhere in a hidden area. So I went around the soccer court and looked at every corner and the hidden area. I found two hidden spot but it was empty.

Why am I looking for him so much for just giving a book? I could have kept it in my locker and give him later. So stupid of me. I face-palm. I was about to make my way back but I stopped when some voices reached my ears. I followed the voices and found one more hiding spot.

"Please, let me go" an unknown boy's voice begged. It made me stop in my track. My heart started to beat faster. Without letting them know my presence I quickly stepped back out of their view. I couldn't see them but their voices were clear.

"First! Answer me! Will you do it or not?" Brian's sharp voice echoed. I don't know why but his sharp voice made my heart beat more faster in fear.

"I can't! I'm sorry! Please let me go!" the boy's voice came out like he was struggling.

Wait! Is he being bullied by Brian's gang. No way! In our school nobody bullies anyone. I hadn't seen anybody being bullied. I hadn't seen any girl being bullied by the group of girl or any boy being bullied by the group of boys.

Other then mocking and sneering there was nothing extreme. Even though there are popular groups and unpopular groups. There is no discrimination. And our school is quite known for the students safety among other school students.

"You can't?" Brian asked threateningly.

"I-I… I have- to take care of my mother" the boy stuttered in fear. "I cannot complete so many notes" his voice was teary.


"Ahhh!" the boy yelped. I guess he pushed him to the ground.

"Can't your mother take care of herself" Sam's voice sneered.

No! He just didn't said that! Can't he understand that his mother might be sick or something.

"No- she is ill—"

"So what! You are not the one who is ill right?" Liam voice cut off the boy's voice. "Yeah" it was now Anna's voice which sneered at him. I couldn't stay still for any longer.

I quickly went inside and they came in view. Liam, Sam, Brian and Anna had cornered the boy and Hailey was standing a little away just watching them. The boy might be in the same year as ours. I couldn't recognize him.

The thing that frightened me was the Brian's foot which was pressed on the boy's leg. A little pressure and his leg would break.

"What are you guys doing" My voice came high-pitched with panic. I hid my fear and tried to stand my ground. Everybody got alarmed and snapped theirs heads towards me. I eyes first connected with Brian's. I don't know why but it looked like his anger rose by looking at me.

"How did she know our hiding spot?" Brian snapped asking no one in particular and didn't moved his gaze from me. He then removed his foot from the boy's leg and moved forward towards me threateningly. A little fear rose in me but I didn't let it show.

"Brian, leave Mary to me" Sam ordered and quickly came towards me. But Brian stopped him before he could reach me. Brian blocked Sam with his arm not letting him walk ahead of it. "Brian.." Sam said in warning tone ".. let me deal with her"

They're talking like I'm not present here.

"Let him, Brian" Hailey said not moving from her position.

The boy was on the ground still whimpering. Looking at his pitiful self my anger rose at them. Then I looked at Liam who was holding the books. I guess it's the notes which they asked the boy to complete.

"Stop talking like I'm not here" I snapped at them and clenched the book in my hand. "And why are you guys bullying him?" I asked harshly. "Can't you complete your notes on your own"

Brian's green eyes filled with rage and with two quick strides he was right in front of me.

"BRIAN!" everyone shouted in fright as he pushed me hard at the wall behind me and my head impacted with the wall and sharp pain shot in the back of my head. I yelp in pain. For a second the world was spinning then it became proper. I massaged at the spot which was hurting me. It almost felt like it was bleeding. But it wasn't.

"Beast!" The word filled with contempt came out from my mouth without the second thought.