"WHO, WHO AND WHO NOW???" Ciara wore a questioning look, fidgeting her entire body. She looked at me and I only dipped my samosa on the red chilli sauce and bit it off, my teeth doing the rest of the job.

The garam masala, cumin and 4 tbsp lemon juice, mixed so well and I could stop licking my lips; a habit I've always disdained but one day is one day.

"Deino , Enyo, and Pemphredo...." Caoimhe recited it for her and wore a grin placing her glass down.

"Come on....the three Gorgon sisters....."

"No...not Gorgon...but witches...." I corrected and Ciara was onto me.

"You have got to be kidding me. So we look like witches to you...?" she asked her face changing. Her eyes popped out and her pupils became pinpoint. She had a nose stud on and it looked like a pimple on some witch's crooked nose. Her red lipstick changed its shade in the contrast of the light and she really did look like a witch.

"No...." I laughed and dismissed her thoughts. "You guys looked at me as if I was keeping your eye and would request a ransom in return...." I tilted the chair to her direction and folded my arms on my chest.

"Well, of course you have the eye. Drake...he's the eye now spill it....what's with you and him?" Caoimhe was the one that attacked me and I must admit it took me by surprise. For someone with royal blood, I expected something else regarding her behaviour but she quickly took me out of line.


I guess Kelly wasn't joking when she said the crown isn't the only heavy thing you get to wear.

"Nothing....Lauren is just screwed up in the head..." I dipped the remaining bit of my samosa in the sauce and tossed it into my mouth. I picked a glass of water and drank it all down to mark the end of my meal.

"Oh really? Here's the deal....Drake ---"

"Wait. Drake as in Drake Anderson? The one who was costarring alongside Eleanor in the movie Rustom??" Ciara asked as if we all didn't know. What away to rub salt in our wounds. especially mine...

"Yes him....he lost it after Natalia slapped Eleanor on site. He jumped on her and nearly killed her if not restricted...."

"Oh My God...." gasped Ciara.

"Not true....he wouldn't kill her...he was just ----" I jumped in but she cut me.

"And then he puts the movie production on pause for a month all for Eleanor. He issues a restricting order in Eleanor's name against Natalia and even offered to have his father's company open an agency special for her...." as dramatic as she was, she slammed the table, spurred out her hands like a diva.

"Are you joking????" Ciara question the truth in Lauren's words and she nodded vigorously causing me to roll my eyes.

"...and now....there's an obsessive stalker seeking to assassinate Eleanor but she's oblivious to the plan that he's only an inch away from her. It's Drake...!!! He's in love with you and that's why he wants you away from Adam...." she spoke with her hands alongside. The two ladies froze after hearing such an accusation and frankly speaking I would too. It was terrible to even imagine she would level all those with solid proof....

"I thought we had Jeannine as the first suspect....." Ciara asked me and I mirrored her expression.

"Exactly...I don't understand why she thinks it's Drake..." I helplessly leaned on the table and looked back at her. I didn't want in anyway to point fingers at Drake because he didn't deserve it.

Jeannine did. In so many ways she proved to me she was the one. Just now, she had me trapped in a man's bedroom to have me sexually assaulted that Adam should leave me in the end. She was much worst than I thought.

"I don't know if you've heard but smoke came exist without fire. Where there's smoke....surely there's fire.....whether we see it or not...." Caoimhe straight her spine on the chair and looked as though she was heading a board meeting.

"Okay great now even you think he's at fault. What about Jeannine people....she's the one that got me set up with s man do he can rape me and have Adam dump me....." I stood my group and expressed my opinion. No - Fact. not opinion. Whether they would believe me or not....I would prove it to them if need be....

"Two days ago I had dinner with my cousin José-Lee in a platinum hotel to discuss the positioning of his new upcoming five star hotel. I was curious to how he got the money to invest in such a project because please....have you seen the guy???" she shrugged her lips and I heaved a laugh. This girl was a whole explosive device.

"And....??" Lauren pushed her to proceed.

"He just laughed and said he had a plug in the Anderson's. Now I've known and come to understand that it all roots up to darkness and breeds things you don't even wanna know. So I pushed him to tell me the truth and he told me partly...."

"Aand...??" Ciara asked and Caoimhe pinched her nose.

"Now don't you go tell Griffin. He's gonna tell José-Lee who will kill me...."

"I won't if you let go of my nose...." Ciara barked and her nose was freed at last.

"He said there was a fearless, unpredictable and baddest man of in the Anderson who has the right connections from the highest government official all the way down to the darkest side of the Mafia world...."

"Oh my heavens...." at the mention of the word mafia, my memory raced back to Ivanovich. Conan said he was linked to the Russian mafia. Could this be it. Was Drake really not what he seemed to be? Was there a motive behind his kindness towards me?

"So as truth has it, old man Anderson has two children, two sons in fact. Donnelly, the eldest who I've met before on a particular occasion and from the mere greeting I could tell he was....angelic??? of some sort..."

"Of some sort???" I raised an eyebrow and looked at her. She was not serious.

"And that narrows it down to Drake. Elly...what if he's who José was talking about??? Remember...the Russian mafia and Ivanovich? He was killed before we could get answers from him and am sure he was working with Drake. And you know....Drake is your makes sense why he could send threatening packages to you because he knew when you'd be where...."

"Detective Ciara....." Lauren clapped and I remained silent.

"But Drake and I aren't friends like that. I never tell him everywhere am going....." I denied the allegation and immediately my appetite fled. I was confused and didn't know what to do.

I was actually planning on calling Drake to check in him and thank him for always being a nice friend but after this discovery I was in doubt if I'd even go ahead with that plan.

"Don't get me wrong now, I didn't say Drake's a bad guy. I just wanted to help you level things up before getting in deep....lest you drown...." her tone changed as she said the last words and I hugged myself rubbing my forearms. All this was chilling and I felt like I just woke up from a nightmare and got forced into watching a horror movie.

I couldn't understand what to think of him now.

" seem like a sweet girl and that's why I'll tell you this ... stay away from him. Keep out of Drake Anderson...."