Chapter 7

Good morning, girls, mom waked us up. She open the windows and let the light fill the room. Morning mom, aimen said sitting up straight. Rubbing her eyes, mom gave her a hug. She was on the verge of tears. Mom don't cry, aimen said. Oh u kids grow up so fast, it feels like yesterday when you would barge in my room and jump on my bed waking me up,she said,the most adorable alarm clock ever. I sat up too with a big yawn. Now u girls hurry it up, we all have a tight schedule today, she got us out of bed. I pulled out a t shirt and some pants.

Aimen had this really good friend. Her name is Sofia. She owns a cosmetic company and has like 3 branches of beauty salons. She had an accident a while ago, a car crash both her hands were fractured and she had a blind spot in her eye. She was with her husband and she lost him. From there she moved on and we'll now she is a very successful woman. I adore her. How she rules her life. It's amazing. She closed one of her salons for us. So all the girls which included me, abeer, the bride herself, 2 of aimens friends fron her office and 3 more cousins from our maternal side,gathered there for our hena and make up and hair for the event.

Aayan dropped us there. Sofia greeted us with a warm hug. The girls arrived one after the another. Soon the party started to kick off. We were all on the ground with music and henna on our hands. I ordered pizza for lunch and we ate too exhausted. Aimen had her manicurees and pedicures while I fed her. At around like 5 pm we started getting ready. Aayan picked me and abeer up cause there were a few things we had to pick up. I took a shower at home cause I was covered in henna and was really sweaty. After a long warm shower I stepped out in the room grabbing my scarf cause we were already late. Ur phone has been ringing and driving me crazy,aveer said. Who was it, I asked casually. Zayn, she said with a smile. My eyes busted in surprise. What. Why is he calling me. How did he got my number. This is uncomfortable. We reached the salon.

8 miscalls. Ughh. What is wrong with him. We were alone in the salon. All the girls went home for showers. He called again. I was in my seat having my hair straightend. Abeer said to pick it up and turn the phone on speaker. I looked around first, and noticed it was really just me, abeer and aimen,and Sofia. I received the call and turned it on speaker.

Hi, I said. Hi, why weren't you picking up, he asked in a fairly calm voice. I was ummm busy, I said smiling. I just wanted to apologize, he said. Whaaaaattt. Me, sorry wait is this real or what. For what, I asked trying to hide my excitement. For that stupid prank, I swear I never intended to hurt you but ayaan and then u got hurt anyway so umm I just wanted to say that I am sorry, Alisha,he said in a hurried tone. My heart skipped a beat and my breath hitched. Ummm it's okay, zayn, I said completely frozen and jumbled up with emotions. Okay, he repeated. Umm I have to go, see you later, I said. Yeah see you, bye, he said. And then I hung up.

Everyone was starting at me and I had this goofy smile plastered on my face. So that just happened, abeer said. My chair turned around and I was facing Sofia. Lemme give you some advice Lil sis, this guy is really into you. No shit, abeer said. I know Sofia but he never said anything soo no assumptions, I said. She got back to straightening my hair. Well tell me about him, she asked. I told her everything. Sofia was always like a sister to me. She and aimen used to watch movies together and I always would sneak in too.

Around 6, the girls arrived. With loud music, gossips and chit chats we all were ready. We arrived at the hall and aimen was cornered by mom for an emotional talk. "So abeer if anything weird happens, I am gonna send you a cross eye emoji" , I said. "Okay, I will keep a eye out" , she said. We were interrupted by a ayaan." U look really pretty abeer" , he said nervously. Oh my what."Thanks", she replied shocked, I started backing out giving them space. But seriously what the filafil.

I opened up my camera to take a shot and then I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was zayn. He looks nervous." Do you need something", I asked being polite. "Umm, I wanted to talk to you for a minute," he said hesitantly. Oh. What. I started panicking. Sure, I said. He led me to a garden where we were going to have dinner. Godd, this is awkward. Being alone with him. So what is it, I asked. He got down on one knee. My breath stopped. No. Nooo. Is he going to propose me. Don't, I am only 18. I can't marry you now. Shit what should I do. Should I just faint. Oh, human being, don't be stupid. Should I just run or stop him or something. Or what if he is just tieing her shoe laces. God he looks so cute in a tuxedo. He pulled out a rose. Wheww. It's not a ring. Then he started his speech." Ever since I first met you, I was in love with you ". Typical. U r in my brain and u just can't stop thinking about u. Oooh, what an admirer. "I love you". Oh that was shocking. No like just to the point love. I always thought of him as a crush. He got up. And I realized, that my judging time is over. He looked at me with deep eyes. I smiled as sweetly as I could. Took the rose from his hand and left.

On my way out from the garden I was texting abeer to meet me in the bridal room when I collided with someone. It was aayan. He noticed that rose in my hand and asked,"where did u got that from ",with teasing eyes. Oh my filalfil. So he knows this is going to happen. Well, wait,a minute, is he behind this. I pushed him to the side. And literally ran to the bridal room. Aimen was there with abeer and Sofia.

I sat jumbled with thoughts. What happened, aimen said concerned. "Okay, so he took me to the garden, got on one knee, hive that typical speech and said I love you and gave me this rose". Who again, Sofia asked. Zayn, I said. Every one was shocked. See I told you he is in to you, Sofia said breaking the silence. And the worst thing is that a ayaan has knowledge of this, I said. No one said anything. Say something, guys I hissed. Girl it's good that he confessed, now u r on the same page, abeer said. I agree aimen said. Just go with the flow for now, stay at abeer's for the night till I figure this out with aayan okay,.

Ali bhai putted the ring in aimens hand and she did the same. Everyone clamped and abeer hooted. Mom was on the verge of tears and dad had proud eyes. As for me, I was having this deep staring contest with zayn. It felt like he was looking through me. I didn't mind it. Though we never had actuall contact with one another,through out the ceremony. I asked mom if I could stay over at abeer's, she was hesitant but aimen pushed it a bit and she agreed. We said our bye and went separate ways. little did i knew that this was the las time i was seeing my family.i had known i would have atleast told them how much i loved them.