Chapter LV

Chapter LV: His Majesty, The King

(Alice's POV)

The next morning. Syaoran and I bid farewell to the two of them. Syaoran intends to bring me to his place. He told me that it'll be safe if I'm in there. 

He still doesn't have knowledge about me being looked out for by Liam. Should I tell him? I'm being conflicted with that decision. 

We were taking our path when we suddenly paused by a few knights. They are standing in our way, they've paid their respect by lowering their head in front of Syaoran. 

"Your Excellency. We've come to retrieve the girl." I was surprised as I stepped back behind Syaoran. 

"Retrieve the girl? Did I hear that right?" Syaoran is confused. Of course, he will. I just escaped from the palace anyway.