"WINE???" HE ASKED AND I JERKED BACK INTO REALITY. I blinked several times to be sure I was in the right state of mind. What just happened here? I asked myself while trying not to look at him.

"Uh...yes please....." My pride and anger overpowered, reminding me I was here on a mission.

He raised his hand to alert the waiter but suddenly, I thought no.

"On second think...I...should go...." I was about to get up but he held my hand.

"Go? You just got here....why would you wanna go??" his mood changed to that of a broken kid who's just lost his mom forcing me to uncomfortably resume my seat.

"Do you have somewhere you must go???" he asked kindly and I began questioning his intentions.

"Not exactly....I have an outing tomorrow....I wanted to get ready for it tonight....." I lied.

" that so...." he rubbed his forehead. "Then I guess one more glass of wine will do. We can skip the dinner to perfectly for you???"

"Sure.... that'll do...." I nodded and faked a grin, avoiding his hypnotic eyes.

He confidently lifted his had and in less than a second, the waiter ran by at our service. I remained quite as he ordered some brandy with 50% alcohol. I didn't even know such existed but anyway.

The waiter bowed and left the next second leaving me at the mercy of Elroy's company. Great.

"You...said you had an important matter to talk to me about ...." I cleared my throat and drank from the glass of water in front of me.

"Uh...yes..." he nodded and sat back on his chair. "Mostly was the apology. We are sincerely sorry for the pain we have put you through. Bad publicity, harassments of all sorts and everything unthinkable. You've been our model for a very long time and it was unexpected of us to remain silent in such a matter...."

"Wow....." I laughed to his dismay. "An apology. What is it going to do in relation to all the pain I've had directed onto my path?? Is it supposed to be an antidote strong enough to make the pain go away??? Please tell me how does it work???" I asked sarcastically hoping he'd understand my point.

I didn't need his silly apology. He'd say sorry today and tomorrow the very same thing would happen all over again.

"You took me for a fool and am afraid once this contract expires, am not going to renew it....that I can promise you...." I warned and pursed my lips, crossing my hands across my chest.

"Then what?? You'll sign with the Andersons instead????" he asked and my eyes got opened.

He interrogated me before to aim his arrow right. He was acting about my relationship with Drake just so he would say we are having an affair and in the end I'd be brainwashed into renewing my contract with his company. Oh Elroy.....

"Maybe.....maybe not....." I shook my head and tried not to seem so obvious about my next move. I was sick of him already and wanted to leave.

"If that's all....." I faked a grin and fetched my bag to leave.

"We will mitigate the damage. Mollify it to the last drop. The company will reimburse you for your loses for all the damages we have failed to cover up..." Just those words were enough to stop me and cause me to place my purse back down.

"Really???" I asked desperately. I knew very well that they had it in their power to turn times and tide back to three months ago when none of this happened. They were more than capable of it.

I knew and believed that very well.

"Yes...Eleanor....really...In fact, after this, I have a meeting with the publications director and his entire staff. We are reversing all damages leveled against you on the internet. We will change everything back to the way it was and trust me, it'll be as though none of this ever happened....."

A smile began to form on my face and I found my heart melting into a warm form of lava.

I ran my fingers in my hair at the imagination of how normal my life was going to be. I looked at him and he smiled assuringly at me.

He was willing to do so much for me??? I couldn't believe it. As history had it, it was very rare for a company to defend its model. Once you messed up, you were suspended or dumped, be it your fault or not. Mercy never existed in showbiz. Kill or get killed. And that was the deal. No language of love and passion was known and here I was witnessing it. I loved just everything about it.

Once this was done, I was going to laugh in their faces. BossLady Cosmetics was going to feel my wrath.

They denied me and humiliated me as though they weren't the very same people seeking for me to act on their behalf to boost their coverage. Amateurs. They would soon know they messed with the wrong girl!

"Thank -----" my statement trailed off when I realised Elroy wasn't in front of me anymore. I looked to my left but suddenly felt a warm breath on my right.

"There's only one thing you have to help me with....and everything will be sorted as soon as possible....." his voice changed and sounded desperate. He was shivering as though he'd been injected with a very wrong drug. He seemed drunk and more like he was having a hangover.

I placed my palm on his forehead and he was hot.

"Sir....are you alright?? You don't look good....we can literally fry an egg on you're forehead....I'll call help...." I got up but his arm suddenly, with a muscly strength curled around my waist and dumped me on his lap.

"Only you can help me with this Eleanor....." he begged and I immediately called my battle instincts. Something was definitely wrong.

"What...what you....mean by that???" I almost bit my tongue trying not to let the dirty thoughts raid my mind. I trusted him and went as far as coming here to meet him. I thought he was a descent man and sat to share a glass of wine with him.

His actions out of the blue changed but I still have him a benefit of doubt. Maybe something was wrong. A chronic disorder perhaps??

"I....I have a room booked for us....upstairs....." his words confirmed it for me and tears ran down my cheeks.

"How could you...."

"Don't worry Eleanor.....I am helping you I don't you think you should help me in return??? I've had every model in the agency and you're the one left.....why can't I have you??? I sail through turmoil for have no idea the work I out up on the background all for you.... don't you think I have to be appreciated????"

Before I could reply, the waiter arrived with two glasses and I thought, perfect timing. He was started to see us like that and I could understand.

I was afraid he would misunderstand me and spread the wrong rumours about me.

My tears wouldn't even make it to the newspaper or gossip sites and instead, they would be changed into a smile plus today's technology, my face will be photoshopped and there would go the once good story.

I couldn't let that happen. I won't let anyone misunderstand me anymore.

I reached for the wine glass and slashed it across Elroy's face, causing the waiter to gasp and drop the other.

Immediately, the entire restaurants attention was aimed at us with the cameras on the glass flashing like a miss world pageant was parading through.

I tossed his arms off of me and glared at him, jerking from the alcohol busy burning in his eyes. He deserved as much.

"To hell with your offer you man whole!!!!" holding my purse sternly, I pushed the waiter out of the way and headed for the door.