"Come on Jeannine....pose for the know what...since morning I've been wanting to take pictures all day. I actually didn't expect my phone to be this I finally agree....what's a cool phone without a bright camera....?" I joked and I could feel the room get less tense.

Realising what I had done, Jeannine rushed over to where I was and attempted to grab my camera but I raised it up out of her reach.

Someone, a man rather who'd been so close to her since, walked over to where she stood and held her back.

"Calm down miss, don't forget you have a reputation to keep.....calm down....", He whispered but she didn't seem to be getting aboard with his idea. She snatched her hand away from his grip and was about to aim her had at me when I stood firm in my shoes and looked at her.

"Don't...get familiar....." I warned and she slowly took down her arm, drenched in embarrassment.

"Eleanor De La Rue....I'd advice you not to get involved. Delete those photos and no one gets hurt...." She popped her eyes out and gripped her fingers in fists. Her pale skin exposed her veins all around her neck and they'd distended. Her hair line which was perfectly made was beginning to flake after her gel started to melt. Sweat can be a beauty killer some times...

"Am afraid I can't do that....You see...someone already got hurt...." I motioned to the young girl she slapped who was now holding an ice pack against her cheek and sobbing quietly.

I felt sorry for her. I completely understood what it felt like to be in her shoes. I understood her one hundred percent and that was exactly why I was standing up for her. I didn't want people to abuse and mistreat others. I deployed such behaviour and I will do what I can to eradicate it.

"I am warning not get involved...or'll be sorry....." She threated and I locked my lips looking at the ceiling.

"Uh..did you say something? Please say it again...." I smiled after the sour look that painted itself on her face. It felt good knowing that I was picking her right in her pain.

Just a few hit shows and she thinks she's on top of the world? Please...I was where she is more than five years ago and yet I knew how to behave with people unlike her. I developed a tough skin to this point and just because I was lenient with Natalia it didn't mean I was capable of nothing. I also had a few tricks up my sleeve and looks like everyone was eager to see the dark side of me.

"If I upload such photos of you onto the internet, I wonder what would the way, which Jeannine are you?? Jeannine Lana or Jeannine Montague???..." I rolled my eyes and bit my lips, taking all the time I had. What was the hurry for?

I could see exactly how Jeannine was getting highly affected by words. I could tell she was fighting hard to let go as she was enraged.

"Ma'am...make a wise decision. Don't let your anger get to you. We are in a very critical moment right now and a wrong move would cost us a lot. The movie isn't out yet and you haven't made a name for yourself regarding. If something was to go wrong now, it might affect the viewer percentage of the sequel and am sure the directors might even let you go...." Her assistant whispered and I laughed. He whispered quiet loudly, I could hear everything.

After processing what he said, she was stunned and obviously startled. It was evident her anger was the hardest to subside but I wasn't leaving until justice was served.

"Miss Eleanor, would you please delete those photos?? You're a very famous person have impact in the world....I witnessed how you managed to get your own CEO behind bars....I have no courage to even face my own director....." She started and now I realised I had no time for nonsense.

"Get to the point....." I cut her and of course didn't miss the wicked glint sparkle in her eye.

"Am begging you please let them go...."

"Do you know how much Hollywood-Today would be willing to give me if I sold these photos to them???" I asked and the heat she was radiating was hotter than a hot shower.

Hollywood-Today was the most famous gossip magazine here in America. They didn't care if it was legit or not but as long as they had news they published it. Unfortunately, most of it was the unpleasant type.

It was my life's mission to never ever have my name in that magazine. I loved fame but negativity was just what I was allergic to.

"Eleanor do you want to die?? How dare you say that to me....??" She squinted her eyes at me and a tear dropped right down her cheek. Poor girl, I thought. I didn't want to be this mean but she forced me to.

"I detest people taking advantage of other people. This is a crime punishable by law and seeking these pictures to Hollywood-Today is the slightest thing I'd do with them. I can open a case against you and within the snap of my fingers get you a harsh punishment than exchanging these photos for a few dollars. Do you hear me???" I threatened her and she whimpered like a bruised cat.

"Now you will talk to me with respect...." I demanded and her assistant quickly knelt at my feet.

"Ma'am....please don't do that....punish me instead. Don't do anything that would hurt her reputation....she just got cast as lead for the first time and it might ruin the chances of her acting in the sequel if you publicise this....please consider ma'am...." His pleading reminded me of when I was begging my aunt to take me to my mother.

Four days had passed after she left and I couldn't take it anymore.

I waited and waited for her but she didn't come back. I didn't know what was wrong and I didn't try to find out. I just wanted my mother to come back.

"Okay....I will interest me...." I told the assistant and he stood up.

"However, she did something wrong and she will still get punished...." I made it clear and the assistant nodded.

"Two hundred thousand.." I mentioned as though we were bidding.

"What???" Her face went pale immediately.

"Two hundred thousand....and I will forget this ever happened...."

"Either you're conning me or my hearing just got impaired. Two hundred thousand. You want me to pay two hundred thousand for a single photo??? You're definitely insane...." She folded her arms around her chest and I shrugged my lips.

"Oh goes nothing....." I acted as though I was actually going to tap 'send' when suddenly I was stopped.

"Wait!!" The assistant called it and walked to me again.

This man's persistence amused me.

Was he really just an assistant or there was another story behind it all? Suddenly I was curious.

Why was he fighting me over and over again trying his best not to get the photos out? How else did he know Jeannine?