"ELEANOR!!!" Kelly screamed and ran over to me. She spread her arms on me and gave me the warmest hug.

I hugged her back and knowing that I was missed was enough energy to power me up.

"You know just the most perfect timing!" she began as she pulled me over to a near by chair.

"What's the occasion?" I asked.

"Well.....we are having a beach party today. We are just about to leave for Pensacola Beach...." she flinched and seemed just about excited.

"Pensacola beach??" I repeated.

"You got the right!" she turned to her personal attendant and he handed her something resembling a booklet.

She handed it to me and I quickly opened it to find several pictures about this talked of beach. It was located in the northwest corner of the state.

"It really celebrates the retro vibe of what it means to be a Florida beach town...." Kelly fisted her hands and sunk them in each of her cheeks. I smiled at her and went back to reading the booklet

The beach here is beautifully white, and you'll find hotels, like the Margaritaville Beach Resort.

I immediately paused the moment I read about it. I honestly wasn't interested in getting any more drama with public hotels.

"Are you coming???" she asked anxiously as she received the booklet from me. I looked at her and she smiled like a ten year old, eager to hear just about my response. She was so expectant to have me their and it was as if she had something planned out for me. After what happened in Peru, I didn't feel like doing anything anymore.

I just wanted to sit down and relax. To involve my mind in something that would not keep reminding me of the incident.

But a beach party?? Really? What if something was to happen to me over here??

"Eleanor...what are you thinking about???" She shook me and I jumped in fright. I took a deep breath and rubbed my forehead.

I ran the back of my hand on my face to down my neck and pushed my hair back.

"Are you alright? You seem ....dim...." she questioned my odd character and I knew I had to revert to my old self.

I didn't want anyone doubting that something was going on with me. I had to act natural.

"Yeah...I...I's just that..." I began thinking if a sensible excuse.

"Forgive her ma'am....she's been on a very long flight. Jet syndrome maybe??" her attendant came to my rescue and I smiled while nodding. Kelly didn't seem convinced. She was like a detective out to catch a thief right in the act at the place of the scene.

"Sure...." Ciara added convincingly. She walked to where we were and squeezed herself on my back, handing her hands on my shoulders. "Maybe you should rest...."

"Thank you....." I smiled and held her hand feeling drowsy. "I think I should. An hour will be enough then I can join you at the party...." I smiled looking consecutively at Ciara and then Kelly.

Ciara was okay with it but I awaited Kelly's answer.

She looked at me as if her eyes were an MRI machine, trying to look for a tumour in my head.

Then, like a chameleon, her attitude completely changed from a Gothic viper to a pretty pink Princess.

"Okay....give me a call when you decide to come...." she hugged me and got up to walk away without even waiting for my reply.

Her assistant came over to me and asked me to follow her.

Along with Ciara, we got into a car who's colour resembled twilight fog. I was seated with Ciara in the backseat and we quietly drove to a very exquisite place. It had such a magnificent sight that made me wish I was born in it.

The walls were made of white gravel which glistened as the sun beams hit across them. The building was tall; maybe one of the tallest building I'd seen to this point. In width, it went even farther than its length. It seemed to have covered half the entire Florida.

Looking at this place just made me realise how magnificent architecture was.

On the front, two sculptured flamingos faced eachother at the entrance with water coming out of their beaks creating a pool beneath them.

The flower collection was so elegant and they were placed in a particular pattern which I couldn't really tell but rather appreciated their beauty instead.

They all have out amazing fragrances competing among themselves which was fairest.

"Between Pensacola and Panama City on Florida's Emerald Coast, the Henderson is the grande dame of the Gulf Coast, with 170 guest rooms, four restaurants, a spa, and access to a wide golden-sand beach..." Ciara smiled and I poked her side.

"Did you do a research prior?" I asked and she tossed the booklet at me.

I rolled my eyes and went up the stairs following the man that accompanied us here.

We arrived at the reception and I began to panic. Unlike Ciara, I wasn't wearing any sunglasses not was I wearing a sunhat.

"Don't worry....this hotel is strictly prohibited and limited to only famous people and celebrities. Even so, it's invite only...." Kelly's assistant saw through my panic and I felt relieved.

I sat on the reception with Ciara while waiting for him to do his work.

"Aren't you going to go for the beach party??" I asked and she shook her head.

"Not when you're not there...."

"Oh have to... We're here to have fun aren't we?" I reminded her and she hesitated.

"Oh did it go with Adam....??" she asked and in the same moment, Kelly's assistant, walked in and handed me a card. I thanked him for it.

I wasn't sure if Ciara was going to understand if I explained the whole marriage thing to her but I hoped she would.

"Fourth floor, first room on the right...Your luggage has already been sent there for you..." he said and I thanked him.

"Uh...and Adam??" I asked.

"He's with Griffin..." Ciara replied. I smiled and turned around to leave.

"Wait. Here's my card. Call me if you need anything..." he extended his hand and I immediately liked his sense of humour.

For a moment, he looked down at me and I looked back at him. It was evident that his orange sun-kissed skin was kept moisturised with the world's most expensive products and it's glow was just original.

His eyes cringed in the corners as his lips began curling into a smile; instantly revealing his milk-white teeth. At that point, their was no denying it, he was handsome.

"If you want to catch the shower, you'd better leave tout de suite!" Ciara tapped my shoulder and jerked my soul back to reality. Did I just get attracted to another man who wasn't Adam?

"Uh...Thank you...." I waved at him and hurriedly ran to the elevator.