THAT EVENING, ADAM DROVE ME TO CRÈME PETIT, for my meeting with Elroy.

I was wearing a casual black dress and had a jacket thrown on top to give me the professional look.

My feet thrown in 3 inch stiletto heels for that old school century glamour.

Nude make up on and of course, my hair simply in a ponytail. Nothing intense....

"Your look sure is too plain...." Adam commented the moment we arrived.

"Thank you.....just like I wanted it....." I smiled and pecked the back of his hand. "Please wait for me here....." I asked.

"Sure....." he nodded and I happily walked out.

It was slightly freezing tonight and the mood was really calm. The lights glistened in the dark and gave this place the expensive look. I've never been here before but the reviews I saw online sure gave it the good reputation. It was a beautiful place indeed.

I walked in and having arrived at the reception, the ambience of the entire place provided a special warmth that welcomed me in. The very elegant interior design with gold mouldings at the ceiling was all it took to make my heart flatter. The walls were covered in historic paintings obviously belonging to old times famous artists adding glamour to the look. I couldn't even blink for a second afraid I might miss out on a particular important detail. This place was to die for.

I was accompanied to the dining area and having entered, my jaw dropped at the beauty this place was displaying since the second I got here.

A huge crystal chandelier, was seated in the centre of the entire hall. Small ones were placed on every corner adjacent to a particular table. The lighting came from flower shaped bulbs that also hung from the ceiling and in different colours giving the place a much more beautiful romanticism.

With so much things hanging from the ceiling it sure was difficult to spot someone and privacy was surely guaranteed. No wonder a lot of rich people came here with their concubines.

There were cameras flashes reflecting through the huge roof-to-floor window that caused me a sense of solemnity as all eyes got directed to me. I hadn't been out in public after my incident and this served as a huge challenge on my part.

Am sure all these people were wondering who is come to dine with in exchange for the correction in my fate. Ugly minds.

Out of nowhere, a light blinded my vision forcing me to cover my eyes with my wrist. What was going on?

"Miss Eleanor...who are you here to see today???" someone asked and my heart stopped. Weren't the people from the media outside? How did they get in in a blink.

"Did you perhaps come to have dinner with your boyfriend?"

"How does he feel about the incident that took place with director Lane....???"

"Are you going to answer us???"

My world started to spin and I knew I was done for. Adam was outside and with such a tight attack, how could I even give him a call.

But then, in a blink; someone grabbed hold of my arm and I felt my body swayed off the ground and crashing against a hard torso. Who was this man??

"She's here with me.....I invited her here....Dare to take a picture at your camera's own risk....." his voice thundered reminding me of the man that rescued me and took me to a golden palace.

"If you have can ask me...but right now.....I'd rather break a tooth struggling with their steak than answer to y'all. Excuse us...." his finishing tone was harsh, one which I've never heard before.

"Come on Eleanor....." he said to me and I hurriedly followed his lead inside.


"Thank you very much ....." I told him after I'd gotten settled. Our table was not so far from the entrance making me glad. From the way he defended me, I knew I was mistaken about him. Most men were really dirty out there but I guess there's always that one. The diamond in the rough.

"No's what an agency should do, isn't it??" he convinced me and I smiled.

" very sorry. I have failed my duty to you. You see....I left Natalia to handle all issues on ground while I felt with the office work but I realised I'd done a huge mistake. I was shocked after the very first incident regarding the slap when she was out behind bars for assault...."

"'s's all in the past now....I let bygones be bygones...." I brushed it off not wanting to talk about it.

"I take it that you and Mr Anderson are closely related...." he took a turn and I sipped the last bit of my wine, sitting comfortably on the chair.

"Well....he's a good friend...." I replied hoping to not allow more questions.

"He sure acts like more than just a friend...." he snapped and I played with my fingers, building up a speech in my mind on how to respond to him.

"He's just generously kind...." was all I managed to say.

"I mean....he threw a woman behind bars for you. He even went as far as stopping a movie production for a whole month. Do you know how expensive that is??? That's a million lot of losses incurred and to my surprise, he paid them all to the last cent. All for you.....and on the reopening two went out for ice cream where he happily declared a giveaway to all customers who would come that day for the entire 24 hours....bills on him. Wow!!! And you say such sentiment is only friendship????" he lowered his head close to mine and furrowed his eyebrows., a devilish grin lingering on his lips. What was he getting at?

Locked in his gaze, I almost lost all my courage and forgot the lines I planned to give as a response. I was transfixed with his hypnotic look and had no memory of what we were talking about.

Instead of replying to him, I felt jinxed. My lips curled into a smile and instead, admired his features. His jet black hair was combed neatly on his forehead aiding his sinfully handsome clean shaven face which emphasized his charm.

It was in that moment when I realised I had become a victim like all those women. Caught prey by the effect of his flatteries, charms and discreet flirting. He had mastered the technique so well that just his looks were good enough for the job.

Even in a multitude, only a blind woman wouldn't be able to notice him.

He was....he was just like....the male version of Aphrodite.

Staring at him like that, I was in deep trouble....