I WOKE UP JUST IN THE NICK OF TIME. I opened my eyes and found Lauren sleeping beside me on the bed. I turned to the otherside and turned the lamp on, watching the alarm that said 05:30. In a moment, it sounded and jerked me off my feet. I quickly jumped off the bed unknowingly and accidentally pushed Lauren.

"Hey! wake up!" I shook her.

"What is it??? Has Thanos and his army invaded the galaxy and promised earth an apocalyptic dark future??" she vibrantly got up and turned to me. I narrowed my eyes at her with a confused look in my face. What did she just say?

"Sometimes I forget you're a mother of two...." I sighed and had my hands on my waist. She rolled her eyes and looked at me, her cheek leaning on her palm.

"What's up? Are you feeling better?"

"My anniversary....I missed my anniversary celebration!!!!!" I screamed. "Oh My could I?"

"W-what???" she asked completely confused.

"I promised Adam I would space and make time for it and I forgot over this movie offer and then we moved to San Diego for a shoot...." I blurted.

"My're very hit your head hard. Do you remember? Rustom? The movie you're co-starring with Drake Anderson?" she explained.

She wasn't going to help me. Adam. He was the one I had to talk to. I checked my bed bedding after bedding looking for my phone.

"Lauren, where is my phone?" I demanded. She quickly fetched her back and brought it out for me. I grabbed it and hurriedly dialed Adam's number. I paced to and fro in the room waiting for him to reply.

"Eleanor....I think you need to calm down....." Lauren walked to me and held me steady but I pushed her hands away. Adam was the only one on my mind and unless I talked to him I would go insane. I missed our anniversary. How could I?

My busy schedule distracted me and I didn't remember a single thing. I was a very terrible girlfriend.

"Hello ....???" the voice on the other end replied and I felt utmost happiness I haven't felt in a long time. My heart was bursting after hearing the angelic voice I had missed. The voice of my love.

"Adam....Adam am so sorry...."

"Eleanor? You're awake! Oh thank've been out for a while two days... Gosh am coming right up, I stepped out for a moment .... I can't wait to see you my love", he seemed excited and nothing could make me happier. He was eager to see me. Anxiously waiting to behold the face of his lover and here I was breaking his heart.

" sorry....I forgot our anniversary..." I apologized and he went silent for what seemed to be a long time to me.

"Adam? are you there???"

"Yeh-yes I sorry it's just.....what anniversary???" he asked and I got shocked.

"Our anniversary. Our fifteenth anniversary.... remember? we were supposed to have it about three weeks ago but I don't know how it all happened and were ahead of sorry....."

"No one is immune to forgetfulness my dear. We all forget....don't worry.....let me just come up okay....wait for me in the room. Is Lauren there???"

"Yes she is...." I trembled. He hang up the call and I slowly drew my phone to my hands. I walked to the bed and tool a seat.

Was all this real and happening? I couldn't believe it myself. It felt too unreal and I thought I was dreaming.

"Well???" Lauren asked as she moved towards me.

"I need to bath. Does this place have a bathroom?" I asked and she nodded. She quickly fetched a towel for me and pointed to the bathroom for me. I snatched it and went in.

For a hospital, this was quiet and elegant and beautiful bathroom. What hospital was this?

I turned the tap on and filled the bathtub with water to the brim. I set to a good temperature to aid my temperament. I recalled what Lauren said, I had hit my head. I laughed and got into the water.

Of course I remembered every single bit of it.

I wasn't sick to the head just yet. I just remembered something really important.

My anniversary with Adam.

It was all that mattered to me.

I clearly remembered what happened on that day. Natalia jumped on my like a praying mantis and with the strength of a gorilla pushed me to my fate, smashing my head against the solid bars of the prison cell.

She had crossed all limits with me. She thought she owned me.

She thought she would do anything with me like I was her property. She thought I was a leech that had gotten fat off her servings. Oh she was mistaken. She badly treated me and I always forgave her for it.

This time, I wasn't forgiving anymore.

She was going to face just what was destined for her.

She injured me badly and if it wasn't for Drake, goodness knows what would happen to me.

That bitch had gone way too far and today, I was going to settle all scores with her.


"Feeling better?" Adam asked as he sat beside me on the couch. I smiled and pinched his nose looking right into his pretty eyes.

"I do now...." I replied. He caressed my cheek and smiled after he looked at my eyes.

"Are you done flirting?" Gemini asked and pushed his way through in-between me and Adam.

"Dude!!!!" Adam screamed at him. I also gave him an eye and he didn't seem bothered one bit.

"Eleanor....I truly apologize for what happened to you two days ago...."

Two days ago?? I wondered

"Two days ago???" I asked completely horrified.

"Yes...." he nodded. "And so..."

"And so what about my shoot??? the movie??" I asked and Gemini looked at me fun. He suddenly looked at Lauren who was standing next to my bed with her fingers interlocked, playing with her charm bracelet. There was something she wasn't telling me.

"You didn't tell her?" Gemini asked. "Lauren are you serious??

"I was going to tell her this morning but then she cut me before I could...." Lauren defended herself. I stood up and walked towards her. She looked me in the eye and I looked at her and back at Gemini and Adam.

I left the hospital this morning and it felt relieving to finally be in my hotel room. The hospital environment was sickening and being home made me feel better again. Despite that, Lauren and Gemini were going to be my downfall and have me bedridden again.

"Why haven't I received any calls from the production manager or any of the directors to this day?" I asked immediately. "And why aren't you guys in haste to take me to the shooting scene...?? Well out with it...anyone??"

"Eleanor. The movie broadcasts got delayed for a month...." Lauren finally spoke and my world came to a standstill.

"What????" I asked looking at Gemini and Adam. They both nodded in agreement.

"It's true....there's a break in filming to rectify the injustice done to you.... Actually the very same day after dropping you at the hospital, a police case was filed against Natalia Ramos with an arrest warrant on charges of assault and abuse of power. Matters have been taken to court and all we are waiting for is the first hearing...." Gemini explained further and I found it difficult to breathe.

"Who did this???" I asked. I already had someone in mind but I had to prove it.

"Drake Anderson...."