Chapter 8

I took a shower and put on the clothes abeer gave me. Abeer's mom came in the room and said to ask abeer if I needed anything. She is like the sweetest person in the world. Abeer and I got comfortable on the bed and started the whole girly convo. It was around 1 and I had texted aimen and called her a billion times but she wasn't responding. I was a bit worried. Maybe she is having a meeting with aayan, abeer said. An hour more and nothing. I tried mom and aayaan and dad but nothing. Now I was panicking.

Ali bhai's pov

I was engaged to aimen. My best friend and the most perfect girl I could have ever met. I felt like the happiest man on earth. I called her but she never picked up. Guess she wasn't kidding when she said she wanted to keep things strictly halal. Oh my religious angel. Laying in bed I smiled to myself. Zayn was on the bed beside me. His family was staying at our house cause her mom and mine were really good friends. How'd you figured aimen baji was the right one for you, he asked. Looks like he is getting his love problems. I was always like his elder brother so I wouldn't be happier he asked me about it.

U see, we were best friends and then when we turned 20, sparks started to fly, and I guess it was just meant to be,I said. What was it like when you told her how you felt, he asked. I was Hella nervous but I just said it during a game of truth and dare, between us, she was shocked and she left with out saying anything, I said,smiling at the memory. I guess that's the best things girls can come up with, he said. Hmmm. Yeah, 3 days later she texted me that she likes me too,I told him. Ohhh was his reply.

U have someone in mind, it's about time, I asked. He smiled and said maybe. Maybe, I repeated. Right then my phone rang. It was aimen. I received it and said hiii in a teasing tone. Hello, this is agha khan hospital, who are you to aimen,the girl said on the phone. What. A hospital. I panicked. I am her fiance, I replied. U need to get to the hospital now, your fiance and her family has gotten into a car accident they have been shifted to the operation theaters but we Need a few family signatures,she said. The Earth shifted beneath me. The nurse hung up. Zayn asked me what happened. Aimen got into an accident, I said completely in shock. Bhai we need to get to the hospital right now I will go wake mom up, he said and left. I came into senses and grabbed the keys and went out. I left with mom and zayn. Zayn, u should call Alisha, I said. God that poor girl. Hang in there aimen I am coming.

Alisha's pov

Zayn was calling me at freaking 3 am. Abeer was mostly dozed and I was in half sleep too. I picked up.

Hi, is everything okay

Umm Alisha I wanted to tell you something

Zayn it's freaking 3 am

Ali bhai got a call from the hospital


Ur family got in to an accident we are on the way there.

Umm okay I am coming

We can pick you up


Be ready in 20 mins

Be fast And let me know their status as soon as u r there

Sure just stay calm they are going to be okay

I hope so

Abeer was up. I told her what happened and we told her parents about it and the rest of the family. Zayn arrived early. I took off with him and abeer was with her family. I mean in a situation like this I could not debate in not being alone with him. My heart was beating so fast that it almost felt like it would come out. Is it a severe car accident where they would be just minor fractures. Plz be it. But like if it's the ones in the news where people get paralyzed or die. No. They are okay. They are going to be okay. Plz be okay. Tears started rolling down my eyes. I felt zayns hand on my hand. He held it. Tight. The whole way. It calmed me down. I never expected that.

We arrived at the hospital where bad news awaited. I ran where I spotted my relatives sitting. The nurse came over. Umm doctor how are they, I asked shivering. We tried our best, beta but your mom and dad were already dead when they reported to the hospital and your brother died within a few minutes after arriving here, I am really sorry, as for ur sister she still lives but her left hand is completely paralyzed, she is in coma right now ,he said. With that he left. Abeer hands covered her face, Ali bhai was crying really hard and as for me, the light started fading and the last thing I remembered was that I was on the ground with abeer trying to comfort me and a hand behind me preventing me from falling, before I lost consciousness.