Chapter I

(Grand hall Magician's territory; Kingdom for all Magicians)

"Alice, do meet Mr. Sebastian De Clare. your soon to be husband."

Alice, who looked disgusted recently met her future husband.

From her view, the guy with short cut brown hair and those little light brown eyes with him doesn't make Alice feel better.


The little girl is just 16 years old who went to arrange marriage because of her Elite family Magicians. Higher above of all the magicians in the kingdom.

"Good evening Ms. Alice. I hope you are very excited about our upcoming wedding."

Sebastian chatted in a pleasing tone.

Although for Alice who heard such a despiteful word only made her more disgusted than before.

The guy offered his hand to make a proper greeting such as kissing the girl's hand gently.

'Nope! I won't touch that disgusting hand! Aaah! Why am I in such a situation, please someone kill me instead!'

These are the thoughts of Alice from the moment she saw those hands. Inside her was screaming dramatically.

Alice then notices how her mother is looking at her with popping eyes, simply because her mother wants her to do what's best.


Alice glanced in the hand once more as she sighed—

'Why god?! I hate this guy's guts. Why do I have to marry him!?'

Continuing those thoughts in her head.

She then slapped the guy's hand instead.


Her mother yelled at her and everyone went into confusion.

Since there are people watching, the mumbling started in no time.

They are all talking about the daughter of her majesty who just disrespectfully slapped her future's husband hands away.

Alice glanced at her mother with an intensive and awed expression.

"I can't just marry him! We just met today! I don't feel any love for him! How could you do this to me mother? I'm your only daughter and yet you are just selling me off to this…—"

Alice once again made a glance to Sebastian's face, the guy seemed to be surprised from hearing those words to the girl he is going to marry.

"—to this duck head!"


The pitiful girl received a heavy slap from her mother who seemed to be obligatory from her daughter's behavior.

Everyone gasped and started to gossip but the hard-headed girl didn't flinch or felt guilty, thus she bowed her head and decided to leave the hall that was full of hypocrites inside.

"Ms. Alice!" Sebastian shouted.

"Leave her be. She doesn't have any choice, she'll regret what she did today. I am sorry for my daughter's behavior. She's young and she doesn't know how the world works just yet."

Alice's mother was very disappointed as she had to sit in the royalty chair and leaned her head to her hand.

Sebastian made a rear glance at her majesty with a cold frantic expression.

It does look like Sebastian didn't like how Alice just left her in the atmosphere but this guy suddenly made a small grin on his face.

'That's right Alice, run fast as you can but you won't be able to escape from me. I'll make sure when I get hold of you, I'll chain your neck like a dog. I will teach you a lesson you will never ever forget until you die.' Sebastian's thought.


Alice was crying in her room alone, asking herself why she had to marry the guy when she was just only 16 years old.

"Alice don't cry, we hate to see you crying like this."

Little faeries started to talk to her in a mellow voice, cheering up Alice from crying.

The poor girl didn't stop, even so, some faeries are pulling her hair strands.

"Leave me be! I won't be able to escape this cruel world! I don't want to marry that guy but my mom is insisting on marrying him! I don't want to marry someone I don't even love!"

Alice yelled to the faeries.

"Oh no, Alice."

"I saw that guy's wicked face before! I know what Alice feels. We should help her escape from here before it's too late." A concerned faerie stated.

Eventually, Alice stopped crying as she peeked at the concerned faerie who told her to escape.

"What do you mean?"

"There's someone who can help you with that problem and you can actually escape from here, Alice."

Alice blinked a few more times from what she heard, the girl felt both excitement and fear although she wanted to know how.

The other faeries were against it, they covered the little faerie's mouth instead.


"Faeries! Please stop! I want to know how to escape here!"

"No, our Lady Alice, that's way more dangerous than marrying your future husband!"

The girl felt almost resentful to the faeries in front of her that she would start crying again as she took out a scrap of the knife using her magic and pointed it to her small neck.

"If you guys don't want to help me. Let me just end my life here."

Without any hint of fear, Alice then buried the small amount of the sharp in her neck.

The faeries started panicking when they saw the blood flowing in Alice's neck.

"Alice! Go to the wicked witch of the west!"

"Yeah, she's right! The witch of the west may be able to help you but there's surely an exchange from it."

Alice pulled the knife away, "Are you talking about the Cheshire cat?"

"Yes. Please don't kill yourself poor Alice."

Each faerie loves Alice that much to tell her about the Cheshire cat, they hugged Alice as tightly as they could.

"Thank you, everyone."

And like that, Alice decided to go where this "Wicked" Cheshire's whereabout through the faeries help, they all escaped from the Palace of Magicians. Though someone saw them, they didn't have any clue that they were being followed by the Queen's knights.

When Alice finally arrived at Cheshire's Lair, which is in the deep heart of the forest, some cat showed up before Alice.

It was a black cat that had red flashing eyes in the darkness, the cat then rubbed his purrs in Alice's skin as if he was trying to cuddle her.

"Is that the Cheshire Cat?"

"It seems so?"

The faeries themselves couldn't tell if that was the Cheshire cat they were looking for or if it was probably a pet of the Cheshire Cat himself but either way, Alice lifted the Cheshire Cat and observed it carefully.

"Are you the Cheshire Cat?" Alice's asked warmly.

"Meow~" but the Cat's response was just normal as the normal cat would do.

"Wait a minute. We're at the Kingdom of Magicians, normally cats don't meow here! They talk!"

"Kekek. Is that so?"

The cat suddenly talked with a cold tone. Alice smiled happily from meeting the mysterious Cheshire Cat.

"It's the wicked witch."

"It's the wicked witch indeed!"

Cheshire glared at the faeries that are mockingly rude about him.

But the little girl didn't hesitate to hug the mysterious cat, "Cheshire please help me! I need your help."

The cat shrugged to break free from Alice's possession, from that onward, the mysterious cat transformed himself into a human-like being but the flaw is his ears we're still cat-form above his head.

Alice giggled a little bit from seeing it however Cheshire didn't really like how Alice laughed at him. He gave off some kind of cold stare to the amused girl in front of him.

"I don't have time to laugh with you, Princess. Tsk. Annoying, why are you even seeking my help if you are just going to laugh at me?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh."

But the girl is still holding her laughter, and Cheshire can clearly see it.

"Enough. I won't help you."

"Wait no! I'm sorry. I just find your ears so cute. I'm sorry!"

Cheshire then moved closer to Alice and he then also moved his face closer to Alice's face as he made an evil stare at the girl.

"Oh really? How about we also put cat ears in your head huh?"


With that warning, Alice's ears turned into cat ears like Cheshire has.

"What the???"

"Fair enough?"

Everyone in that place was surprised, some faeries didn't like the rudeness Cheshire gave off as they started complaining, "Hey! What did you do to our Alice! Bring her normal ears back!"

"You are truly wicked! Give it back!"

Cheshire just grinned at them, not even listening to their yell.

"Let's get down to the business. Why are you here... Hmm, Princess? Are you perhaps here because you want to escape from that Ugly guy that was chasing you?"

Alice's eyes widened.

"How did you know that?"

"I can see them; they are looking for you here."

"Yes! Please, uhm. Help me! I want to escape from him!"

Cheshire then nibbles his fingers while listening to Alice plea. With that cold stares and sighed, "Okay." he replied.

"That's it?" Alice is a little bit confused while looking at Cheshire.

"Well, that's it. In exchange for your wish. I'll eat your magic. You won't be able to use magic for the rest of your life, and of course, you won't be able to stay here. You'll get exiled by your own mother and suffer in the human realm. Are you really capable of accepting that? If not, go home kid."

The sound of Cheshire's voice seems like giving off a warm tone, it's not really like he wants to scare her but it looks like Cheshire still pity the little Alice.

However, Alice's strong-willed expression was written on her face.

"Please eat my magic, Cheshire! I will escape from here no matter what, even if I lose my magic. I won't regret everything!"

"Alice..." The sad faeries hugged Alice to support her from her decision.

Cheshire sighed—"Very well then."

To be continued.