"SHE CUT HERSELF.....IN THE KITCHEN...." Lauren jumped in and I let out a deep breath.

"Kitchen?? What on earth where you doing in the kitchen.....??" he replied with a chuckle and I looked at my hands down on my lap.

"You know how I get impatient sometimes.... I just couldn't wait for my supper...." I lied and hoped he'd buy it.

"Impatient?? You? That's new.....I've known you too long to know you don't do spontaneous..." Adam insisted. He even dropped his fork and knife carefully and held onto my hand tightly. I got surprised at how much he seemed to know a lot about me.

He looked at me, his gaze accusing me of being the world's biggest liar. How his eyes shone with contempt and exposed me for the dark woman I had recently become: loitering around with another man when he was here seeking high and low to find me.

I was in another's arms, experiencing love and attaining an intimacy which I was to share with him. All this came to my mind and flashed through my eyes.

Despite Lauren saying it wasn't my fault but the drug's, I still couldn't find a way to defend my infidelity. If I was going to get married to Adam, I had to be honest.

"What's wrong Eleanor? Is there something you're not telling me?? How did you get hurt???" he asked, a sense of desperation throughout his voice giving me a hint of false self-righteousness.

"Um....well.... it's...uhh..." I stammered not even knowing where to start from.

"Enough!" Lauren smacked the table. "Are you Aaron now? You're Adam....not the bodyguard or detective....leave it be. A person can get hurt anytime....what's the big deal???"

"What's the big deal? Are you joking..... Eleanor is very precious to me and I don't even want a spec of her hair lost....." I quickly raised my eyes to stare at him.

Tears glistened in my eyes and dropped right to my hands. The love that he has for me is like the melody of my life. Sweet, passionate and gives out a calming effect. I love him too and it was my only wish that he will love me forever as well. This was the proof I needed and he gave it to me.

"I can understand let's quickly have breakfast and visit Angela's college. We will find more answers there...." Lauren pushed Adam's bowl close to him and I turned to her.

My eyes spoke for me, begging her to let me talk to Adam but she shook her head in denial.

I let out a deep breath and turned the other way.

"You're crying....are you...okay??" he asked as soon as he saw me. He wanted to wipe my tears for me but I shove his arms away.

"I...I think it's the air in here...I feel stuffy...." I quickened through the response and immediately walked out to the garden.

I sat on the swinging bench and clung to the golden chain. The more I harboured this lie, the more it was eating me inside making me wonder how long I was going to last.

I've always known true love to be based on truth and what foundations was I laying for our upcoming relationship if I start lying to him now?

Moreover, if he finds out himself, it's going to be terrific. The sooner the better. I had to talk to him.

"Elly...." I heard his voice from behind me as his footsteps thumped on the floor, becoming louder by the second. He was coming towards me.

I quickly wiped my tears and hoped I had a neutral expression on.

"Eleanor...." he sat in front of me and had me look at him. "What's going on???"

I played with my fingers and looked at him nervously. Before I uttered a word, I turned to the otherside. I had no courage to face him and wished the ground would just swallow me and make me disappear.

"Eleanor! Am talking to you....look at me!!!" he violently turned me to face him and I saw the bitterness on his face.

" did I end your cottage, Adam???" I asked away.


"How did I end up in your cottage when all I remembered was I was in a hotel room with that man?????" I cried and he did too.

"Am sorry unworthy of you. I was unable to protect you and you don't know how much it has scarred my heart. I am bittered and displeased with myself such that I can't even face myself in the mirror..." he wept and I couldn't believe it.

"There....there was a man.....he's the one that helped me out....." I turned to him and he did the same. He looked at me and I saw pain in his eyes. He was probably wondering what had happened to us to such an extent that I would let another man save me when Adam was right there.

"" disbelief spread all over his face. I nodded. "Yes....."

I explained to him the entire scenario from wheat happened after I regained my consciousness to when I found myself in his cottage, of course leaving out the part where my hero of a man took me to his palace.

I wasn't sure if Adam would understand or misunderstand me and in that moment I chose to take Lauren's word for it.

"I thought it was you....." I told him, not to hurt him but to be honest with him though I knew the truth. I

"Eleanor, I may not be perfect, but I promise that my feelings are true and my love is perfect for not worthy of you...and...."

"No...don't say that....." I placed my fingers on his lips and shook my head sideways.

"I know you will never hurt me because I know how much you love me. Life is unpredictable Adam. You're here today and not there tomorrow....and such things happen. Do not feel guilty in's not your fault that someone has a dirty mind and doesn't respect women. You're Adam Jenner and that's the truth to're good like that...and I love you..." I touched his cheek and he pulled me into a very warm embrace.

"I love you also..." he replied.

Knowing that we had settled our difference was a good thing for me to be happy about. I loved that I was in good terms with my boyfriend and although I wasn't entirely honest with him, I knew I would one day get through to him and we would settle it all.

Staring at him, my lips curved into a smile and I ran them all over his face. He gave me a questing look and I nodded at just how he could get me.

"You sure?? you want to???" he asked cautiously and I nodded.

"Are you kidding....yeah....I do have the right to make use of you, haven't I??" I tapped his forehead and brushed off his hair.

"Make use of me???" he let out a naughty laugh and I blushed. "Elly....where did you learn these things???"

"Life happens my dear happens....." I moved close to him and touched his nose with mine. I could not wait anymore.

"Like how you couldn't stop starring at me after the shower....." he teased me and my entire body muscles wrecked a spasm. I felt embarrassed and tried not to look at him. I was smiling and covered my mouth so he doesn't see.

When did he even notice me looking at him? Was I too obvious?

"It's okay my love, at least now we know for sure and the fact remains....."

"What fact???"

His reply was the one for me. "That I can't wait to marry you .."