Chp 89.1 : 2nd Homerun?

First week chapter.

Did you watch JL Snyder cut? to me it's 7.5, the CG looks like video game though, a bit rough but it was an okay film. Why am I asking, because Al will also have DC Alphonseverse later, stay tuned.



After the make-up hugs from Ione and Robin, four of them finally decided to go back to their respective tables. Enough for them to fish any spotlight left from the restaurant, just let the river flowed as the stream goes.

Fortunately, no one has recognized his looks. His appearance on the tabloids and gossip news was still just a lean teenager who still did not grow any hair yet besides on top of his head.

The last message Ione gave him was a hint for him to make a move on Gwen. Though he was very interested in her, turning it into a committed relationship made him had to think twice.

His burgers were already down by 3 and on his way to his fourth shares, he decided to bite slowly and enjoy the grease that fell out from the beef's fat.

The girls continued their girls' talk, leaving him as a spectator to this melodramatic talk.

A few moments passed as he realized he was being watched by three pairs of eyes, four if he counted the waitress who has been throwing a glance at their table, especially at him.

Ione and Robin somehow communicated with their eye movement, then Robin suddenly said, "Hey guys, I and Ione need to go to the restroom to fix my make-up."

Gwen became nervous and she was stuttering, "R-Robin? Can I also join you?"

She shot a look at her and said, "No need, just Ione was fine."

Ione and Robin stood up and left him alone with Gwen. Ione gave him a thumbs up and a wink as it was unseen by Gwen.

Al slightly smiled and shook his head, "So Gwendolyn, how are you these days?"

She yelped, it would be the first time she was alone with him since their last date. Remembering how awkward she was when she suddenly approached him at Christmas Party, her face turned cringed.

She took a deep breath, forcing herself not to be stuttering, and said, "I'm fine Al, nothing to worry about, and also, my name is not Gwendolyn like Gwen Stacy, just Gwen." She crossed her arms and rubbed her elbow with her right hand.

"I know, but somehow calling you Gwendolyn looks cuter. It's kind of hard to find someone named Gwen, your parents did good work giving you a beautiful name. If I'm not wrong, Gwen means white or holy."

Her face flushed red, "I-I never knew about that. Thank you for sharing it with me." She stuttered. "They took a long time in the restroom right?"

"Don't think too much of them, they may have left us a minutes ago, knowing how Robin's brain works."

"What? Wait, you mean, they left the two of us alone?" Her eyes opened wide.

Suddenly both of them heard a loud sound of a motorbike engine started up and echoed the parking area of Hooters.

Gwen recognized this sound, she would never forget the bike he used on their first date.

"Told you." Al sighed.

Gwen looked at him and was taken aback at his lack of care. "Are you planning this with them?" She accused him.

"No I didn't Gwen, but I saw how Ione and Robin look, they may be planned something for me. I know Robin very well and that face she gave me showed her mischievous side hers. I'm sorry you've been caught in a crossfire, it's not my intention doing this to you."

Gwen felt betrayed by Ione, she had said to Ione that she had a crush on Al, but she didn't know she would play a matchmaker for her.

Behind her dissatisfaction, she was also felt pleased with Ione for giving her a moment alone with Al. But she didn't know how she would face him now. She needed more time to prepare her feelings before meeting him.

Al silently watched Gwen who has been trapped in her imaginary space for a moment before she snapped back to reality, looking at him who was looking at her.

Blush creeped out to her face and forcing her to look down on the table. "Gwendolyn?" He called her by that name again which she started to like.

"How Sylvia and Vanaheim Records has been treating you?" He asked.

Her nervousness evaporated, replaced by a happy smile, "She's been a great producer! I heard she has brought another band to her clutch, I forget their names. I think it was chili and pepper or something."

"It's Red Hot Chilli Pepper, Gwendolyn. They joined us at the beginning of the year and they've released an album before but because of disagreement with their old music record, Sylvia able to rope them up to Vanaheim Records. Careful, they might steal all of the attention and company resources."

She shrieked, "I know! That's what I'm worried about," Then Gwen released a frustrated sigh, "We still didn't found our genre yet, we've tried Pop, Rock, and now we are stuck in Ska Pop but Tony and Sylvia somehow disagreed. Sylvia suggested we should go full Punk but Tony insists on us to do Ska Pop.

Also, I didn't get to participate much in the band meeting because I had another obligation to do. Between the schoolwork and band practice, I need to balance it or else, sayonara to my music career." She threw up her hands in the air for exasperation.

"Let me guess, your parents disagreed with your music career but somehow they relent and permit your choice of career if you finish your high school first."

She gasped, "How do you know?"

"It's all written on your face, Gwendolyn." He aired a circling motion with his forefinger in front of her face.

She then sighed, "Okay, you are 100% correct, the problem is I was the only one who's been left out by my band members. Tony, Tom, and Adrian have been living together in a house Sylvia rented for us. I need to get to drive from my house to theirs."

"Why do you need to go back and forth to their house?"

"Tony said he liked to be natural, let the time follow its courses. A newly formed band like us needs to feel how they've made music from their garage. I wish I got a little spark of your talent Al. 3 songs you have written and all of them was a hit and even one of them got a number one in Billboard." She then planted her face to the table, her arms were spread to the table.

Feeling her agitation, Al put his hands above hers and held it in the intention to comfort her.

With his warm and big callused hand, she felt a little better and raised her head back. An idea appeared on her mind as she started to share it with him.

"Al, how about you came with me sometimes and supervise our band practice. Maybe with your help, we can find our band's identity and check our progress?"

"Sure, but I need to get paid." He seriously said, which caught Gwen's attention. She thought about how he would be paid, maybe a percentage of her albums or another long contract for their bands but his answer blown her away.

"I want a date with you." He teased, Gwen's face flushed in embarrassment, Al then giggled "Sorry, sorry, I can't help it, you are so cute when you were being teased."

Gwen pouted and stole his last burger from his side of the table. "Gwendolyn!? that's my last burger!" He whined.

"Not anymore! This is a punishment for you." Her frown subsided, replaced by a sweet smile. She opened her mouth wide and munched his last burger.

She moaned in delight, "So good, I wish I was a Kryptonian, didn't care about human food making me fat."

"I didn't know whether be turned on by your moan or nerdiness." He mumbled.

Gwen who heard his mumbling choked on her food and coughed hard. He gave her his coke and she gulped it all.

He went over to her side of the seat and gave her a gentle slap to her back repeatedly.

"Easy there Gwendolyn, I know the burger is good, but you didn't have to eager to eat it till you choke."

"I was choked because I was surprised by you, ass!" She punched his chest but soon she laughed in the end.

Gwen suddenly realized that he was now sitting next to her. His body got closer to her as she was remembered the last time they were this close was when they were having that date in roller skate rink.

The day her life turned to get better, she finally able to follow her dream although there was the disassembly of the original No Doubt.

She didn't know whether it was on her mind or the tracklist played by the restaurant's sound system, "Can't Fight This Feeling" by REO Speedwagon was being heard by her.

"It's the music on the restaurant Gwendolyn."


"You must be thinking that whether the music is only on your mind or the restaurants. And before you ask how, I'll say again, it's all written on your face." He smiled and sling his arm on her shoulder.

She could smell his addicting body odor, his muscled tight body that was covered in those baggy plain tee shirts. She loves it and wished the time should just stop at this moment.

Soon her musing was broken by his voice. "Hey Gwendolyn, you were planning to have your ear pierced right?" She nodded at him, "How about I accompany you there?"

"Are you asking me for a date Al?" She teased back.

"Yes Gwendolyn, or maybe count it as a down payment for supervising your band." He smiled back at her, still clinging his arm around her shoulders.


Gwen decided to have 2 piercings each on her ears and fortunately, she didn't pass out like Robin and the process wasn't painful as they imagined. She only squirmed a little.

As the night is still young, Gwen suggested to him that they should watch a movie, and of course, as a stagecoach driver and him riding shotgun, she got the privilege to decide where she would go.

With her 1983 Toyota Camry, she took Al to the Drive-In Cinema, which now was showing 1982 .

"Oh Al, you were so cute back then! Drew and you, oh my God, I think I got a severe case of diabetes now!" Gwen shrieked and pinched his cheeks.

Both of them have been watched this movie many times, so Gwen decided to have a little chat with him.

"Hey Al, I want to ask you something." She waited for his nod then she continued, "What happened to you and Ione in the bathroom before?"

He looked at Gwen and sighed. "I just came to her and comfort her as her friend."

"Why did you kiss her? Did you and Ione were-- a thing before? I know this because that waitress that you have tipped too much, Jennifer I think her name is, told me that you kissed Ione back in the restroom."

'Damn Jennifer!' He gave a mental slap to himself.

"No Gwendolyn, we are just friends, and I knew somehow things between me and Ione won't work. We agreed to become friends but we kinda got carried away on the restroom." He laughed awkwardly.

"So both of you have a feeling for each other but decided not to take a step further because you know how it will end and decided to become a best friend... no, more than best friend instead?"

His body slumped back to his seat. "Yes."

"And how about Robin? Are you also interested in her," Then she gasped, "don't tell me you want both of them in your bed? Bad Alphonse, you want to eat more pies!" She pushed his shoulder.

He giggled, "No way, Robin is out of the chart. Let's just say, when you found out you have a twin you'll never know and suddenly you meet 'em, what would you feel?"

"I don't know, excited? But still, I don't get it, elaborate please."

"I felt she was different, an anomaly to this bizarre world. That she should not appear in this timeline. It was like you are a monochrome walking in a black and white film, then suddenly you found someone who had a similar distinction to this world as yourself. That's how I felt about Robin."

Gwen was looking at him as he was a person coming straight out of the TV series, so he chuckled. Supposedly Gwen still has a long way to go before she understands him.

He also didn't know what made him so clicked with Robin, she sometimes said a bizarre word that surprisingly was understandable to him.

"So Ione and Robin were out of the picture then." She looked at Al and said, "How about me?"

"How about you?" He asked back.

She groaned, "How do you feel about me?"

"I feel like, I am really attracted to you, your voice, your face, your personality... your awkwardness when you approach me, your cry when I'm doing this." He touched her lap and she yelped.

She gave him the eye but he was closing the distance of his face to her. Her heartbeat increase as she momentarily froze up.

Al felt she was giving him an ok sign and captured her lips with his. The soft kiss turned passionate as she tried her best to match him.

The atmosphere was heated as his hand traveled to her body, touching her softly on her shoulder then traveled down to her chest.

She moaned in delight as he softly massaging her petite chest. Then the cinema suddenly turned bright, breaking their action.

Both of their bodies jerked back as they saw the film was over and the credit scene was rolling.

His face was flushing red, his tent was rising and he felt that he had an urge to release the beast from its cage. He cursed the damn cinema as a cockblocker and felt frustrated.

Gwen still stunned, afraid of moving any of the parts of her body, even her finger.

Al sensed her uneasiness and slowly held her hand to give her solace. She smiled and mouthed thank you, then she felt it, she felt her lower body was aching and her body temperature is rising. She also cursed the damn theater because interrupting their beautiful moment.

"Hey Gwendolyn, do you want this night to end?" She immediately shook her head. She still has yet satisfied with this date and felt that she needed to do something more with him.

"Right answer." He kissed her forehead and told her to drive away to the place called Hollywood Hill, where they would find an interesting spot to see Los Angeles at night.

Both of them kept their silence for the rest of the ride. Al didn't talk much, only giving her a direction to the secret spot he once knew from the memories he saw.

As they have arrived at their destination, Gwen was amazed at the panoramic view of the Los Angeles city at night, seen from the Hollywood Hills.

"It's beautiful."

Al looked at her and said, "Yes."

Gwen sensed that he was not talking about the scenery, turned to him and found out that he was looking at her.

"Al, did we... before... " Gwen's tongue was tied up and Al decided to help her. "Kiss? or turned on?" A cold wind blew upward the hill as she shuddered from the kiss of the winter air.

He came to her and took her into his arms. Locking up her body on his bondage, covered her from the cold windy night.

"God, you make it sounds weird!" She smiled then added, "Did you already lost your... you know, the V things?" He hummed.

"How's your first time?" She asked again.

"Is it already important to talk about that now when we will be doing the deed?" He held her tighter.

"No, I mean, my first time was a nightmare and I've never done it since then. He was a jerk, no kiss, there's no foreplay, he just got naked and put his cock to my hole without my asking me if I was ready or not. It was painful and it was unlike anything they have said in film or books I have read. I was writhed in pain while he just enjoying the moment himself. Then he just coming alone, thanked me, and then left me alone like I was a cheap whore.

In the end, I was breaking up with that jerk. I just want to ask you, are you going to do the same thing as him." She had small tears surfaced in her eyes.

Al gave her a passionate kiss and she moaned on his mouth. He wiped her tears stained on her cheeks and said, "That's my answer Gwendolyn, both of us will enjoy every second of it."

They decided to rent a room at a motel near Hollywood Hills, owned by a Mexican couple because doing it on the outside in this February weather was like for them asking to go to the hospital.

The man was kind of rude to them but turned nice after Al spoke to him in Spanish. You know what they've said, speaking their language would make you a step closer to them.

Gwen decided to clean herself then it was his turn. When he was out of the bathroom, he was dumbstruck at the scenery on the bed.

Gwen was laying on her side, wearing her birthday suit. Her smooth white skin was glittering from dimmed light on the table near the bed and her perky small tits were pointed out to him, asking to be touched and sucked.

Not only him, but Gwen was also surprised to find his little brother was so big, bigger than she saw. The length and girth were things she never saw before.

She suddenly became nervous, is that thing was going to fit inside her? Her musing was broken by his words.

"Wow, Gwendolyn... you are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

She rolled her eyes and took a deep breath. She never knew if she never tried it, so she said, "Come to me, tiger, and eat me. You just hit a jackpot." Gwen suddenly became out of the character.

'Spider-man reference again!?' Now Al was head over heels to this woman.


After they have done the deed, she finally passed out from her orgasm, letting him spooning over her body.

She woke up a moment later, her body was hot and sensitive. Any touch she got could made her orgasm over and over again. Fortunately, Al was already spooning her from behind.

"Wow." She mumbled and she felt him kissing and sniffing her hair.

"You are so beautiful Gwendolyn." He whispered, and her body trembled again, threatening her for another round of orgasm.

"Stop Al, I can't take another explosion. My body was all sensitive now, anything you do will make me come." Then he held her tighter from behind, making sure not to touch her sensitive parts.

"So, what are we now Al?"

Al stopped for a moment, a vision of him with girls he was close with was passing on his mind. Ione, Robin, Mary, Jodie, Kristy, Vivian... and Minnie. But he pushed it all to the back of his mind.

What he needed now was thinking about the present, to the girl in front of him.

"Gwen, Gwen Reéne Stefani. Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

Her eyes were wide open, her body trembled. She thought that this was only a one-night stand for her turned into a surprise for her.

"Are you sure do you want me to be your girlfriend? There will be a lot of plenty girls who are prettier and sexier than me. This is Hollywood you stand in."

"I've never been surer in my life."

"Then it'll be my honor to be your girlfriend, Al." She beamed brightly, this was the best day she ever had in her life, but somehow she felt he was too good for her.

They both then fell into a comfortable silence. Until she break the ice when she said, "I'm okay if you want to have another girlfriend Al, or sleep with someone else."

Suddenly all hell broke loose, "The hell Gwen!" He was dumbfounded at what she said.


The next day, a 1983 Toyota Camry was seen stopping in the driveway in one of the neighborhoods of one of the orphanages in Los Angeles.

A girl no older than 18 was in the driver's seat and a boy, not older than she is was riding shotgun.

"Thanks, Gwendolyn, I enjoyed our time last night."

"Me too, one of the best things happened to me." She smiled back.

Last night, after she sobered up and regained her stamina, they continue their activity and consummate their feelings to each other.

Al finally confessed her feelings to her and she did too. Since then, they began their life as a couple, a boyfriend and girlfriend, a lover.

Although Gwen was sure she would be unable to keep him for herself forever because Al was too precious to be tied by her alone. She didn't share any of the insecurity she had with him.

From the story that Ione had told her, not only her but maybe a few of the girls were having a crush on him and maybe even loved him for a long time.

But hey, at least she had fallen in love with him and him for her. It was already a satisfying feeling for her, although she didn't know how long she would be able to keep him and when that day would come, she hoped she could part on good terms with him.

"The fuck!?" Al said beside her. She was snapped out of her thoughts then looked over at him.

She wondered about what made him became agitated and swear, and she saw the problem.

There was a man with graying hair wearing a black pastor outfit with a cross on his neck that seemed screaming to the front door of the orphanage.

Then he fumed in anger, and went back to his car and drive away from the neighborhood.

Al squinted his eyes when the car was crossing over with theirs, "Gwendolyn, I'm sorry for being rude. I think you should go home first, your parents must be worried about you. There's something wrong with that man."

Gwen nodded, "Yes, thanks for the night Al, be careful."

He smiled, "Me too, Gwendolyn. Well, I had few days left before I go back to England... do you want to have a date with me the day after tomorrow?"

She beamed happily, "Of course Al." He pecked her lips and got out of her car. With the last wave from him, She drove away from the neighborhood with a smile painted on her face.

After she left, Al hurriedly went inside the orphanage front door and knocked on it.

"I told you to go away and fuck off! We have nothing to do with you!" Mrs. K's voice was heard.

"Mom, it's me, Al"

The front door immediately opened and Mrs. K grabbed his arm and pulled him inside. She checked the outside situation and in a hurry, she closed the door.

"Who is that mom? I saw him leaving in anger."

"A guy from the Vatican. 2 years ago, they came to the USA. And at the beginning of 1986, they were quite eager to expand their influence and seeking more support to build their nest here."

It was his turn to get confused. "Why are they asking a small orphanage to get support."

"Because you are in this orphanage, Al. They also need a celebrity to hold their roots here and became a spokesperson for them. Imagine how happy they are when they realized that one of the famous child stars was from this orphanage."

"Why are you not helping them? I thought you were... you know." He didn't finish his sentence. Besides, Mrs. K. seemed to know what he was talking about.

"This orphanage and I are away from those organizations Al. Also, I never trusted them, NAE nor Vatican, they were the same to me."

"Why?" He asked again.

"Revelation 18." She gave him a hint.

He smiled in reminiscent, "Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great! She has become a home for demons and a haunt for every evil spirit, a haunt for every unclean and detestable bird." He rhymed.

"You remembered it." She ruffled his hair.

"It's hard for me to forget." Al cheekily smiled.

She shook her head in amusement, "Oh, Al, you are the most attention seeker from all of the children I ever take care of. And you did get my attention, it's hard to find a kid who could memorize all of the Bible contents, even when they were just 6 years old brat."

"I aimed to please mom." He bowed, "Just be careful, okay if anything happens to you because of them, I won't ever forgive myself."

He kissed her forehead, "I'll tell James to tighten the security perimeter around the orphanage."

"You too," She also kiss his forehead, "Have a rest, your nightly activity must be tired you out. And don't break her heart, Gwen is a good girl."

"You knew?"

"Ione and Robin came over to return the bike, they told their matchmaker story to me. And I knew you have done it, just always use protection. We don't want a media sniff around and found out you have a child when you are a teenager."

"Mom!!" He groaned.

To Be Continued...

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Special Thanks to my patrons:

Executive Producer: Oli

Produced by:





vegard larsson


Co-Directed by:
