WHEN I WAS OLD ENOUGH TO UNDERSTAND WHAT DEATH WAS AND THAT EVERYONE IS DESTINED FOR IT, I HAD ALWAYS DESIRED THAT IT WOULD RAIN THE DAY I LEFT THE EARTH FOREVER. I thought that if it rained the day I died, then all of the not so pleasing things that I'd leave behind would be washed away along with the memory of myself.

I could feel cool droplets of water gently hitting my face as my crumpled, mostly injured body lay lifeless in the middle of nowhere And that's when it hit me....

I felt my soul leaving my body and being drawn with the sceptor of the angel of death. He was guiding me to the afterlife. But before we left, an agonizing voice of a desperate little girl echoed in my ears. I stopped and turn around to look at her.

'Mummy don't leave me....' the little girl cried as she held onto the woman she was calling mom. The woman she called mother seemed even more broken than her. She was in a black outfit as though there was a funeral. She looked at her daughter and removed her griping fingers from her arms.

'I have to go my dear, be a good girl for me....' she adviced and turned around to leave.

The sounds of aircrafts taking off made the mood dull.

The sky was dark and filled with cumulonimbus clouds. Thunder and lightning were clapping and shooting from the heavens and it seemed like someone really important had died.

'Mummy don't leave me....' the little girl cried even louder only to realise her efforts were in vain.

Her mother walked away like nothing had happened. She matched out of the place and walked towards the entrance.

Left behind, she cried like death was the only thing staged for her. Her mother was her pride and charm. She was the epitome of her happiness and realising that she was leaving was a big blow to her heart.


Did she do something wrong?

She promised to write her homework on time, help with the chores and be a good girl everyone has ever wished for. But it wasn't accounted for.

It was too late.

She was already gone....

Tears dropped from her eyes and flooded the entire place. As if that wasn't enough, the gates of heaven opened and there was a rain that which no one had seen. The kind of rain that made them think they were back in Noah's times. The rain that made then realised, only a broken heart can cry that much. And in this world, only love can break and only love can heal. Then, someone called my name.

'Eleanor...', It sounded. 'Eleanor....wake up!'

'Shhhh! She's still sleeping....'

'She seems to be having a nightmare...she needs to wake up....'

'No don't wake her up, she will on her own. That could be dangerous we don't know for sure yet so let her be....'

'Enough with superstition. She needs help....! Oh God move!!'s Drake.....focus on my voice....'

'Shut up!! Let her rest.....'

'Rest?? Can't you see that's what she's lacking. She keeps tossing left to right and her pillow is drenched in tears....she needs to wake up now!'

'I will not let you wake her up .....'

'Please Lauren do not fight with me....'

'If it's a fight you want I'll give it to you but am not letting you even an inch close to her....'

My head began spinning and I couldn't understand why. Where was I?The argument they were having hinted to me that I was sleeping. So all this is a dream? What happened?? I looked by myside and the angel was nowhere to be seen. My soul went back into my body and I could feel my humanity again. I placed my hand on my forehead and felt something course like a bandage. Where was I?

The terrible smell of drugs immediately revealed all the answers I was looking for. Hospital? How did I get here??

What about the shoot?

I remembered shooting a scene with Drake and then everything went black.

Why was I admitted to the hospital then? Did something happen? I tried to open my eyes but they seemed to heavy to even be lifted without help.

My body seemed paralysed like I had a stroke. My lips were numb and I couldn't do anything about it.

What was wrong with me. I moved my fingers slowly and it felt like a whole journey around the world. They were so heavy and I wondered if something was attached to them that I had remained oblivious to.

'A-A-Adam....' I tried to speak. All my energy got drained and I felt wet like I was sweating. I battled to open my eyes and felt my whole world tumbling down. My eyelids felt as cold and heavy like an iceberg. When I finally did, everything was blurry, shifting in and out of focus. I battled to sit up and fortunately managed to.

'Eleanor.....are there you alright????' Drake held my hand in his and gave me a sympathetic look.

I got disappointed by the fact that it was him I saw first and not Adam. Where was Adam?

'Dear are you feeling fine???' Lauren asked placing a pillow behind me for support.

I ignored her. I scattered my eyes around the room looking for Adam but he was nowhere to be seen.

'Eleanor.....I was with you all night. I never left your side....seeing you wake up is a miracle. It's brought joy to my heart.....' Drake explained. My sight wasn't as good yet and I saw him smile. The picture was blurred and I felt my heart get torn by the minute. He stayed with me all night?? Him? Gosh, Why?

What of Adam? and Lauren maybe....where were they? Why would they let Drake watch over me?

Noticing that he was still holding onto my hand, I took it away from him and had it lacing fingers with the other.

Whether fortunately or unfortunately, he picked up my discomfort and stood up.

'Adam will be right back....he's gone to collect your medicine for you from the Pharmacy....' he explained. I looked away.

I suddenly became suspicious of Drake. He was giving me way too much attention and I was getting uncomfortable.

He badly hit Natasha after she hit me first. I know his actions were understandable in terms of anger control issues but what he did was too much.

Ever since we got cast as husband and wife on the movie, he's been acting so possessive of me and it was getting the most of me.

I was sick of it.

I know he was just a friend worrying about me but we had to either highlight or reset our boundaries.

'Whats wrong child???' Lauren asked as she sat next to me after Drake finally moved away. I was happy he did. His demeanor became rather suspicious to me and I wanted him nowhere near me. When Lauren sat next to me. I felt so happy. I quickly spread my arms around her so that she doesn't go away.

'I...I just want Adam ....' I sobbed as my head was hurting so bad. She caressed my back and ran her hands over my hair.

'He'll be here in no time, don't worry....' she pacified me.

'Umm....what about the shoot. Am supposed to shoot a scene with Drake.....' I said remembering where we stopped on last time.

"There is nothing scheduled for you today....." Drake replied before even Lauren could say anything. Something was up.

"He's you rest my child okay?? As soon as Adam walks right through that door.....I'll wake you up ...." she promised and I confidently laid down in the bed.

She walked to me and covered me with the sheets.

Feeling better, I closed my eyes and in less than minutes, I drifted off into a deep sleep.