
What I Feel for You

It takes a while, but I manage to brush off the uncomfortable feeling. I don't want to spend too much of my time figuring out something that I have lost. A sister? In all honesty, it could be probable. Do you know what else is probable? Getting closer to Zero. Zero seems to be a lot of bark, some bite, and a ton of secrets. Sterlo takes him to be a fantastic friend, and I'm dying to see what's under that rugged interior of his. He can't just be nasty through to the core, could he?

But besides that, it wasn't like I didn't want to remember and get it all back. Heck, I'll admit right now that I'll probably get back to the house and think long and hard about whether I could remember hearing about a sister. The thing is, I don't want it to consume my life now. I feel bad enough about forgetting about my presumably loving mother, and that my aunt hates me, a possible sister could wait long enough for me to prepare myself. There really wasn't anything I could do now, with no memory and no image of one in my head, not to mention that this was all speculation. This could all just be a fluke in my head, and I don't even have a sister. It's just a feeling, after all.

Managing to get outside and into this "Steel Glass" elevator was exciting enough, so what Sterlo has in store for our little trio is making me even more jittery. "Guys! Wait up! You know my legs are a lot shorter than yours!" I shriek deafeningly. How can any human being walk so fast, let alone two? Zero glances back, giving me a good, long look as he crosses his arms and comes to a stop. Sterlo stops just as suddenly and trips over himself. With clumsy skill, he balances himself out to keep from toppling over.

"I hesitate to blame it on your legs being stubby because I can almost positively say that it is because you are simply shorter than an average person." Zero murmurs when I catch up, panting breathlessly.

"Hey…! Only I can make that joke about myself!" I argue back in between breaths. "And… and I am an average height, thank you very much!"

Sterlo dusts himself off nonchalantly, acting as if he didn't trip just now. He slaps me on the back when my breaths become less raged. "I hope you are not planning to die on us, poor child!" He sings. Giving a thumbs up, I straighten hurriedly and virtually knock myself off balance. The concrete floor convinces me to keep my footing. The more affluent class seems to use flying cars as transport but absolutely refuses to wear rocket shoes. In Sterlo's words, "They are unquestionably the worst form of up-to-the-minute technology man could ever produce, let alone dress! It would be an absolute catastrophe to my near-flawless wardrobe! Would I ever?!"

"I don't mind walking. Actually, I love it!" I sputter out loud. Walking side by side, with me standing in between the two drop-dead gorgeous men, it's hard to get away with such a loud proclamation.

"Was there a point to saying that?" Zero demands tiredly, his hands in his pant pockets and his eyes boring into the distance beyond us.

"Oh, yeah. Uhm… I was going to say that… I mean, ask… where we are going?" I stumble over my words, my head a cluttered mess from having to walk so close to these two men, these two desirables.

"That, my dear girl, is a secret." Sterlo teases, wagging a finger at me lightheartedly. His smile both threatens me and animates me.

"I guess I'll have to trust your judg–." Zero snorts loudly over me, crossing his arms as he stays in step with me, his strides somehow much more natural than my own. That small act is already making me feel spoiled, that he is putting in the extra effort to not leave me in the dust. "Or not, according to Zero –."

"Oh no, my darling, no! Zero, how could you have doubt of me in your swollen heart?! I believed our bond was indissoluble!" Sterlo throws his hands into the air as he stops, the exasperation on his face intense to the point that it almost looks like he's forcing himself to be dramatic. But I know better; Sterlo is just a flamboyant hunk of man.

"I have no understanding of what you are pinning me wi –."

"Oh, do you dare to lie to me?" he jabs an accusing finger our way as we stop alongside him, knowing he wasn't planning on continuing his walking.

"Those words never left my mouth," Zero speaks up as he continues what he was planning on saying. He turns to Sterlo with his signature smirk. "If you want to get sensitive and blame someone, I propose you guilt, Phoenix. She is the one who outright lied to you in cold blood."

I gasp and glare at him. He just threw me under the bus and lied through his glossy, faultless teeth! I didn't even say anything; Zero totally started it. He huffed! The man gasped and acts like he speaks using his words when half the time I must read his face or the noises that come out of the lying little, appetizing mouth.

Ah, these men will be the death of me.

Sterlo suddenly turns his head in my direction, and I know I am in trouble. Instead of getting mad like I expected, he tears up and shouts to the world, "Oh my, oh my, oh my! My little Sweeney's first lie!"

Sweeney? What else is he going to call me besides my name?

Sterlo goes on to wiggle like a worm. "Sterlo, please get yourself together." Zero sighs as he watches him wiggle about as if bones didn't exist in that body of his.

"Coming! Coming!" Squirming out any extra eagerness, he strides past us with poise. "Come along, little chick."

There he goes again. Sterlo is way too energetic for his age. Much too animated, not that I had any clue how old he is, which goes for Zero. Since I have no clue if they look old for their age, or young, to heck with guessing either. I just know they are beautiful.

They go gliding down the sidewalk as I stumble and trip my way behind them. We are walking next to the most extended brick building I have ever seen. I began counting the bricks for what seems like forever ago, entirely concentrating on the chipped maroon rectangles.

"One thousand two hundred fifty-two, one thousand two hundred fifty-three, one thousand two hundred fifty-four, one thousand two hundred fifty–." I collide my head amid the upper part of Zero's back, not entirely tall enough to reach his shoulder blades. I pull back to rub my throbbing head as it had bounced off this man's spine, glaring up at him. "Rude…" I whisper to myself. He glances back at me and scowls as well.

"Maybe you should be paying further attention to what is in front of you rather than what was alongside you."

I grumble under my breath as I peek around him. I quickly appreciate that we are resting next to the corner of the building, as my legs are starting to feel sore from having to keep pace with my companions.

"One thousand two hundred fifty-nine…." I breathe as I witness what's around that corner. I squint at Sterlo, my eyes sparkling with tears. "Are we going there…?" I choke as I point to the scene that has me in awe.

"Why yes, my dear! I am glad to see that you are just as thrilled as I am! Now, we shall eat to our heart's content!" Sterlo's voice is so high, he sounds like a tweeting bird. He points to the food festival, arms fully extended, as his other hand is balled into a fist and placed on his hip. He looks like a statue pointing in the direction that would lead you to your destiny. A very striking sculpture at that… By now, I'm licking my lips, slobbering because of the extensive buffet and the smell wafting our way.

"Hey, Zero…" A bit of slobber slinks its way down my jaw.

He heaves a heavy sigh. "What?"

"What's your favorite food?" I glance at him, hoping I don't look like a starved animal. He gives me a short chuckle, and I stare at him, my eyes nearly popping out of my head. He's smiling again!

"If only you knew…." It's silent afterward, other than Sterlo in the background blabbering about who knows what.

"Okay! I am in your care!" I yell at Sterlo. He giggles in response, turning to give me an overtly self-assured thumbs up.

"I will show you the best of the best!"

I'm salivating from the thought as Sterlo drags me away by my arm. I'm too far gone to notice anything other than Sterlo tugging me and the aroma of pastries. The individual dessert stands look stock full of fanciful treats, and the fragrance coming off them are just mouth-watering.

"This is going to be so worth it!" I shout to the encased, cloudless sky above.

…Five Hours Later…

I have never eaten so much food in my entire life, at least I don't think. "That wa'so not worth it!" I bellow at Zero, having noted that we had left Sterlo behind. "Why 'd you lemme do that?!" I screech before feeling my stomach lurch. I bend over a conveniently placed trash bin as I lose part of my five-hour lunch.

"Well, you were tremendously eager; I could not possibly stop you." He slurs. I've been shouting at him the entire way back, yet he remains calm and collected. I honestly feel like he is enjoying seeing me in agony. Remembering that Sterlo was that one who had been dragging me from stand to stand with a roll of my intestines doesn't sate my anger.

"Don't lie to me, you jerk!" I yelp, heaving away from the bin unsteadily and wiping my mouth with the napkin Sterlo had loaned me in advance. It's as if he knew that this was going to happen.

"Yes, yes. I understand." He waves me off. "Why did he give you those liquor buns?" he growls lowly. I drunkenly lurch at the man, wrapping my arms around his torso and catching his arms in my embrace. I rub my forehead against his back lovingly, having to rise to my toes to reach the tip of my head to the protrusion of his shoulder blade. "Arg! Just…what now?" he blows air from his nose in defeated agony, not wanting to fight off my drunken self in the middle of the road.

"I've had –…." I slur and hiccup, "… a purr-fe' time!" I look up at him and beam cheekily. He looks at me over his shoulder for a moment before his lips tighten.

"You are covered in your own waste."

"Prob'ly." *Hick*

"And you are touching me."

*Hick* "Yep, sir! Sir, yep!"

"I am going to burn these clothes." He glares; I gasp.

"You don' love me no more!?" My legs go limp, and I hang from him. "But you're best; I'm friend!" I cry, leaning away from him while still desperately clinging to him.

Stupid, big, dummy dumb head not giving me attention. I have been sad and hurt and confused, and it's been tough! Long and tough! Give me love! Potato head!

"Ahg! Stop squirming!" He pulls me loose. "Your words are not making any sense!" he holds me at arm's length by an arm as I remain limp and unsteady. Grumbling, he swings me on his back as I mumble, drunk and managing to slowly fall asleep. His coat is a warm, pale-yellow color and moving like waves in my sight.

"Tsunami!" I cried weakly, grabbing the front of his coat. The sound of crickets overpowers Zero's retort, and my eyelids sluggishly close. "Yellow Tsunami!" My hoarse voice cracks as I drift off.

…Pursuing a drunken slumber…

"…are you doing?!"


"…'t aah me!"

"Hrrmmm…" I shrug off the heaviness on my shoulder. "Don' wake me up." There is a high pitch tone that mockingly rings in my ears. It doesn't take long for me to realize my head is throbbing.

"Get up!"

"I don't wanna get up," I whisper back, trying to soothe the thunder that's pounding in my cranium.

"Not get up, get off!" My assailant hisses back at me, correcting me as I had misheard him the first time.

The heaviness is back on my shoulder, and it hurts. It tugs me and shakes me wildly. I slap at it and lurch forward in the direction I assume is up. My head crashes against something hard.


There goes trying to ease this migraine.

"You idiot!" I open my eyes to see Zero's face centimeters from mine.

"W…w…wh—?" I squeal and roll right off the bed. I stumble away and back to my feet haphazardly, palm clutching at my forehead from the pain. "What are you doing in my bed?!"

"Do not play innocent! You must have crawled in here last night!" Zero's voice is loud and strangled. I then notice that he's rubbing his eyes, and his hair is sprawled out about him in a mess. He appears so untidy, yet his hair is far from looking unkempt; it's a sexy bedhead! "Stop giving me that look." He sighs, grudgingly, having just woken up and already annoyed with me.

"What look?"

"That look."

I stretch, taking in my throbbing headache and the refreshed feeling in my limbs. I must have slept well last night; I look up at Zero. I must have slept…

"Oh, this isn't my room."

"Yes, that appears to be the case." Stretching his neck, Zero brushes the blankets off to the side and gets up. Despite his glare, he seems to be just as recharged as I am. That's when I see the mouth-sized bruise on his neck.

"What happened to your neck?" I watch him glide to the other side of the room. He stops in an open doorway and glowers daggers at me, positioning himself there for a moment just to give me that death glare before he continues into the room he was moving toward at a leisurely pace. It feels as though ice flakes its way down my spine from that cold, calculating gleam in his eyes. "…never mind."

Shuffling resounds, and soon after, the pattering of rain follows Zero's departure. I glance around the room, wondering why and how I came to be here. I reminisce that Sterlo and I ate a lot of food last night. We ate and ate and ate… liquor buns… oh god! My hands come up to slap both of my cheeks. I can't recollect any of the events after! I feel an impending doom beginning to loom over my head, and I know soon that it'll engulf me entirely.

I got drunk and left Sterlo, and Zero was supposed to take me to the house. But I thought I fell asleep on Zero's back? Did I wake up along the way?

"Okay, okay. How mad is he? He yelled at me for being in here, glared when I asked, is calmly taking a shower…" my voice gradually burns out like an oxygen-deprived candle. "Ahg! I don't know!" I throw my hands into the air and fall against the floor in frustration. "What would he do if he was mad?" That is the most imperative inquiry. The floorboards are cool against the shirt and seep through to my back.

My cheeks light up a bright pink; I was in his bed! I'm… not in the same outfit as yesterday, which means… I sit up swiftly, pulling at my hair.

"No, no, no, no, no! Stop thinking like that!" I wallow meekly. "I will not!" I smash back against the floor. "That bruise sure did look like a hickey…" my eyes bore into the ceiling in thought, "…a hickey." I squint my eyes in defeat. "I did that, didn't I? Which is why he glared. I'm dead meat."

"What are you doing on the floor?"

I glance over at Zero stepping out of his bathroom, soaked to the bone with only a fluffy white towel covering the lower half of his body. A plume of steam follows him out, along with a seductive smell that fills my nose. My eyes scan over his body.

"Please, tell me the alcohol has drained from your system." He groans as he catches me eyeing him. My face grows hot, and I look away.


"It is quite late for that." He hums as he combs his fingers through his tangled, wet hair. There's a plunk of something wet falling to the floor. My hands fly up to cover my face, even though I'm looking the other way.

"Wh-what are you doing?!"

"This is my room." He points out. Unable to argue, I quiver on the floor, fighting the urge to sneak a peek at what can only be the hottest thing I will probably ever see in a thousand lifetimes. It's only a fact that Zero can only be ripped from his firm, rock-hard shoulder blades to his thick, muscular calves. That body, his chest, abdomen, covered head to toe in water, I bet it's a star-striking scene. "You know, I am not in the least self-conscious about my physique." I can just hear the smirk in his voice. "I am quite pleased of it, actually."

"You're such a bully!" I cry out.

"Whatever do you mean? I am just trying to initiate a conversation."

I fidget uncomfortably, not because of Zero, but because I'm dying to look, to gaze on such majesty. It's almost unfair that courtesy exists.

Do I even owe him courtesy? At this point, does it even matter? Who knows when I will get the chance to eyeball him like this? You must accept the hand that feeds you, and to heck with not jumping on this opportunity.

"Like it matters now, I am done dressing." He speaks curtly. I sit up and turn slightly, peeking at him through my fingers and feeling the tiniest hint of disappointment. I let out a choked gasp and tumble back from the crouching figure.

"Why are you so close?"

"I was merely trying to help you up. You are the one overreacting; such a difference from last night." He mutters.

My mouth gaps open as I realize he's right. Why am I freaking out? Because I can't tell if he's mad? Or maybe… "So, that hickey?"

Zero chokes on a sip of water, turning his back on me as he coughs it up. "Of course, you do not recollect!" he barks between his chokings. "It would not be there if you knew how to behave yourself!" he snaps, less angrily, steadying the water in his glass cup.

"Are you admitting?"

"Admitting to what?"

"That you allowed me to do that."

"Why would I ever?!" his voice breaks as he stares at me in disbelief like I had just spit fire at him. "After all of the foul food?"

"Oh! So, if I hadn't eaten all that food, are you saying that you would gladly l–?"

"How dare you put words in my mouth!"

"I'm merely asking a question." I chirp in a mocking quality, thoroughly enjoying stressing Zero out. I can see now why Sterlo does this so often. He glares, swirling the water in his glass with a flick of his wrist. His drying hair gleams under the bulbs of light as the edges somewhat curl. "So, where's Sterlo?"

"How many times are you going to start your sentence with so?"

"Don't answer my question with another question!"

"Do you expect me to answer your question?"

I stand up, grinding my fists into my hips as I scowl at him, not enjoying being teased back. He returns my scowl with a smirk, slipping his free hand into his pocket as he continues to swirl his cup casually. My lip twitches up evilly.

"How can you be so cruel to the girl who rocks you to sleep and kisses you goodnight?" I whimper, hugging myself. He looks me up and down, cocking his head to the side.

"My, oh my. What a crush you have! If only I had known soon–!

I squeal over him, covering my ears and spinning around, my plan having been spoiled in under a second. I try to hide the increase of red on my face as I position my body to look the same way as Zero. "Now look who's putting words in someone else's mouth!" I fret.

"My, my, are you denying it or admitting defeat? I am not only known for my extraordinarily suave looks and smarts, you know." My fingertips rest on my jaw as I turn to him.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Your feelings for me are obvious. I do know when a woman is barely keeping her hands from me, and you, your j –."

"AAH!" I scream over him. "Lies!" he stares at me in guiltless skepticism. My voice cracks as I gape, wide-eyed, my mouth opened to reveal an endless cave. "Crap…" I burble gloomily under my breath, glancing down at my feet.

"That was quite some venom, you spat." He snickers. Leaning against his wine-colored dresser, he tilts his head as he watches me with curiosity sparkling in his orbs of blue. His hair fans out around him, and I catch myself ogling. Shaking my head aggressively, I stare back. In contradiction to the hard exterior I was trying to portray at that moment, my stomach grumbles feebly.

Zero, after a minute of silence, bursts into laughter. I'm surprised by the reverberation of the sound, and I stand there motionless, not exactly sure how to react. He laughs so hard that tears leak from his eyes as he bends over at the waist. I'm starting to think that Zero is not that hard to please or make him laugh so hard that he hurts himself. "Ah, it hurts!" he bellows with laughter, his arms gripping his stomach as one of his eyes closes. I cover my stomach with my hands in embarrassment, shifting my weight from foot to foot.

"Okay, okay. I got it." He laughs over me as he bends further over himself. Brushing tears from his cheeks, he manages to calm down. "You finished?" I ask, kissing my teeth in annoyance.

"Yes, yes. I apologize. Tell me; what would you like?" he actually smiles at me. Again! The darn man. The sudden shift in his tone only further perturbs me.

"Oh, uh… Oh! I want bread rolls with co–… No, no… Make something fancy!" Finally, I yell the last bit, feeling like I was confessing my deepest, darkest secret. Zero's eyes widen at my loud, sudden outburst of emotion. "I-I mean…"

Zero rolls up his sleeves neatly, smirking as he does so. "Do not fall in love with me even more once you see how perfect I am." He winks at me, and I nearly choke on my breath.

"I will not! And don't wink at me!" My voice isn't as loud as I intended it to be; it barely even sounds like I am arguing with him. He has me so flabbergasted, toying with me; I am so screwed. I thought Sterlo was terrible, but this guy is in a league all on his own, charisma unheard of.

"Seize the moment of excited curiosity on any subject to solve your doubts; for if you let it pass, the desire may never return, and you may remain in ignorance."[GF1]

How can I resist a man who only shows himself to me?

He only grins harder at my exclamation before leading me by the elbow to the kitchen downstairs. My thoughts are racing, and I begin to fear that Zero can read the expressions on my face. I start blurting out things from the top of my head, trying to calm down my raging hormones and distract Zero. We were in a full-fledged conversation by the time we reached the pantry.

"No, no! You have to listen!"

"I am listening!"

"No, you aren't! Ah! Stop!" I lurch away from him as he reaches for my sides. "Don't! I'm ticklish!" I whine. Something moves in the corner of my eye. My head twists, and I freeze.

"I have no idea what you are try–…."

"Oh, god." I whimper, staring past Zero's head. Curious, Zero turns to look as well and stiffens. Sterlo is standing in the kitchen, a large bowl in one hand and a spoon in the other. The lower half of his body is hidden behind the counter. Sterlo's eyes are flickering back and forth between the both of us.

He stirs the contents of the dish at an even pace, his eyes never straying from our shocked faces. I can see Zero's muscles tightening with each passing second. It looks like he's expecting something horrifying to happen.

"So, did you have fun last night?"

"That is of none of your concern." Zero suddenly growls, almost cutting Sterlo off. It becomes apparent that Zero is still mad at Sterlo for having left him with the responsibility of a drunken, clueless girl and the events that had transpired subsequently due to this choice.

"I think I did, mostly because I have no memory of it."

Sterlo snickers cheekily at my comment before his hawk eyes fall on Zero's neck, where his mark is ever so slightly uncovered. His smile turns into a sadistic, seductive smirk.

"Oho, I see." With slow, delicate movements, he places the container on the counter. He sashays toward us at an evenly slow pace, making sure to eye up Zero's mark long enough for him to duck away and hide it in shame beneath his palm. I also back away, hiding most of my form behind Zero, knowing full and well that Sterlo aims to win. "Say, that would be a loving bite, would it not?" Sterlo trills, grinning broadly as he comes to stand before Zero, glancing at me from the corner of his eye.

"Tsk, I have no clue as to what you are commenting on. There is no love bite on me." Zero huffs, the tiny tent of pink resting on his cheeks. A blush? The hand covering the side of his neck tightens at his exclamation.

"Ah, I see. So, you are not hiding anything beneath your hand?" Sterlo reaches, but not fast enough to catch onto Zero's fleeing body as he backs away.

"No! I am not hiding a thing! I am merely stretching, look!" His muscles tense as his eyes flit around the room, before finally, Zero turns on his heels and flees hastily. He leaves as quickly as he had come, leaving no room for Sterlo to continue his assault, but while exiting, he makes sure to stop at the foot of the stairs and holler over his shoulder at me, "This is all your fault, woman! If only you could control your hormones, this would not be a problem that is most likely going to become a reoccurrence!"

I gawk at Zero's retreating form, in shock that he could claim such a statement in front of Sterlo. He's trying to throw Sterlo's attention all on me! That wimp! I chuckle nervously as Sterlo finally focuses on me; a smile spreads across his face. "Well, that was fun, was it not?!" Sterlo giggles to himself, turning about to grab his supplies and continue what he was doing before we had entered the room. "Teasing Zero is usually the highlight of my week, but ever since you got here, it's been daily!" Sterlo continues, his bubbly attitude drawing me in to sit on a stool on the other side of his workspace.

"So, you happen to do stuff like this often, then?" I question, flattening out any wrinkles in my outfit as I look up at Sterlo dancing throughout the kitchen.

"Oh, yes. My is it a fun time! It has never been as fun to tease him as it was now. Oh, I have never had the chance to see his face heat up so much in agitation! Oh dear, I do so owe you for this experience." At the end of his talking, he has already set his creation in the oven to cook. He then spins around to face me, a blush of bliss planted on his face.

"Owe me? I don't even remember doing any of the things he claimed I did. Surely, you owe yourself. If you hadn't gotten me drunk… well…" I gaze off into the distance in discomfiture.

"Ah, yes. You are quite right! Alas, it would be no fun having a debt to myself! So, I shall pass the deed unto you; whatever you shall wish is whatever I shall do. Do we have ourselves a deal, mi 'lady?" Sterlo's princely high voice distracts me from the lightly tanned hand reaching out for a shake. It stays, suspended in the air, for as long as it takes for me to notice and reach forward dramatically to take it between mine with a minor amount of enthusiasm.

"Yeah, sure. Take what you get and give what you owe." I oblige to his deal with a smile on my lips and a tingle in my spine. All the possible things I can get Sterlo to do, seem to grow and grow because I know that he would do it no matter what it was. It was a pristine opportunity.

"A brilliant statement, my child! I may have to steal that off you for my own use." He chuckles, letting my hand fall back down to my side. He proceeds to clean the small mess he made.

I watch him, tapping my foot in the air to a song in my head. "What are you making anyway? A cake? Is it for me?" Sterlo gives off a goofy chuckle to my question as he gracefully travels about the kitchen.

"Are you curious? Curious enough to want to lend a helping hand? I have oh so wanted to teach a woman in the kitchen." Sterlo's wink is almost as enchanting as his statement as he twirls to plant his body before me. "You would most enjoy it."

"Well, why not? Baking seems to be quite enjoyable. Maybe I'll be good at it." I brush off my clothes once more as I slide out of the stool and make my way around the island counter. My bare feet tap softly against the tiled floor as I shuffle closer to Sterlo. "Are you making another?"

Sterlo's hum stops abruptly as he takes a moment to acknowledge my question. "Well, I need something to teach you with, do I not? Tell me, what interests you?" Sterlo's back presses heavily into the counter as he leans all his weight on it. He turns marginally in my direction so his eyes can scan my face with astounding accuracy.

"Hm… if I may be frank, I would absolutely love it if you would teach me how to make a chocolate pound cake. Oh, how I love chocolate!" I hug myself and give a little wiggle as I hum favorably. I can't say for sure that I remember the times I ate chocolate or that I adore it this much, but I know that it makes me feel all fluffy inside when I think about it. In one swift motion, Sterlo has me pinned to the island, arms on either side of my body, close enough that my back is pressed against the ice-cold marble top to put some sort of space between us. I don't have time to react before he goes in for the kill, his teeth grazing along my outer ear. I shiver, just about helpless to this man's charms without Zero, his scent once again filling my head with fog.

A tapping sound breaks through Sterlo's forced sexual atmosphere, and before I have time to see who it is, Sterlo's gasp of sweet disbelief echoes out around me.

"My! What a shocking turn of events! I did not know that you would be paying us a visit this evening. Oh, how wonderful!" Sterlo seems to fly over the counter as he makes his way over to the tall, exquisitely sophisticated woman standing dazzlingly in the gap between the two rooms. With a flick of her wrist, she flings her gorgeously long and pink hair over her shoulder, her hip jutting out, and her legs poised elegantly. Her hair is as pink and polished as Sterlo's.

Her arms are outstretched as Sterlo runs into them, hugging her almost fiercely. "Ah, it has been too long, my darling little brother. I shall remember to visit you sooner, or I shall not be able to go on." Her arms are tight around him, and her head is tucked neatly between his shoulder and neck. Their stance and beauty are almost too perfect, and I can hardly look at them.

"Ah, how I missed you, Sister! Why did you part from me for so long?" Sterlo cries out. She whispers something soothingly into his ear, giving his back long strokes from her softly defined hand. He seems to come back to his senses for a moment and yanks his body free of her embrace, turning sharply to look toward me. Even those jagged movements were graceful to me. He seems ever more untouchable during those vulnerable moments. "I do apologize, Phoenix! I lost myself for a moment and forgot my manners. This is my lovely sister, Desirée. She has taken care of me ever since our mother died. Oh, my lovely big sister!" Again, he throws himself at her, and she catches him as if he is the most fragile and most precious thing in her life and that the tiniest scratch on his treasured body would kill her a thousand times over. It's enchanting, their love for one another.

"I'm so sorry about your mother," I murmur lowly, too afraid of butting into their moment of sibling love to say anymore.

They are a perfect set of people. Brother and sister; lock and key, their love must have been built from years of hardship. She looks at me, and her eyes gleam. "I have heard so much about you, Darling! What a poor, poor fate that has brought you to this humble abode!" She cries, her voice just as sweet and homely as Sterlo's. She closes in quickly to wrap her arms around my more fragile body, giving me a squeeze with the strength one wouldn't expect from a woman of her stature. Tall she stands, matching up to Sterlo's height with ease, her body thin yet built with muscle hidden beneath the smooth skin. She looks frail, yet there was a vigor to her gait, her noble shoulders, her straightened posture. She retains me at arm's length, ostensibly reluctant to let me go just yet, her grasp on my shoulders firm as well as apologetic.

She holds a benign look in her eyes, her tender smile holding worlds of wonderment and hopefulness. This mystery about her, golden heart clinging to her never-ending well that's locked from prying eyes, ignored, shoved to the back for her to function. The thought and the memories and the knowledge that that well lies there in waiting is what keeps her smile wide, her eyes bright, and her steps strong; she refuses to let her past define her. She is her own woman, and she thrives on being a guiding light. Of course, I read this in her sanguine orbs – she was what I wanted to be.

"Oh, before I forget, I have brought you a present, my sweet!" She squeals ecstatically in her brother's direction, now once again distracted by her blinding love for her sibling. She is promptly by his side once more, her hand zealously stroking the top of this man's head – it is a sight to watch these two adults regard each other with an almost childish eagerness. Sterlo's eyes smile back at her in return as he silently waits for her to continue. I've never seen such a heartfelt expression on his face, one not full of pompousness that almost seemed dramatized. "But before that," She cuts in and briefly, her smile turns upside down, "Please do enlighten me of what it was that you were doing aforetime as I had entered the room, brother." Her eyes seem to squint through the man, undividedly peering into him, picking at the secrets lying beneath his skin. Her smile no longer upon her face, her expression hardens in warning, as if she were saying that to lie would mean punishment.

Sterlo's smile faulters but only for a meteoric amount of time, not enough for me to perceive the flinch in his features, afore his smile brightens evermore. "Ah, that. Yes, well, I would assume that you and I, delicate sister of mine, were destined to agree that this young prize of a woman to be beautiful, would she not?" Sterlo is smoldering with confidence like he is trying to overpower the protective yet somehow dangerous aurora Desirée is giving off. She raises her eyebrow against the claim, neither disputing nor fully acknowledging his remark; she waits with deteriorating patience for him to speak his piece. "Well, you know how I oh so enjoy the blessed and beautiful, and this woman holds more than a candle to the little candies that I keep by my side. So," he cuts himself off, his voice starting to sound strangled and forced. I stare on in shock at Sterlo's sudden show of emotion not typical of his usual self. He clears his esophagus emphatically while he pulls himself together before gaining a burning, committed sparkle in his eyes, "I desire to secure this woman as my own. Her fire, her spark; it engenders such temptation within me. She has piqued my arousal."

Desirée's expression does not shift or waver; her lips spread into a thin line of what I suppose would be disbelief, but she then smiles widely at him, accepting his honest answer with unwavering affection. Her arms open wide for him, guiding him into her warming embrace, and they, again, begin to squeeze one another. "Oh, my dear light, I so knew that you would be understanding!" Sterlo breathes a sigh of relief. Her hands stroke his back with long, tender fingers, and she leans her head forward, so her lips are just barely grazing his ear. The action causes a blush to my own face, and I, without a second thought, rush to look in the other direction to not witness whatever may be happening. Shortly after, Sterlo gives out a loud exclamation and shoves his sister back with enough force to move her without harming her precious body.

Distress morphs into Sterlo's features while he holds back the exquisite women at a distance, his gaze focused on the floor beneath him as his sumptuous locks flittered about his face. His face pales to a pale color, his eyelids opened so vastly that they are just about non-existent. I take in Sterlo's form in disbelief, unable to fully comprehend the state that he's in from whatever had just occurred. It doesn't seem as if his sister had indeed done anything to him, but as I had turned my head away, I was unable to objectively verify that assumption.

"What happened? Are you oka—?" My voice quizzical, I take a step forward as at this moment, it legitimately appears that Sterlo is doubtlessly nauseated, and I am not quite sure why or what happened. In a moment of flurry and irrational thoughtlessness, I begin to suspect Desirée of having done something to Sterlo. Had she poisoned him; in the moments I had glanced away?

Pricked his skin with some sort of poisoned needle? Stabbed him? Spat toxins into his mouth?

But she couldn't, she wouldn't. Not in front of a witness, even if she were to act utterly innocent. Zero is here as well, and he is not an idiot, not to mention that they would be able to detect the poison… right?


She turns to me as that thought registers in my mind, and I feel the fear bubble inside, curling and curling and quaking in unease. I cannot say that this is a fact, nor can I dispute the matter. I do not have the evidence, the knowledge, that understanding of anything.

I am but amnesia…

"Now…" She whispers as she turns from him to smile toward me with such politeness as if she hadn't just done some horrible deed. My arms drape around my body, and I know that I'm doomed; she'll come for me next, and there won't be a witness.

Zero does not know that she is here.

He does not know. By surprise to even Sterlo himself, she is here, so why would he know? He wouldn't, and he can't protect me. If I were to scream, would he come? Would he come to save me from this fate? Would he care enough to run, run to me, to check on me, to be worried that something may have happened that could end my life?

Would he care?

"What have you gone and done to him this time?" I hear a low chuckle in the distance, behind the hunched Sterlo and the eerily cheerful Desirée. It's a remarkable song to my ears, and I revel in the music, the familiarity easing my stuttering heart and giving me some bit of comfort. I see his figure advance from the hallway, his strides full of pride, confidence, and not even a microscopic bit of hesitation.

"Zero!" I yelp, taking a few headlong steps but too soon coming to a halt as I realize that Desirée stands between my savior and me. "Zero, sh-she —!"

"Oh, Zero, my lovely love! You would not believe what this vile woman hath breathed unto my ear! What treachery! What blackmail! Oh, please do lend me your strength!" Sterlo was suddenly in full swing once again, lurching his body into the confused arms of Zero as he cried out in overwrought agony. I stood, stock still, incapable of discerning Sterlo's newfound strength and life.

"Must you cling to me like you are some sort of child?" Zero spits, trying to detach himself from the heart-stricken man.

"But Zeze! This woman is a concoction of unmitigated devilry! You must put a stop to her!" His cry even more vociferous than before, dangling from the white-haired man as if his legs no longer contained the energy to hold him upright.

"Oh, for the love of all, I know indefinite that I demanded you to never call me that again, ever. And get off!" With a shove fit for Sterlo, he's pushed back by Zero to sink to the floor in utter defeat. My bemusement only peaks as Zero finally takes notice of me and cocks his head to the side, his signature cocky smirk plastered across his thick lips.

"My, Phoenix, is it? You have gone awfully quiet. Is something the matter?" Desirée calls out to me in angst, her angelic palm waving past my face, and I come to the unforeseen realization that she was settled before me nonchalantly. Disorientated and unsure, my ending conclusion is that I may have overthought something along the way. She didn't poison him, did she? From Sterlo's wording, she purely whispered into his ear?

Then, why…?

"What… what did you say to him?" I lay my gaze upon her, my thoughts slowly silencing themselves.

"Well, you see… that, my dear —"

Sterlo reels around with such speed and grace, his face darkened in an almost gobsmacked manner before he claws himself toward me like some sort of spidery beast. I give out a screech of bewilderment as he plants his hands on my shoulders and shakes the life out of me, squealing, "Don't listen to her vulgar words! Don't listen to her mischief-making fictions!" He is seething with something akin to fear mixed with a pleading glimmer in his eye. His once famous visage being completely obliterated with this new sight before me, and it's ultimately impossible to not burst.

"Pfftt… pff— I can't… I really can't!" I bark out between huffs as my eyes tear up and an explosion of laughter erupts from my chest. "You... ha! You… hahaha! You look so hilarious! You…your face! Hahaha… I need to know… what she said!" My howling hilarity overpowering my need to speak and making me breathless, my gasping for air only causing me to shriek savagely as Sterlo's face twists up in distaste comical to Zero's classic unsatisfied look. It doesn't take long for Zero to also join in, his deep and humble chucking resounding against the walls and Desirée's yips of merriment much too adorable.

"Why are you laughing? Why must you all laugh? Is my pain that whimsical for you all? How farcical!" Sterlo's exasperation only causes the band of us even more enjoyment, and our howling became unchecked. My gaze is intercepted by Zero as I can't seem to help but be drawn to him, and I catch him doing just the same. We become interlocked, our eyes never straying from each other's face as the laughter slowly begins to fade, my chuckling and his smirk all that remained.

He just seems to glow as he stands there, his white hair a gift and his tall frame a treasure. The fitting of his clothes, the smoothness of his features, the scent he gives off. His natural aroma seems to waft from his pores. I wouldn't compare him to an angel because he isn't. He is rude, ignorant to the lesser population, arrogant, sheltered, downright insensitive, but he is decisive, intelligent, capable, extraordinarily handsome, and devilishly charming. He was like a devil, maybe a well-mannered one – one who had a heart buried deep inside of him that had been numbed to the world. He could be awakened, could be shown what's inside, what it means to genuinely feel.

My heart throbs for him to know, throbs for him. The crooked grin on his lips, the glimmer in his eyes, my heart ached. He puts on a front, but I know, I believe that he isn't as bad as he portrays himself to be. He is kindhearted, or at least I hope he can be.


[GF1]William Wirt quote