I WALKED DOWNSTAIRS AND SAW CIARA HAVING SNACKS WITH CAIOMHE AND LAUREN. They seemed to be having a story on their lips and guffaws of laughter echoed through the room.

I wondered what they would possibly be talking about that was so funny.

I walked down the staircase and approached them.

"Come sit...." Lauren got up and pushed through a chair for me. I smiled and rushed to sit in. I tucked my hair behind my ears and wrang my shirt to my elbows.

Feeling excited, I flipped over the plate on my side and looked around the table deciding on what to pick. The aroma of the food was enticing enough causing me to start drooling already. I hadn't eaten anything in the past two days and I sure was hungry.

My eyes got scattered all over the place wondering what I should pick but suddenly, my frustration levels rose.

"What is this???"

Banana Oat Muffins. Yogurt Covered Strawberries, cute little sheep from cauliflower florets, cereal and milk pancakes, fruity pebble pancakes topped with milk glaze. They were all kiddies treats.

"Food for kids..." Caiomhe whispered.

"I can see that...." I replied sharply looking at Lauren.

Ciara looked at me and peals of laughter burst from deep within. Her laugh was contagious, and sounded more like an evil cackle than an expression of amusement. Everyone else bursted out laughing apart from me. Their voices were malignant and spiteful and prone to insane laughter. What sort of joke was this?

"Surprise!!!!!" they screamed at once and I gave a cautious look.

"Oh come on Eleanor....we just wanted to surprise you with a new dish on the table.....don't you like it??" Ciara asked moving her chair towards mine.

"Look there...sheep...isn't it cute? Lauren has quiet the charm....." She pointed at the cauliflower florets and I gazed at them, drawing in all my attention.

They were really cute.

In fact so was everything else on the table. They were all quiet unique and in different patterns. Doughnuts with faces on and some with hands and legs attached to the sides. A bowl of cereal with strawberries as eyes and a banana as the mouth.

She had juice poured in dual portions, half a glass and garnished it with a sliced orange that had a winking eye attached to it.

Her creativity was really out of this world and am sure it all tastes as beautiful as it looked.

"I guess's really beautiful and am hoping tasty too....." I loosened up and had some cauliflower sheep placed in my plate. She added some meat slices garnished with vegetables and cheese shaped as teddy bears. Since the meat was hot, it melted off the cheese and had it spread into the meat.

"Oh, it tastes superb... " Caoimhe closed her eyes and from the expression on her face it was evident she was enjoying the meal.

Lauren got up and rushed to the kitchen where she came back bearing samosas.

"I'll have that...." I replied returning all the food I had picked out of compromise and decided to get an actual all thing that my heart wanted.

They all eyed my poor etiquette but I wasn't compromising my happiness for anything. Honesty was a virtue and I had to adhere by it.

Lauren sat down and together we all enjoyed the meal that she had cooked for us.

"This food was're such a good mom....I have learnt something from you...." Caoimhe's compliment alarmed. I literally chocked on my samosa and quickly fetched a napkin to wipe the stain off.

"You're a mother too???" I asked.

"Of three....the oldest is thirteen...." Ciara replied and I got even more shocked.

Her beauty really deceived me. Her skin was flawless and pure as snow. Her fashion sense was like that of a teenager, elegant and up-to-date.

She looked fresh and young like she knew nothing about this birthing business yet she had three kids of her own.

"Am only 38. What's the hurry. Life begins at 40. I have two more years...." she grinned and raised her glass to make a toast.

"To motherhood...." she smiled and Lauren with Ciara, like two faithful apprentices they complied.

"How many kids do you want to have Eleanor....?" Caoimhe asked and I quick swallowed the samosa in my mouth. Of all the people on the table she has to choose me. Interesting.

"Um....I don't know. 6? I really don't know...I think it'll depend on what Adam suggests..." I nodded. I've never really thought of having kids of my own. My life as a celebrity had taught me enough to cause me to stay away from marriage.

I mean it was a good thought but once you start having kids, your beauty fades not even loads of cream would hide the wrinkles.

"What did Adam hint on? like how many...." Ciara licked her fingers and leaned in like a gossiper. "He hinted on marriage so....he must've talked about children too...."

"Yeah...that's totally how men work...." Caoimhe agreed and they did a fist bomb followed by a high five. I could see the bond between sisters in law was getting on fabulously.

"He didn't hint on anything related to that...." I laughed. I wasn't sure about my feelings towards kids but I was certain of Adams. He hates kids.

"How would she know when she's busy with Drake...." Lauren smooched in and quickly bit half a muffin to fill her mouth escaping questions. I turned to her and my eyes narrowed like a witch's. If eyes could speak, I would be reciting a spell right there and then.

"Drake??? Drake who? Aren't you with....Adam Jenner, famous artist?" Caoimhe implied and I nodded in agreement.

"Drake is just a friend....."

"...who's obsessed by her....even though she definitely ignores all the key points I tell her...." Lauren, again!!!

"He is not obsessed with me....he just cares about me...." I defended and the two sisters shared a look before wearing, eerie smiles and licking their lips.

I looked at them and Lauren.

Together, they looked like the three sisters of fate who shared an eye. The Graeae. I smiled at their curious faces except for Lauren of course who only stared at them and wore a grin.

I grinned as a devious idea landed in my brain. Raising my finger, I pointed at them from Lauren to Caoimhe to Ciara while naming them after the three mythological sisters.

"Deino , Enyo, and Pemphredo...."