Chapter 2 - The Anointed Worship

It's now Sunday, at 5 AM. I did my uninterrupted time with the Lord again. I was led to this verse in Ephesians 1:4-5

"For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love, he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will"

I remembered how I came to know Jesus Christ. It was when I was 25 years old. I had what they call a quarter-life crisis. I am on the brink of depression and lost a sense of purpose in my life. I wish for myself to die by never waking up again.

It triggered when I compared myself to my classmates and people almost the same my age on what they had achieved already in their career, finances, investments, love life, etc.

I questioned myself what's wrong with me? Why I am so left behind? What my future will be?

So I went out in the streets in Manila wandering nowhere one time. My mind was not focused while I was walking staring straight while crossing on a highway.

As I cross the street, I did not notice a bus approaching. The driver tried his best to step on a brake, but it's too late, I will be hit by that big vehicle.

I thought that would be my end. Who could survive hitting a bus moving so fast on a big highway?

But as the bus just a few inches on me, someone pulled me from that wet street.

"Oh boy, that was so close," he said.

"You should have left me to die," I replied.

"Don't say that! God has a purpose for you. You just need to seek His will for you," the man said.

That moment, I was silent. Maybe God has another purpose for me.

So this man shared the gospel to me. That was my turning point to Jesus Christ.

God gave me a sense of value because he shared to me that same verse in Ephesians in which I was predestined, I was adopted by our Almighty Father in heaven!


It's already 6 AM. I need to hurry because of an early call time I had in the Kid's ministry. As I am on my way to the Miracle Hotel, Ian called me.

"I'm on my way!" I said.

Finally, I arrived in the room.

Not a single child was there because it's still early but only volunteers and Ian. The volunteers really welcomed me and encouraged me. One of them is Martha, I think she is one the seniors there.

And then as the minutes go by, more and more children came. I missed serving in this ministry.

I remembered Marcus and Chloe on some of them. They are the nephew and niece of Jenny. They are both 6 and 8 years old respectively. They were brought sometimes by her in Kid's church in Life Church.

We used to hang out after service as they play in the garden just across the church. We sometimes go out of town with them and that is why the children really liked me.

Jenny promised them to bring them to Cebu so that they can visit my home city. They are really excited when they heard that and I am excited too. But now, I don't think it will happen.


It's now 9 AM. The first service for this ministry has just started. An energetic opening song welcomes us all.

I was tired dancing but happy. I need to drink some water to regain my energy so I went to get a glass of water prepared for us just outside the room.

As I drank the cold water, My mind flashed-backed again with Jenny. It was also after an energetic opening song that I went for a glass of water when we met for the first time. She was also tired of dancing from a worship song for the toddler's age group of the Kid's church in another room.

"Hi, are you from the middle ages group of children?" Jenny asked. The moment I saw her I just stared at her. She is lovely, simple, and sweet. I just can't stop looking at her.

"Yes, and you are from toddlers? By the way, I'm Jacob." I said.

"Hi, I'm Jenny, nice to meet you, Jacob," she replied.

We used to have lunch together and with other volunteers. I sometimes intentionally join with her in a worship service so that I could connect to her.

I sometimes message her and she just replies right away. She is somehow an outgoing woman. She is joyful, charismatic, and charming. I don't wonder why so many men also like her.


After that first service of the Kid's ministry, Ian accompanied me and was glad that I enjoyed serving.

After that, we are just waiting for the second service in the main hall of the Miracle hotel because we will join on that service.

People just started coming by and by. I glanced everywhere to familiarize the regular faces on this megachurch. Then a few minutes to go, the second service at 12 noon will about to start.

I prepared my heart to worship God as I silenced my phone. The lights are gradually dimmed and the worship leader signaled for the first song to begin.

The entrance of the worship song was great. I know that it was really anointed. I really felt the Holy Spirit is hovering around the stage and to the four corners of the room. I almost cried. I also closed my eyes.

But when I opened my eyes, I glanced at the left side of the stage and I saw a girl. She was so cute, charming, and simple. She looks similar to Jenny. She is singing as a backup worship singer for God.

She does sing like an angel serving the Lord for the gift that she had. It felt like my time stopped when I saw her.

I cannot explain how I felt when I saw her. It's just like she captivated my heart. But is it right? Is this just an infatuation? Or maybe because she does look like my ex-girlfriend?

And I feel in my heart that I already saw her, but I don't know where. It's just like that I saw her just recently. Then I remember my dream last night. I remembered that I dreamed of a worship singer that her face shines so brightly.

I guess she was the one. I guess she was the one God wants to show to me. But why? Is this desire that I have today is from God? I don't know.

But I need to focus. I must focus because I need to sing to worship God. I don't let this distract me.

Then the sermon comes next. From the start of the sermon, I just can't stop thinking about her. I don't know why is this happening to me. I just think that it's the enemy's scheme for me to be distracted while listening to the sermon.

I am compelled to know her name. I must get close to her after the service. But first I must listen to the pastor preaching.

I keep looking at my watch to see if we are about to end, but the more I'm thinking about time, the more it gets longer to wait.

No, I must reorient my heart. I must listen to God's word, not mine.

So I prayed, "Lord, please let this desire put off first because I want to listen to you through the preacher." God answered. I was on track on what was the pastor's sermon all about.

Then the closing worship song came. She came back again to the stage, smiling. Her smile melted my heart. I can't take my eyes off from her. She is really pretty in red and white clothes standing at the center of backup singers.

After the closing song, I ran going backstage, but so many people going outside that is why it's getting difficult to move around, their flow is against mine. I bumped and bumped many worshipers and keep saying sorry to them.

Finally, I am now in the backstage. The guard won't let me in because it's for the worship singers and leaders only.

Then Ian called from my phone, "Jacob, where are you? We will have lunch, would you want to join? "

"Sure. meet me at the lobby," I said.


While we are having lunch at the Bethel Mall at the back of Miracle Hotel, I just can't stop thinking about her again. So I told Ian about who is that girl in the middle of the backup worship singer.

"I know her, her name is Rachel Sandoval," Ian said to me. He even confirmed to me that she is still single. So that was her name.

How ironic, she is Rachel and I am Jacob. Just like in the love story of Jacob and Rachel in the Bible. Jacob waited for 14 years just to get Rachel.

Jacob was cheated by her father Laban. But in spite of all the trickery of her father, He persevered just to get the one he loves. That 14 long years is worth it for him.

I thought we must meet each other within 14 days! But first I need to find her again. But the question is how? I must have a strategy and brainstorm. So I will now start my planning.