THE TRAFFIC WAS A BIT TOO TIGHT AS WE WENT INTO THE EXPRESS WAY. Aaron was driving and I was seated next to Adam in the backseat with Lauren in the front. I looked out the window and didn't understand what was causing such a jam.

"I think I should go check it out...we've been stuck here for an hour....." I suggested, unfastening my seatbelt.

" stay here....I'll go check it out..." Lauren volunteered and walked out of the car.

I sat back and relaxed hoping it would get resolved. I was at all levels of anxiety and fighting to calm myself down.

I couldn't bring myself to understand the truth of the fact that we had found the identity of the girl whose body was dumped in my bathtub.

All the stress had gone down to level one and got replaced by a feeling of eagerness.

Eager to know so much about who she was with hope that is get to the bottom of this.

Fortunately, the line started moving.

Without waiting for Lauren, Aaron drove us into the college campus and parked in the reserved parking lot.

Adam walked out with me and before we left, Aaron gave me a wide brim hat and a pair of dark sunglasses. I looked at him and hesitated to receive them for a moment.

"We can't be too sure....." Adam received them and made me wear them himself.

"This way....." Aaron led us to a path behind some huge buildings that crossed with another running from the building that said Cafeteria.

I walked with my fingers laced with Adam's and through it all he dared not to let go of me.

As much as it made me feel weird, I felt secure having him next to me.

"Get in...." He motioned for me to follow after Aaron and I did. We got into the cafeteria, to my surprise. I managed to look around and not so many people where in.

As unfortunate as it was, it was relaxing.

We walked in and moved close to the end of the room.

Two girls were seated in a corner and I assumed they were the ones Aaron had arranged for us to meet.

After our arrival, they all jerked at my presence and made me seem like a witch who was about to hex them. Disappointed, I was about to turn back when Adam held me back.

I looked at him and he gave me a therapeutic look. He didn't utter any words but I completely understood him. This was no time to be immature and settle for unwanted feelings. I was here for business and I was doing exactly that.

I took a seat next to Adam and carefully took off my shades placing them in the table. Aaron followed suit and took the next seat.

"I am sure you guys remember me from our last meeting...." Aaron began and the two girls nodded.

They sat so close to one another as though they were anticipating a kidnap after all this. Worst, they acted as though they'd been kidnapped. They sat with their hands around one another as though they'd been put on gun point.

Where they really going to even help us?

To the look of things they weren't willing to comply. At least according to me.

One of them had short blonde hair and the other was a brunette with by far the longest hair I've ever seen. Human Rapunzel?

"Will you please tell us about Angela Juan...." Adam, being his usual cool self asked. I rolled my eyes and almost slapped my forehead.

"Didn't we already tell you about her?" The blonde asked back making me grit my teeth. She sure was a feisty one. Heated and hot like smoked Carolina Reaper.

"You did...and we are grateful for that....we need more information....." he clarified.

"Where....where's the police???" The rather shy and timid brunette asked and I looked at Aaron.

"Look here...this is a very serious issue...I can understand---"

"No you don't understand! We aren't talking unless the police comes here....." The blonde girl got up and slammed her hands on the table, leaning close to me.

She locked eyes with me for a moment and I took a breath, bringing myself back away from her face.

She had her hair flashing all over the place following the force she stood up with.

As though in slow motion, the moment slid by in a second, stretching it to more than a million years.

"Ozzy....let's...let's go....." the brunette held onto her friend and shook her gently like holding the hand of her mother.

I was still looking at this so called Ozzy and something about her seemed very familiar to me. I was about to talk to her when she span around and turned to her friend.

Adam was about to block their way but Aaron shook his head telling him not to.

"If they don't want to's alright....we will find other means...." he whispered and I felt a prick in my heart.

Other means?? When?

They were the only chance we had of uncovering the truth of this matter.

Compliance or not I didn't care. I wished for the truth and not only that, but to get to the bottom of this matter and find out what exactly was going on. That's all I needed to know.

Looking at Ozzy and her friend leave, I felt the truth slipping out of my hands. It felt as though I was letting it all slip through my fingers after fixing the entire puzzle to the last piece.

I couldn't do it. I couldn't just let them go....

"Hey Ozzy!!!" I called her name in a very notorious tone not sure if she was going to stop. Thank the gods she did.

"Elly what are you doing???" Adam asked but I ignored him thinking to myself. 'Am being the best actress I am'

"Osborne. It's Osborne for someone like haven't earned Ozzy....." she barked, with her eyes narrowed at me.

"Alright alright....." I talked with sarcasm, lifting my hands up in surrender. I walked towards them and dropped my hands on my sides.

"What do you want Eleanor?" she asked.

"Oh so you know who I am....I was beginning to think you don't...." I began.

"Are you playing? Everyone knows who you are.The selfish girl who backed out of a movie and broke everyone's heart. You're so selfish and idiotic. You only think about yourself and that's it...Pretty girl my're a whole fake human being and you think you've even got the slightest of shame left? We've all seen you in your underwear before and even the very man you were with....what did you think you were even implying by suing Director Lane??? We know you've already given yourself to many other people before....what's wrong with him??? Perhaps you were scared his pig physique would weight so much on your skeleton of a body???" she asked the last part with a smirk across her face and it made me luck my lower lip in rage.

This girl was playing with fire and I was going to make her pay for it. She was tickling a dragon's tail. She was insulting me non stop and I was even beginning to wonder just how rotten this generation was.

"Heeeyy!!! Watch what you say to her, okay" Adam pointed his finger at her and walked towards us. Did he overhear the rest of the conversation?

" don't scare me. I have every right to say just about anything that I want. Take it or leave it....." she rolled her eyes and turned around to walk away with her friend.

"Wow" was all I managed to say.