Chapter 9 - The Beautiful Heart

My phone rang and rang many times. I did not notice that because I went on a ride. So she messaged me, "Jacob, thank you for everything and I'm sorry also for everything."

I only noticed it when I arrived home. I was compelled to call her, but I exercised my self-control. So I just texted her "That's okay Rachel. Seeing you well is enough for me. Get well soon."

"Thanks, but I want to give you something in return. I insist. What do you want?" she messaged again. I don't know what I want. All I wanted was just to be with her.

"Rachel, I don't know what I want something in return, but please don't get offended because I would like to ask again to have dinner with you. I just want to make amends with you. But if you don't like it, it's just okay for me. It's up to you what do you want to give," I said in my message

"Okay, Sure. Let's have dinner with Martha after church service. See you!" She replied. I cannot believe that finally, we will have a date together! I can't wait for Sunday to come. I'm counting days and days, but I feel like it's getting long.


Then finally the time has come. I dressed so much on our first date, and of course with her small group leader. She decided to eat in a fast-food which served a famous grilled chicken where she wanted to treat me. So I went earlier there and minutes later they arrived. Rachel just dressed simply but still beautiful.

We are lining up on the cashier to order our food and the lady in the counter gave us the order number. She told us to wait for our food - grilled chicken - because it will be prepared. After that, I immediately looked for a table for us and when I found one, I pulled out the chairs for them to sit. Minutes later, our food just arrived.

We talked and laughed a lot. I saw how she used her bare hands while eating the chicken and how she also using her hands to pick up the rice while pouring so much chicken oil on her plate. She is amazingly simple and that's what made me fall for her more.

"Rachel, I would like to apologize for what I have done before. I just only want to get to know you more and I thought that was the best way," I said.

"I understand Jacob. I am sorry also. I thought also that would be the best way I will guard my heart and yours too because it was just too fast."

"I agree it was too fast. I was so impulsive and impatient before. I was really stupid that I did that and I can't still get over the mess that I have done. I did not even consult God about it. But I learned my lesson now." I said.

"Okay Jacob, I appreciate that you explained and apologized," she said.

"So, can we now be friends?" I asked.

"Sure, friends!" she replied.

I have never been this joyful that finally, the lost months or years between the two us have finally ended.

Then finally, we are going home. I opened the door for a taxi for the both of them and I said "Thank you for granting my request Rachel, this night is unforgettable to me."

She just smiled.


Then days and weeks came by, we meet now without awkwardness. I felt that she is now more open to me. I cannot believe that one day this will come. It's just like a dream that came true.

God opened more opportunities and instances that we can be together. We sometimes are inside the jeepney together, I pay for her fare also.

We sometimes see each other unintentionally in fast food or a restaurant and join them. I sometimes treat them with some desserts.

I volunteer also to accompany her for a check-up if Martha is not available to go with her. I even encourage her that everything will be alright.

I always message her with jokes that make her laugh and we chat with each other until we do not notice that it has been late at night.

I sometimes sit in front whenever she sings so that she would not become nervous and cheer for her.

I usually pass by in the Live Production area just to tell her to stay calm as they are always stressed when the service is about to begin or about to end. She appreciated that.

One day on her birthday, I gave her a gift, a Bible with a poem I write for her to be encouraged:

When I have trials that I'm facing

I always call you to save me from this thing

But how long will I wait for your coming

Because my life now is starting to falling

Help me to trust in you Lord

To worry not, but delight in your Word

And give me peace so worry I can't now afford

Because you have overcome the world

I know that you have a plan for me

And all that I've been through is just temporary

And will realize someday that I will see

That in the end, it's all for your glory

So help to trust in you Lord

May the scriptures are my sword

Set my heart unto to your accord

Renew my mind, not be transformed by the world

She was teary-eyed when she saw the gift and the poem.

"Thanks Jacob, now I know that you have a beautiful heart," she said.

"It's all the work of God. I just want to become a blessing to anyone especially for you Rachel," she blushed what I just said.

Things are going well between us and I always ask God why he answered my prayer and God was really smart that He answered my prayer at the right time. The time that I am more mature and not the impulsive one.


Then I and Rachel joined a Leadership Retreat by the Singles ministry of the church. The place of the retreat was at Camotes Island. The island is so nice to reflect and be connected again to God and most importantly away from the stressful city.

During the retreat, some people already noticed that we are so sweet to each other. But I just told them that we are just friends. But some said that we look good together. Well, how I wish that we would end up together, but I just wait for the right timing.

The second day of the retreat came. I woke up early to have my devotion to the beachside. I want to internalize what I have learned in the first two sessions of the first day.

Then Rachel crossed my mind, was still she sleeping? I missed her right away and how I wish we both witness the sunrise today so I just made a poem for her:

As I say good morning to the sunshine

Its light shone in my heart and mind

Revealing who is the lady that is so fine

That is inside this heart of mine

Please greet for me to the sun hello

Coz you are the one I said a while ago

And there is one thing you need to know

That you are like the sunshine as you glow

I did not notice Rachel was at back reading what I wrote.

"Good morning! What a nice poem. Is that for me?"

"Of course!" I said.

"It's a good thing that you are here, let's watch the sunrise because as I said you are like the sunshine as you glow." Her face turned red at what I said.

Then the worship night came. She was one of the worship leaders who will sing for that session. We sang in all of our hearts and I feel again the anointing of the Holy Spirit hovering to all the hundred participants of the retreat.

In the middle of the worship, the pastor asked us to write something on the paper that he gave to us what is the one thing you want to have a breakthrough. I wrote everything like breakthroughs in finances, career, ministry.

And then I looked at Rachel. I wrote there her name in the paper. I want to level up the friendship that we had. I just need to wait for God's timing.

I saw also Rachel looking at me while she was writing. She just smiled. I wonder if she wrote my name too.

Then the worship night resumed. The dimmed light makes you not notice that some of us are already crying while worshipping. Rachel stood next to me while the pastor is speaking with boldness in front saying "Surrender everything to God! Breakthroughs are coming.."

"It's nice to worship God with you Jacob. I hope this would be for a long time," as she whispered to me.

"Me too," I replied to her.

The whole retreat was memorable. I hope we could come back again next year.

Then we all went to the fast craft boat going back to the city. We are tired, exhausted, and sleepy. We just want to get back as soon as possible to rest

Inside the boat, we sit beside each other with Rachel. She was tired of the retreat. So she slept.

While we are in the middle in the ocean, her head slid on my shoulder and she is now leaning on my shoulders. She is now on my shoulder sleeping like a princess. I got my blanket and put her on her body so that she would not feel how cold the air condition inside.

As we now docking on the pier of the city, I received a message from someone. And it's from Jenny.

"Hi Jacob, I just arrived here in Cebu. Our plane just landed. I'm with Marcus and Chloe. Would you like to come with us? The kids are excited to see you and they want to surprise you that is why I did not tell you right away"

I was shocked. Why are they coming here in Cebu?

Rachel noticed I was bothered by something. "What's wrong Jacob?"

"Someone I was not expecting came here," I said

"Who?" she asked.

"It's Jenny!" I answered her.