Chapter LVI

Chapter LVI: 

(Alice's POV)

I was walking back to my palace. Xinza is with me. 

I got informed that from now on she will guard me, no matter where I will go she will follow me. She is the Captain of the royal knights, they told me that she just came back from her duty and was assigned here. 

But gosh, I don't really like her. I sneak a little peek at her. She is walking like a boss, her arms crossed, and so on. 

"What are you looking at? Do you need anything from me?" I quickly reverted my stare away from her. She's totally scaring me. 

When I arrived at my palace. I just sit somewhere in the garden. Mesmerizing what Liam said to me. 

He said the treatment will start tomorrow. The guy with him is a professional healer. 

"To think that he will go that far."

He really grew an affection for me. I don't have feelings for him but I'm scared to say it to him.