Countdown to the end: Retrace IX

Her name is Alice

Second volume 


Lace's POV

I'm cursed? I don't understand what are they talking about. Why is he suddenly vomiting blood just using his powers? What is happening here? 

"A cursed! Sage, that bastard kept a cursed child!" 

"We have to kill him!" Everyone paused when one of the counselors chimed. Everyone including the knights of the King cluelessly looked at each other.

"You idiots! Just think of this worst scenario, This is not a human! He is the spawn of the abyss. If we let him alive, everyone will be killed!" What are these ridiculous words I'm hearing? I'm from the abyss? 

"Aren't you people afraid of what he can do to all of us?" 

Somehow, this counselor is able to shake their conscience. They started pointing their weapon toward my past self. They are all conflicted and manipulated.