MY EARS BURNT AT THE MENTION OF RUSSIAN MAFIA. I have never been to Russia before and how did my name get there? I had no friends or relatives nor did I have any connections to Russia.

"What?? Russian Mafia??" I clasped my lips and moved back onto my bed.

"Two days prior to your arrival, the CCTV surveillance camera really broke down in the room that you were booked to, just as the manager said. was not repaired on purpose...." he paused and looked sternly at me and Adam.

"Okay???" he asked and Conan wrinkled his forehead.

"Someone knew before hand that you were going in to Peru and had this whole plan hatched..." Conan spanked his legs and leaned forward to look at me.

I escaped his eyes and looked at Adam who was in deep thought. I took a moment to reflect on what Conan had said so far.

Russian Mafia?? Oh really?

But wasn't that a crime syndicate? Killing people, money laundering and fencing. That's what they were good at and how on earth did I end up getting entangled with them?

"Russian Mafia???" I asked again completely shocked.

"Somehow you managed to upset the Russian Mafia...." Adam whispered and I smacked his shoulder. The Russian Mafia are one of the five factions in Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction. They are very different from all the other factions in the game, and not just because they are not an army representing a cause and nation. They were most dangerous people on earth and I couldn't understand it all.

I know I was famous but did my fame hit someone in the Russian Mafia?

"Ma' many people knew about your trip to Peru? Since you said it was a surprise to Me Jenner, I believe only friends in your inner circle knew.....??" Conan finally asked and broke the terrible silence. It was killing me.

"Exactly. I only told Kelly the day before as well as Adam. I told Ciara a few days before. Actually, weeks earlier. When she invited me to this wedding I was hesitant because I had the anniversary in mind and I told her about it. And when we came here, she was the only one I kept updated about the whole plan..." I explained oblivious to what Conan was getting at.

I paused and looked at him. His eyes were looking back at me, piercing through my flesh making me think he was the one with the Russian Mafia.

He had the look of one who had drunk the cup of life and found a dead beetle at the bottom. Disgusted.

The muscles on his chiselled face, obviously tensed and a grim smile appeared.

Where did Adam find this man?

"No..." I held my head in my head and stood. "!!"

"What is it??" Adam pulled me back to where I sat.

"He...he...I..i.know that he's thinking. He thinks Ciara is a suspect...." I looked at Adam who looked back at me, with no expression on his face.

I turned to Conan and he still had this confident look on his face. He must've thought he'd landed a jackpot to boast his career but I wasn't letting him have the cake yet.

"No...I mean how could you even think of interrogating Ciara?? Are you out of suspects? Why not interrogate all the people at the lodge??" I lashed out on him like a woman scolding his kid.

"If you so much as have faith in her then why don't you want us to interrogate her??" He asked only angering me more. Did he think this was a joke? Where we playing soccer maybe?? And what I was the defender?

"How dare you ask me that?"

"Am serious. Things have gotten to the part where the one who is supposed to be the suspect, isn't. And those who aren't suspects, are actually suspects. So if you just ---"

"No...I will not let you question her...."

"Because she's not to be suspected?"

"Because she's my friend and I trust her..."

"Trust is meant to be broken..." He barked and I could tell how frustrated he was just by that statement. His face changed and I could feel him tremble along with the anger radiating heat toward me. The same Ciara or something else? His attitude changed to that of grim reaper, eager and persistent to strip my soul out of my body.

Was he involving his personal matters into this?

"I don't know if you understand but I'll make you. This case doesn't only concern you. An anonymous girl yet to be identified is involved and to the look of things she was sexually assaulted and brutally murdered to death. Even so, her corpse was not treated with respect which is still against the law. Now even if you close the case, we will still investigate it to get to the bottom of it because even she, needs justice!!!"

I swallowed and took a deep breath.

"The choice is yours...rather we get to the bottom of this or you chicken out! But just to be clear, if you're one in on board, don't let your emotions kick in. Put them aside and think like a man.... "

His last words were so sharp and pierced my heart. I was completely misunderstood and humiliated. He talked to me as though I was an irresponsible foolish rich brat.

He was a heartless man and I detested him.

"I think he's right...." Adams voice echoed and I stared at him.

How didn't he side with me? I was his Eleanor. How could he not??

I turned away and nodded while bending my back and covering my face with my hands.

I was sick to my stomach!