Chapter 1 - The Arrival

"We are now 10000 nautical miles from Mactan, Cebu," said the pilot on the radio.

Finally, I am going home for good. As I looked into the window, I saw the thick clouds and below are the calm seas while shaking slightly due to turbulence.

I saw also an eagle flying just below the wings of the plane and I quickly remembered what God said in His Word in my quiet time before I went to the terminal in Isaiah 40:31 -

"but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint"

Yes, I will soar again like eagles after the heartbreak I left in Manila, the heartbreak left by Jenny, my ex-girlfriend.

She was so special to me. She was the love of my life. She was God's gift to me. I thought we could be a godly couple together someday. Someone who will help me raise godly children and expand God's kingdom.

But then an unexpected happened. She fell in love with someone, a youth leader in our previous church. The man is more kind, gentleman, caring than me that's why she fell in love with him. He was there when she needed the most which I cannot be there for her. My heart was shattered like glass into pieces.

I felt so useless, unworthy, undeserving for Jenny. Because of what she did, she broke my trust in her.

"We have just landed at Mactan-Cebu International Airport," said the stewardess.

At last, I'm back at my home city for good after I was assigned to Manila for my work. I just switched off the airplane mode of my phone to call my parents that I already landed.


As I walking down the stairs of the terminal to get my baggage, I checked my messenger and Jenny left me a message saying

"Hi Jacob, God bless on your trip." And I ignored it. Besides, I'm now going home to start my life again, alone.

Approaching home, I walked dragging my trolley and opened slowly the door.

"Welcome home, Jacob!" they surprised me and was shocked as they shouted.

Yes, that's my name. I'm Jacob Santillan and I'm 28 years old.

After some chitchats with my parents, I went to my room with jet lag that I just needed to rest from the flight I had.

But I need to find a church for next Sunday so I searched on the internet, but I cannot find the right one for me. So I prayed to God to lead me to a church where he wants to serve and to worship and then I slept.


Then I woke up, its 5 AM and I felt so recharged. I did my quiet time with the Lord and He led me to a verse on John 14:6 -

"I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me."

Yes, that's true, it was only through Jesus Christ that we can go to heaven, not because of our goodness, our religion, our rituals to God that we can enter heaven, but because of the finished work of Jesus in the cross.

And yes, we do not deserve it and we did not do something to earn that favor except only for the sins we made. That reminded me of how God loved me so much.

Then I took my breakfast and needed to rush because I have to go to work because the day is Monday. I worked as a Systems Analyst in which we design software for companies to lighten up their work because it will be now computerized.

I've been doing this for so many years and enjoyed programming because It always reminds me of how God also programmed the world by his power. By just His words, all came into being.


As I was riding in a jeepney going to my workplace, I saw a hotel and it was put there in one of their billboards "The Way Fellowship". Their worship services are inside their biggest function room and they have 3 services every Sunday.

My heart was struck when I saw that sign. It flash-backed on my quiet time a while ago about John 14:6. That moment, I already now sure which church I'm going to worship this coming Sunday!


Then Sunday came and I'm so excited. I woke up early and did again my quite time. I ask the Lord to know some people there to help me in my spiritual walk.

I prepared my heart to worship and put my best clothes as I am going to present my very best for my Lord.

I attended their first service which was at 9 AM and it was full of people. What I joined was a megachurch.

The worship and the sermon were so great and I missed that kind of service when I was in Manila. But I enjoyed it more with Jenny.

"Hi bro, it seems you are new here, my name is Ian." A man beside me talking to me in the middle of the service.

He is Ian Salvador and he is 30 years old.

"Hi, my name is Jacob and yes, I'm new here," I said in reply.

He invited me to join his small group and I was so happy because the Lord answered my prayer right away! I met some members of his group and I can sense they are full of the Spirit and I was not wrong that God led me in this church.

As we are dismissing our small group, I thanked Ian and the rest of the group.

"Why not you join our singles gathering in the church this Friday, maybe you can gain friends there," Ian said to me.

I gladly said "Yes, I will!" and I started looking forward to that gathering on Friday.


Then Friday came, I ate dinner right away after my work so I can be early on the singles gathering. I arrived there and I saw Ian waving at me.

He then introduced me to some of the people there and in an instant, I made friends!

I admit there are so many pretty single girls I saw inside, but none of them compared to Jenny. She was simple, cute, and a sweet girl. She made my day brighter every time we are together.

Then the worship song began and I felt God as they dimmed the lights. After that, the sermon came right away and guess who was the speaker? It was Ian, my small group leader. I was so proud of this godly friend I had.

After the gathering, most of the singles went out for a snack on a tented canteen just across the Miracle Hotel where "The Way Fellowship" is.

I met more and more people there and of course because of Ian. They asked me if I'm in a relationship and I told them I just had a breakup just a few months ago.

I remember we also had this on a singles gathering in my previous church and of course, together with Jenny.

I remember how she made so many friends especially first-time guests because of her personality that one of the leaders also fallen with her and betrayed his friend. Yes, I was his friend.

"So see you again this Sunday, Jacob," Ian said to me as we are going home.

"Yes, see you, and by the way, what ministry can I serve in the church?" I replied.

"Oh, that's nice, this Sunday, I will serve in Kid's church, you can observe there," Ian said.

"Oh that would be great, I love teaching children," I replied.

From that night, I was looking forward to serving in the church. I did not expect to be in a Kid's church again. That was the ministry I entered in our previous church where I met Jenny. She was well-loved by children.

She was passionate about teaching them and I still remember what she told me that we would serve together as a couple someday with our children in the Kid's ministry in The Life Church, my previous church in Manila.

I felt like I will be fruitful here when I came back to Cebu. God allowed me to come back here because this is my purpose and His will. I am excited about the days to come even though I do not know yet, but I'm looking forward.


When I already slept, I dreamed about inside The Way Fellowship. I am in front seating and while singing the opening worship song, I saw one of the worship leaders.

Her face shines so brightly that is why I cannot recognize her. But I felt something about that worship singer. I can't explain. I am sure that I know her very well.

She sings like an angel and most of the time looks at me. I feel that she is something so special, but It puzzles me who she is.

Then my alarm clock rang. I woke up. I forgot about my dream.