"OH MY WORD!!!" her voice echoed in my ears and I audibly cried. Talking about it brought all the memories back and I realised there was still a chance that I was still emotionally traumatised.

"I'll talk to you later. I have to get on the plane...." I said my goodbye. "Oh...and please...keep it low key. I don't want it to hit the media yet until it's been thoroughly investigated..."

"You can trust me...." Her words came like a soft cushion offering rest and comfort for me.

It made my heart flutter knowing that I still had someone by my side with me and helping me through my troubled times.

I hang up and saw that Adam had passed the check point and was walking to have our passports stamped.

"Oh My that Eleanor??" someone asked and I span around only to expose myself.

"It is her!" she seemed to exclaim and I knew I had to leave.

In less than seconds, cameras flashed all over taking pictures of me.

It was something that was supposed to be exciting but right now nothing was more terrifying. These people acted like real fans out here but behind the scenes they were lurking shadows seeking to rip my heart out in half.

I ran past the check point quickly and headed towards Adam's direction. Fortunately the security guards came over and controlled the situation. All those who were taking pictures where threated to leave or be fined.

In a blink, they had dispersed.

"Thank goodness" I sighed looking back at them. Silly me. I even forgot to wear my shades and a hat.

But it was night. I didn't know some people would still be at the airport at such an hour.

"Eleanor...hurry up!" Adam called and I raced towards him.

I scaled through the busy lines and managed to get to him. Unfortunately, my phone rang again. I groaned in frustration and looked at the caller ID. Lana Washington.


"Boy am I so glad you picked up. I've been trying to get in contact with you for the past days....but your phone was unreachable..." she blurred out obviously saving herself from my wrath. It'd been a week since we met and she was only calling now?

"Uh...yeah... I was unreachable. How are you???" I asked purposely.

"Not!!" her tone quickly surprised me.

"Excuse me??" I asked in terror.

"Tell me...are you fine? Are you okay?" Her questions terrified me.

Why was she concerned about me all of a sudden? Did she get an intel on me? But from who? Jeannine? Did that girl hint on anything? Does that mean she's the one who let the dead body on my hotel.?

"Do tell me. What's wrong??"

"Um...I sort of overheard know I work at the same company with Jeannine...I somehow got a tip of her conversation with her friends...."

"Okay...what did she say? Did she mention me??'

"Yes...that's why am worried. It's why I had been calling you for the past three days...." she confessed.

Past three days?? That went back to the day I went to Peru. That means Jeannine was hatching this whole evil idea in her little spoilt mind.

But then, how did she know I was going to Peru? The only people I mentioned it to where Ciara and jelly who would never have told her themselves.

"uh...out with it...what did she say??" I asked curiously.

"She said she was going to do something big in these three days... which you wouldn't be able to forget her for...." Lana shivered and I got startled. It would be game over if someone were to catch her.

" someone with you??" I asked lowering my voice.

"Uh..Not really...." she said sounding unsure. Maybe someone really was with her that's why she was panicking.

"Okay little girl. Am sort of in a mix right now so we'll talk properly sometime later. As of now listen and listen good. I need you to do something for me...."

"What is it?"

"I need you to spy on her for me. I need to know everything and I mean everything about her. I need a daily account of her. From what time she arrives at the company, to how she gets there down to what she's wearing....attach the brand if is important in espionage and you're the only one that can feed me off at this moment...."

"Oh my Goodness...." I could tell she was scared.

"Is that too much to ask?" I asked harshly knowing she was not going to refuse me. I just needed her word for it incase something we're to happen later, I shouldn't be accused of dragging her into this.

Yes am not conniving, just careful

" can totally do it. Even the unnecessary information right??"

"I decide what's unnecessary and what's not...just tell me everything..." I made it clear and that was my finalist. I hang up and a rush of disgust tasted in my mouth.

This was the proof I need and I got it. Lana confirmed that Jeannine was the one who harassed me and this time she took it a step further. What was the need to involve a corpse preventing someone's soul from resting in peace?

Our fight wasn't bigger than that. She had gone too far with this and needed to be taught a lesson. How could she do such a gruesome act? I barely believed it was true.


"All set to go???" Adam asked and I nodded. I wasn't going to tell him about it yet. Maybe tomorrow after our flight.

I switched my phone off and held his hand while going up the stairs I to the plane.

I looked back one last time, saying goodbye to Peru. I immediately lost the interest of being in this place ever again.

After what happened, I was heart broken. The first time I came wasn't as pleasant at all. What had happened? Something profound and unbelievable to men. Something very, very fatal inductive, cutting a five day trip half way, flashing with horrendous memories unlike friendly ones.

"Good bye, Peru...." I waved just the moment I got into the plane.