Countdown to the end: Retrace X

Her name is Alice

Second volume


Everyone is dead, the war break-in while I was unconscious. I'm only alive now because of Yue who protected me 'till the end. I don't know why do I need to remain here and be alive. 

I've learned my past, but is it worth it? I'm too late to save everyone just like Alice asked me to do. I'm useless, good for nothing. 

I can't help but cry on my knees. 

"Young Highness. Please, don't cry. Please." 

"They said I'm the only one who can save everyone but just look what happened. Everyone is dead, because of me. Alice was dead all because of me. I didn't even do anything to stop it." 

"Young Highness! It wasn't your fault! It was your father's fault. Everything, everything was his fault!" 

Huh? Why is he talking like this? Isn't he close with my father before? Come to think of it, Yue didn't seem to grow even after five years. Isn't that weird? 

I glanced at him, confused.