Chapter 10 - The Comeback

I went straight to the airport after I arrived at the port of Cebu. I thought I could get a good rest after the retreat, but I need to go to Jenny and the children.

I don't know what to feel when I see her again. How does she look like now? How about the kids? Are they grown up?

So I arrived at the terminal as I dropped from a taxi. There are so many people coming in and out of the airport. I did not see them where they are.

Then suddenly there's someone hugged my waist. It was Marcus and Chloe, the nephew and niece of Jenny. I'm glad that I saw them again. They have grown up so much compared the last time I saw them 2 years ago.

"Uncle Jacob, we miss you!" Said the both of them.

"Wow, Finally you have come here in Cebu, where's your Auntie Jenny?" I asked them.

Then someone taps at my back and I lean who it was. It was from Jenny.

"Hi Jacob, it's nice to see you again, Did you miss me? You look so great now since the last time I saw you. You have grown mature now"

When I saw her, she gets more enticing and also became mature as we don't see each other for so long Her charm was still there, that charm that made me fall for her before.

"So, how is married life right now?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm not married, I canceled the wedding," she said.

I was shocked. She canceled the wedding and I did not know about it. Maybe because I was unfollowing them that is why I did not have an update on them.

"Really? What happened?" I asked her.

"Oh, here is now the taxi, let's ride on," she said.

Obviously, she avoided answering that.


We went to the Miracle Hotel because she had a reservation there. The children went to sleep because they are tired of their trip. But I and Jenny were not yet asleep so we went to the pool together.

As I open the door for her, she said, "You are now being a gentleman now."

I just smiled and said, "You are the one who taught me that."

"How many days are you planning to stay here?" I asked her.

"We will be here until Sunday and then we will transfer Bohol then from there going back to Manila. I just need to treat them here since this is our promise to them," she answered.

"I see. So tell me what happened between you and Ronald," I asked.

"I just felt that we do not complement each other. It's not God's will for us," she answered.

I just trusted the reasons for breaking up her engagement and so we talked on another topic. We haven't talked like that since we broke up. We laugh and tease each other and we haven't notice that we have been talking for hours and finally we are sleepy.


The next day I took a leave from work. I toured them around Cebu. We went to malls, we went to the playgrounds so that Marcus and Chloe will enjoy it. I surprised them with so many gifts because I also missed them.

It was just like the old times when the four of us going around everywhere. We look like a family. I took care of them and Jenny appreciated that and she was happy seeing me the way I treated them because I am not that caring before.

The last place we went to is to a beach. They can't easily go to a beach in Manila unlike in Cebu

As we were walking on the beach with Jenny, she held my hand. I was surprised why she did that.

"Do you still love me, Jacob? Do you still think of me? " she asked.

I was surprised by her question.

"Does my answer to that still matters to you?" I asked her back.

"Yes, it still does matter to me," she answered while crying.

"You know what, I missed you. Our laughs before, our conversations, our arguments, everything," she continued while sobbing.

So I hugged Jenny to comfort her.

"You know why I canceled my wedding to Ronald? Because it's unfair for him that I'm still thinking of you. I don't know why, but he does not deserve me," she continued.

"I am the most stupid person in this world to let go of someone like you. I really regretted it that I was not contented with you. Seeing you now how you are today makes it more painful for me."

I don't know what to say. I did notice that I'm teary-eyed. I don't know why. In my mind, I would like to ask her why she only said it now. We could have a second chance again if she had realized it earlier.

I just held her hand and told her "Jenny, you know, I already moved on. Actually, I just met someone whom my soul loves," I cried as I said that.

"Let's just pray and surrender this to God," I continued

So we prayed. And after that, we went back to the place we are staying to sleep. I'm still thinking about our conversations.


Then Sunday came, we woke up early and we had devotions together. We used to do this before when we were still together. I remembered it was also in a devotion session that I confessed my feelings for her.

Then they packed up their bags because they are leaving now to Bohol. But they still want to join the first service in The Way Fellowship so I accompanied them. Marcus and Chloe were sent to Kid's church while I and Jenny are in the main hall.

When we are fetching the children after the service, Rachel passed and saw us. She avoided eye contact to me and just went on her way

"Hey Rachel, how are you?" I called her.

"By the way, I would like you to meet Jenny. Jenny this is Rachel." I introduced them to each other.

"Hi Rachel, nice meeting you finally. Jacob, always talks about you," says Jenny.

"Oh hello Jenny, nice meeting you also." she was shy when she said that.

"By the way Rachel, we are going to have lunch, come and join us," I invited her.

"Okay sure," she replied

So when we were there eating on a fast-food together with the kids, Rachel was just observing me as I talk to Jenny and as the children are also very close to me. I do not know what she feels, but she was uneasy seeing us.

"So you really like that close, you are like a family," Rachel said to us

"Most of the people thought that we are family and we are so flattered." Jenny laughed.

"I see. By the way Jacob, I just messaged you that I came early on the first service because I have so many demands in the shop today and asked you that maybe we can go together," Rachel told me

"Ah really, I haven't checked, I'm sorry I'm just busy entertaining my guests," I explained to her.

Rachel just kept silent. Maybe she got jealous that I gave so much attention to my ex-girlfriend.

"I think I'm going to leave now, I need now in the workplace," Rachel hurriedly said.

"Wait, you haven't just finished your food," I insisted her to stay.

"No, just enjoy your time with Jenny. God bless on your trip, Jenny. I keep you in my prayers," Rachel said.

Rachel just went away immediately. I can sense that she is not comfortable while she was with us. I just want her to stay because I missed her, but she went away.

"Jacob, I think it's best that you should follow her," Jenny told me.

"But why? She needs to be in the shop right now. I also promised to accompany you to the port," I insisted.

"That's okay, we can manage." she insisted also.

"What's more important for you is Rachel. Now I know how you like her so much the way you look at her. I guess you're right, you already found whom your soul loves and I'm happy for you. She deserves you," Jenny said that teary-eyed.

"Thanks, Jenny. Just keep me updated when you all reached Bohol. God bless!" I said.


Then I ran and I went out and find Rachel. I searched her in every corner hoping she was still not riding in a vehicle

But then I saw her walking towards a jeepney terminal.

I called her "Rachel wait!" But she just keeps on walking. I don't know if she heard that or she intentionally doesn't want to entertain me.

So I ran and when I am close to her, I held her arms. "Rachel. I'm sorry if I did miss your message, it will not happen again."

"It's okay I understand Jacob, I know that she is an important guest because she is Jenny. your ex-girlfriend right?" she said.

"Are you jealous of her?" I asked.

She is just silent.

"Tell me, Rachel, are you?" I asked her again.

"Ok fine. I was jealous of her. I don't know why I get envy when you are so nice to her. I don't know why I get mad when you don't entertain my messages. I think I'm falling for you now Jacob," she just admitted and she confirmed that she has fallen for me.

When I heard that from her, my heart was leaping with joy. I don't know what to do, but I was compelled to hug her. So I did hug her and I whispered something in her ears.