"Yes....??" she smiled, taking my hand and leading me to a nearby lobby where we sat on the bench their.

"You see....Adam and I are had our fifteenth anniversary a two weeks ago but due to my busy schedule, I can shamelessly say it slipped my mind...." I admitted feeling nothing but thorns aimed at me. How I could forget my fifteenth anniversary? Adam would start to think I wasn't serious with our relationship and how then would I bring up the topic about marriage to him?

"Shocker....." she placed her fingers on her mouth and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"But...I made up for it. He's always wanted to go to Peru....and I made an arrangement...." I grinned knowing my super brain came to the rescue.

I was never going to forgive myself knowing that I never made it up to Adam.

" you guys are going to leave??" she asked and seemed sad.

"Unfortunately, yes. But we will be back in time for the wedding if that's okay...." I tried to make sure my speech was as blunt as possible. I couldn't handle her thinking I was dumping her wedding over my own issues.

Kelly and Sven's wedding was the wedding of the century. They had invited all famous people from across the world and it was a fortune to be found at such a place. It was a great opportunity even for me and I wanted her to understand I treasurer such a chance.

"Alright miss Eleanor. Your invite will still be viable. and am wishing you the very best...." she finished and got up to leave without waiting for me to say anything.

I've always known that belonging to the highest class, you adopt mannerisms which reflect nothing but nobility. I just didn't know that timing was one of them. Immediately after your speech you leave. Really?

I took a deep breath and got up to leave too. Her permission was all I needed and now that I got it, I couldn't be happier.

I went back to the hall and the media had crowded the entire place.

Cameras where everywhere and different people from media stations gathered and fought through the door. Blinding lights from camera flashlights filled the entire room and it was someone what chaotic. The guests had arrived and it was beautiful to see such an elegant ambience.

I noticed Ciara and she was sitting next to her Fiancé, Prince Griffin.

They were talking and she was giggling, blushing and laughing. Typical of Ciara and she seemed very happy.

"Eleanor....a minute??" one of the reporters called me and I hesitated for a minute before letting it sink in and following toward them.

A bunch of microphones were placed right in front of my face and I felt like a politician at a campaign rally.

"How does it feel to attend Kelly and Sven's pre-wedding dinner?" one of them asked and brought the mic to my mouth.

"'s a supper sick opportunity. I don't take it for's great to be here...."

"What do you think about Kelly and Sven?" another asked.

"Yes Eleanor...considering you and Adam are the hot couple on the market...what you would you say about them?"

" got me in a corner there...." I laughed and fortunately they laughed through.

This was a very terrible question. Why would they ask such a thing? If I said they were made for each other, one of them would probably release the bomb if my wedding with Adam. most certainly. If I said we were made for each other, I'd be accused of stealing the show right from Kelly which wasn't what I was doing.

What do I do?

"Well...all love stories are beautiful and theirs is just as much...." I smiled and for a moment they all went silent.

"Tell us more about what you're wearing. Is that an Olly Murray designer dress??" someone asked and everybody's attention was brought to me.

"Oh yes it is...." I smiled back and it felt good to spend the next thirty minutes or so talking about my fashion sense. I was always adorned by my fame and getting to talk about me was something I never got tired of. Everytime was definitely Eleanor-time.

After the brief interview, I walked into the hall towards Ciara. She saw me and got up to give me such a warm embrace. She was wearing a strapless black Versace gown with a thy high slit. On her legs six inch heeled sandals and her hair pulled in a ponytail. She looked gorgeous.

"Are you competing against the bride or something? Why do you want to steal the show?" I reprimanded and pinched her neck.

"Am Ciara and my name already suggests royalty...." she gave me that sensational grin and I knew she was unstoppable. Having her name sounding just as queen, she chokes us with pompousness. Always assuming to be super and she fortunately does it so well.

I hugged her back and we sat down together.

"Eleanor, this is Griffin...." she introduced me to the man who was her date. I smiled and extended my hand to him. He wore a smile that surely aiming to make all ladies around here look at Ciara with a devilish interest. A very handsome man is always bombarded by jealousy all around and especially to the woman he's with.

"How do you do??" I asked.

"Great. How do you do??" he responded and coated my hand in his.

"Likewise. Good.." I replied and he let go of my hand, resuming his seat. I took mine too and smiled at Ciara.

"This is Eleanor..." Ciara told him.

"I know her. The other Pathetic Reynold..." he grinned and I shrugged my eyes.

I didn't know famous people like him had time to watch movies. So he did watch our movie.

I chuckled and it was followed by a laugh. Ciara joined in and I noticed she turned to Griffin and smiled at him. He smiled back and I just saw exactly why she liked him.

His lips were like sweet berries, and his cologne is as strong as midnight romance. His eyes were big blue and daring. His frame was so firm and perfectly fit as specales of sweat running down.

Looking at them like this, I didn't miss out on the hint these love birds were giving. I needed my Adam with me.

As though in a prayer, I turned around to look for him and there he was.

My knight in the night.

Gentleman was definitely the term for it. It is made of everything and of nothing, the striving will, the look, the walk, the proportions of the body, the sound of the voice, the ease of the gestures. It is all in itself and looking at Adam, he got all ticks in all sections.

His cheeks were chiseled like a finely-carved Michelangelo statue. His nose; perfectly symmetrical. His lips are slightly full: the kind that got me biting my own tongue each time I spoke.

He smiled and waved at me. I got up and walked toward him to give him just about the warmest welcome.