A VERY PLEASANT AROMA WOKE ME UP FROM MY SLEEP. It smelled so nice that I found myself drooling and licking my lips. I rolled my body to the otherside before forcing myself to sit up. I ran my fingers in my hair with my eyes still closed. I had a splitting headache and it felt like someone was knocking on my head with a sledgehammer.

I yawned and stretched my hands but suddenly my entire upper body felt stiff.

I must have slept in a bad position or something. I looked around and knowing that I was home gave me some relief. I might have been in a hotel but for me, every place beats home if it has just the details I wanted.

The blue curtains and white walls were a combination I loved to see every morning after waking up. I had the hotel specifically redesign my room for me before I got in. I massaged my head and my memory began to come back.

How did I get here??

All I remembered was going to my favourite place BAR AND BRAAI, getting drunk like a lunatic and passing out.

Who brought me here??

Was it Lauren and Aaron maybe?

So they really found me and I wasn't hallucinating at all. Nice.

But if I was here and the room was filled with a pleasant aroma, did that mean Lauren was with me? I knew for a fact it couldn't be Aaron.

He never got into my room unless I asked him to and after what happened last night he wouldn't have. I turned to my nightstand and found my phone lying down peacefully. I turned it on and found a lot of missed calls from Natalia, Gemini, Adam and Lauren.

I closed my eyes and furrowed my eyebrows pinching the bridge right above my nose. I was in hot soup.

I decided to crawl out of bed and take a shower. I had a shoot today at eight and it was already 7:30.

'Oh're awake....', the voice of the one man that made me happy filled the room and I smiled and sat back in bed. Adam. My Adam.

'Stay right there am bringing you food....'he pointed and I nodded.

He rushed back and came back in an instant. After seeing him, I covered both hands on my mouth and laughed. He was carrying a plate in his left hand, a bowl in his right and bit a disposable cup which I rushed to help with.

'Oh should've asked me for help....' I sighed and helped him with the remaining plates.

'No's no trouble, I can definitely do this's no trouble....',he insisted and asked me to sit back in the bed. I did as he asked and he covered me with the beddings.

'I made you what I call, bacon and eggs plus fresh bread salad with rice pudding...'

'Wow! I didn't even know you cook.....', I laughed.

'I know you're on a diet so I did some research and this is okay to go....', he said handing me the fork.

'Thank you...',I smiled and started eating. I was about to put the fork in my mouth when I noticed Adam wasn't eating.

'Why aren't you eating?' I asked.

'Because I only made food for you...' he replied and smiled. I looked at my plate and then back at him.

'You wanna share??'

'Oh no....that's for the sick girl....I'll make my own....' he got off the bed and went back to the stove. I jumped off too and followed behind him.

'You're supposed to be eating ...'

'You know not fugal about food.....I won't be able to eat unless someone eats with me...' I said crouching his hand against mine.

He laughed at my possession and walked with me to the stove.

'How did you get this in here? is it allowed??? I hope we aren't doing something illegal....' I worried remembering there was something like no electrical appliances allowed.

'When you're an artist nothing is just add art wherever you are....' he explained and I smiled.

I really admire him a lot.

I was still holding onto his hand not allowing him to let go. He cooked with one hand while the other was firmly attached to me.

I bent my head and rested it on his shoulder while remembering what happened yesterday.

I still couldn't believe that my mom was the evil Queen in my life. If she hated me I'd rather she just aborted me than go to such lengths to ruin me.

How could she want me to be a porn star? Was she sensible or sick in the head?

She must've been sick to her head. With her night time job, am sure she had access to a lot of drugs that drove her insane. And following such, she caused me to have a bleached relationship with my own aunt. I absolutely misunderstood her. I know she was wrong but she was just fulfilling her sisters wish at the cost of my affection for her.

I owed her so much.

She raised me. She made me who I am now. She contributed big to my life and I repaid her with a million insults, cutting through her flesh like the knives of the sorrowful knight. I was a terrible niece.

'Eleanor!!!' Adam screamed.

'Huh? Did you say something???' I took my head off of his hand and faced him.

'Are you alright?? Yes I said something.....what's wrong?'

'It was my mother Adam.....' I replied and kept my head in its initial position.


'Remeber when my aunt introduced me to that disgusting agency....'

'Mark Dorcel..... how can I forget? I know she's your relative but trust me she's nasty...I couldn't even believe your own aunt would want to sign you up in that king of agency....How could----'

'Save your breath. What happened, happened. It's all in the past now....let's not dwell in it...' I sighed trying not to let my tears come out.

'Are you sure?? Feels like there's a story there. Why would you mention your mom all of a sudden???' he asked in a caring manner . He switched off the stove and had me sit back on the bed.

I hugged a pillow and rested my back on the bed. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths while trying not to think about it.

' can talk to here for you...' he held my hands in his as he sat next to me.

'I told you tears don't look good in your eyes. Now you tell them, while am around they won't get a chance....'

His confidence in me is what has always been the factor to push me to great lengths. He's always been there by my side through thick and thin and that's what motivated me to do better.

I wasn't the sad girl I was anymore after my mother left and all the credit went to Adam.

He was the life in me.

'It wasn't my was my mom.....' I managed to make the words come out. The shock on his face was evident and I knew very well how much hatred he was going to hangbour in his heart for her.

'....then you found out....and went through the terrors of alcohol exhaustion....' he joked and I knew it was to make me laugh. I did but it wasn't satisfying.

'Am sorry Eleanor.....' he apologized and I nodded.

it wasn't his fault and there was no need for him to. That was my mother's place and it was nice of him to try and make up for it.

'So what happened yesterday?? Did I cause so much trouble with the few shots I took???'

'More like a mountain.....' he built one in the air with his hands and I got frightened.

I couldn't even imagine what Natalia must've been thinking.

'Tell me.....please....' I begged.

'i will after we eat....' he picked my hands and got off the bed to bring his meal.