Chp 89 : Leaving Home?

Today's update.

First, I would like give my thanks and appreciation to my first ever patrons, Jarvis who had been supported me with his ideas, his help pushed me to get serious about continuing this half-assed book. He just told me that his country, Myanmar, which has been in turmoil has closed their internet access. I could only pray for you and your country from here, and only wish you for the best.

Thanks for your life time support Jarvis.


Hooters Restaurant, near Century Square Shopping Centre. Founded 3 years ago as an April's Fools joke with only one restaurant available in the Los Angeles region.

Four of them seated together face to face, where Ione and Gwen sat side by side facing Al and Robin.

The silence was awkward, weird, and yet, he was comfortable with it. Having lunch with 3 eye-candies was satisfaction for him, especially when he became the object of jealousy of everyone else in the restaurant.

Blonde hot chick with exotic face, a girl next door type with innocent look and beautiful smile, and a goth biker gal with a killer body.

Al had been the one who always initiating the conversation although they answered it like they were a witness in court. Yes or no answer, that's it.

The Hooters' waitress finally came over to their table, breaking the thin ice that veiled them, she was a brunette medium height woman, and a bit chubby. She was wearing that skimpy outfit of Hooters waitress had, white tank top and orange shorts.

Al could tell that she was beautiful if she loses a little bit of weight, but even though she did, her charm would be outshined by Ione, Robin, and Gwen who were seating together with him.

"Okay, 3 ice creams, 4 diet cokes, and 5 bacon mac&cheese burgers. Seriously, girls, I suggest you don't eat this trash, it contained 1000 calories each that could hurt your figure." The brunette waitress said.

Ione grinned, "Actually," She squinted her eyes to see the name tag she was wearing, "Jennifer, all of these 5 burgers are for our male companion here."

Her eyes widened, "No shit!? You eat this much?" Jennifer jerked her head at him in surprise, then started to check him out. She saw that he had a crew cut hairstyle, with a muscular figure, and wearing tight plain clothes that showed off his sexy arms and pecs.

Whoever the person saw him could guess that he was in the army, even her who was just a regular neighborhood girl.

"Oh, I'm sorry, sir." She saluted, "Thank you for your service."

Al smiled while the other girls were giggling, he didn't confirm nor denied her assumption, "It's okay Jennifer. I'm just glad you are worried about my girls here. They always complain about their weight but I think they are beautiful however they look." He smiled warmly at them.

Ione and Gwen's face flushed in embarrassment and Robin elbowed him in a hard way right to his ribs.

Jennifer opened her eyes wide. She could see affection radiated from these 3 girls towards this man. Is this man a three-timers!? I-it's blasphemy! Oh, well, is this what her mother told her about Californian people?

She was still flabbergasted but fortunately saved by one of her colleagues who was calling her name, ordered her to deliver the food to the guest.

After she left, laughter finally broke the awkwardness they had since they accidentally met in the tattoo & body piercing parlor.

"Ed! You are so evil! Her mind must be short-circuited." Ione giggled cutely at him.

"What? I'm just telling you the truth. I bet she thought the three of us were a thing, that's why she was so speechless. Besides, I feel that I am the lucky person who can date the three of you at the same time, so I had an urge to show off." Al grinned.

Robin rolled her eyes while Ione and Gwen were giggling. Then they began to consume their evening snacks, yes, he counted these 5 burgers as a snack.

Although they were eating in silence, other people could see they were stealing glances at each other too often.

Even when his eyes met theirs, they somewhat became nervous and tried to look somewhere else to escape his eyes. It was clear that these girls were giving him a subtle hint.

Al sighed, "Okay, we need to clear this out. Who wants to start first?"

Seeing nobody wanted to talk, Gwen volunteered first to clear the misunderstanding, "Okay, I want to get my ear pierced." Her words piqued Al and Robin's interest.

She continued, "You know, for the band thing. I'm the lead vocal and usually, they are in the spotlight. So I want my appearance to be different. We are supposed to be shopping, me and Ione, and suddenly I got that idea. Don't blame Ione, she only accompanies me for going there." Gwen begged.

"I think just looking at you singing had already stolen my attention, Gwen." Al teased and got another elbow strike from Robin which made him coughed his burger.

Ione shook her head at Al's flirting attempt and said, "Okay, your turn."

Al looked at Robin and knew that she had no intention to explain herself to them. She was looking elsewhere while blowing the silent whistle.

"Robin also wants to get her ear pierced," Al explained. "She stole my bike and kidnapped me from the meeting place with the screenwriter. Too bad that she passed out after seeing the needle. Imagine how smug she was when she told me she wanted a 10 piercing each on her ears. Lucky she was not asking to get her nipples or vagina pierced or else I won't stay silent to her stupid idea."

Robin's face darkened when he mentioned nip piercing again and even worse, V-piercing.

When she began to get mad and yelled at him, Ione suddenly interjected.

"A piercing, Robin!? A ten of that especially!? Wait, Robin, aren't you afraid of needles? You are lucky you were passed out before got pierced, Robin, or else I don't know how Uncle and Aunt Graham would react."

Then suddenly a light bulb above her head switched on, " Are you fighting with your Uncle Graham again?" She squinted her eyes at Robin, a cold look on her eyes showed that she was furious at her.

Robin sighed, "Yes Ione, dad is being a jerk again."

Ione also sighed with her, "Robin, please... we have talked about this for years. If you disagree about something, don't just do weird things to spite him. Your dad is just only worried about your well-being."

"He's being unreasonable again Ione. He always expects me to be anything he wants but no more. I started to get fed up with him." Robin started to throw tantrum.

"You shouldn't do that. Your dad's only worry about you!" Ione raised her voice.

"How do you know that he cares! You only meet your dad when you are 14! You don't know how father's mind works." Robin finally snapped and then immediately regretted what she said.

"I-Ione, sorry I didn't mean to..."

Words are like a bullet, after being shot, they can't be reversed. Only left the trails of the bloodied victim, waiting for death embraced them.

Robin hit the sour spot of Ione and her eyes started to tear up. Robin immediately approached her but she was being pushed away. She left the table, escaped to the direction where the girl's restroom was.

Robin stood up but she was stopped by Al who was shaking his head to her. "Leave this to me, Robbie. You stay here and start to think about what will you say next to her. You owe her an apology but not now. Understand?" He hardened his tone on her.

She had the guilt look on her and nodded at him. Gwen put her hands on Robin's shoulder and chatted with her.

Al chased after Ione to the girl's restroom. He didn't know that this meeting turned into a Skins-like teenage drama.

(Skins, BBC's TV series)

With his shamelessness, he just barged into the restroom. Fortunately, there were no other people besides him and Ione or else he would be called a pervert and reported by cops.

He saw Ione was washing her puffed teary eyes with cold tap water. Hearing the door opened, her head jerked in its direction, she had expected Robin would chase after her but she was surprised to find that Al was the one who came after her.

She chuckled and commend at his shameless attitude, "Al, this is girls toilet."

"I know, this will be my first time here. At least I have an alibi to be here." He smiled. "I need to comfort my sad girlfriend and embraced her back to my arms."

Ione rolled her eyes and sank her face again to the cold water.

Al sighed, he took a napkin from his pocket and gave it to her. "I still haven't returned the napkin you gave me at New Year's Party," Ione said and stared at the napkin in his hand.

He smiled and pushed the napkins to her hands "You don't have to."

He came behind her and slithered his arm around her body to give her comfort. He wouldn't ask her if she was okay, that's a stupid question after seeing how puffed her eyes were because of tears.

She leaned back, glued her back into his torso while looking at the reflection they gave to the restroom mirror.

She then started to speak to him, "Did you know that my biological father never came to me until I was 14, the day of my middle school graduation?"

He didn't answer, he just held her tighter and let his chin rested on her strawberry fragrance crown, waiting for her to finish her story.

"I've been saying before that my parents and hers were an acquaintance right?" He hummed in acknowledgment.

"My mother had divorced him and went to Los Angeles when I was a little. I never knew who my father was. Robin's parents knew about my mother was divorcing him and they volunteer to take care of us. I also treat them as my second parents. I knew they were... kind of controlling, but they have been good parents to me and her. Sometimes I can't stand Robin who always tries to piss them off but I know deep down she also loves them.

Sometimes I just want to slap her face and scream at her, tell her that she should be lucky to have a dad who always looks after her. I got two stepdads for god's sake and neither of them was care enough for me. Luckily I had my older brother who always there for me."

She sighed heavily, "Thank you Al for listening to me, Robin can become like that sometimes. I need to disciple her."

"I think what you mean, us, right Ione?" He smirked.

She turned around and smiled at him, stayed mad and sad wasn't her personality at all. She always tried to be happy and cheerful.

She also had the most beautiful smiles he ever saw. It was like her mouth was carved for smiling and giving happiness to everyone.

His body reacted automatically. He bent over and stole a kiss from her lips. Her mind was unable to comprehend what happened.

Suddenly her sense was coming back to her brain like a broken dam and flooded her with oxytocin. She started to follow his lead and their kiss was getting passionate every millisecond.

He recalled that she was his first kiss. He missed that feeling and he came back to reclaim it. It was like people said, the first time was unforgettable, even it was not too good, the mind started to give the illusion of exquisiteness.

They parted their lips and looked at each other eyes. Then he started to speak, "Hey Ione, if I recalled, I owe you a date right?"

She nodded lightly, "Uhm, at the end of May, there will be a premiere for and I want to ask you something. Do you want to come with me as my dates?"

She smiled sweetly at him, "Of course Al, of course, I'd loved to."

"So this kiss? Um..."

"A friendship kiss like the first ones?" She giggled.

"Yes! The friendship kiss!" He laughed it off, then bent over again to take her lips to his.

Both of them enjoyed every moment of it until they heard a fake cough. Both were jerked back in panic and saw it was Jennifer who saw him in disgust but eventually softens her look when she saw Ione.

"Guys, please get a room. Don't do this in the girls' bathroom."

Al scratches his scalp, "Sorry... Jennifer right? Oh, by the way, we still did not introduce each other right? my name is Alphonse Brandt and this is Ione Skye." He gave her hand to her.

Her pupils widened, "Wait! Alphonse, Al?" She gasped and felt her lungs starting to get hyperventilated.

Before she could scream, he put his finger to her mouth and shushed her. "Please Jenny, don't scream. It will be hard for both of us if you did that. Can you keep this a secret between us?"

She nodded continuously and felt his finger was lifted off from her lips, "Sorry, Al. I'm your biggest fan. Oh, by the way, my name is Jennifer Aniston. It was my pleasure to meet you here, Alphonse. Oh my God, I can't believe it was you all along! How come I didn't recognize you!" She mumbled loudly.

'Jennifer Aniston!?' His eyes widen, he took a careful look to inspect her. She did have a cute face but she was so different from her future self.

He only smiled to greet her and have a small talk with her. Then he and Ione excused themselves because they have another problem to solve.

"Wait, Jennifer, are you an actress?"

"Y-yes I am, Alphonse. Although I was only a background actress. How do you know?"

"I got a hunch that you will have a promising future." He took out two cards from his pocket, "This is my agent's card, his name is Ari Emmanuel from CAA and this card is my film company, Muspelheim Films. If you need help, just call the number on the cards. Just tell me your name and mention mine."

"Thank you, Alphonse." Jennifer's mouth opened wide.

They went off the restroom to find Robin and Gwen were waiting in front of the door. Robin had a guilty look on her face and tears stained her eyes. Her runny mascara trailed from her eyes to her cheeks and fell into her chin.

Rather than sympathize with her, Ione and Al laughed at her looks. Their laughter filled the restaurant, some of them look at them with contempt but some of them also followed their laughter.

Robin seemed pissed at first but eventually, she also laughed with them. As the laughter subsided, Robin came to approach her, "Ione, I'm very sorry for saying that. It wasn't fair for you. I didn't realize I was saying that to you. Can you forgive me?"

Ione kept silent, making guilty Robin became more nervous. Then she smiled, "Of course I forgive you, Robin. I've known you for more than 10 years. Although you sometimes acted like a bitch..."

Everyone couldn't believe how such innocent looking girl could say names, but Al and Gwen who knew her better just chuckled.

"You still my friend Robin, although I still mad at you for bringing my father into this."

"Sorry, Ione." Robin looked down.

The two childhood friends hugged each other, creating an uwu and warm atmosphere.

On their way back to their table, Ione came approached him and whispered, "Oh, by the way, Gwen is here, and I hope you don't miss the chance."

(Their adventure continues in the extra chapter 89.1 stay tuned.)


Time goes by, the one-week vacation he had has ended and it was time for him to go back to England for shooting .

The week progressed fine for him and his foster family. He had cleaned the problem with Laura and her trauma with those bullies.

Al recommended her to get some therapy and he was the one who took her there. She has been better since then and started to involve herself with the cheerleading squad and other school activities with Toby supervised her.

To prevent further problems in school, he asked John Mick if he got any acquaintance with some bodyguards to protect her in secret.

As for those jocks, he already took care of them and they won't make trouble to Laura or Toby anymore. Death threats were always effective, especially if some ex-Navy SEALs came over and threatened them. He would probably be going to take care of the problem himself if not because he needed to go back to England.

He also requested Jason Barnes to tighten security in the orphanage. He was afraid that person would come again and make trouble to mom. He didn't want anything to happen to Mrs. K as she was one of the most important people in his life.

(On extra chapter 89.1, stay tuned.)

Robin and Ione had made up and their sisterhood became stronger than ever, they even looked like siblings, which was kinda a setback for Robin if she wanted to make Ione saw her as her life partner.

They also got additional members of the girl's gang, Gwen Stefani who also became inseparable from them although sometimes she was busy with her school works and band practice.

After Al and Gwen were left behind by Ione and Robin, their relationship grew and in those 1-week vacations, they were having at least 2 dates.

So far his life was good but remembered how he was going to spend his time in Stanley's mansion with Vi for the rest of his shooting schedule... his spine suddenly shivered uncontrollably.

To Be Continued...

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Special Thanks to my patrons:

Executive Producer: Oli

Produced by:





vegard larsson


Co-Directed by:
