Confusion and bewilderment bore seeds in my mind making me doubt the truth in everything around.

My heart was pierced and blood filled my entire being. My brain was suffocating and yearning for oxygen. I became breathless and placed my hand on my heart hoping I won't pass out. I waved my hand in front of my face creating my very own kind of breeze.

Cameras clicked nonstop behind me as they flashed everywhere in the crowd.

It didn't take much for people to notice something had happened after seeing Elroy lying on the floor screaming in pain as the alcohol burnt his eyes. He deserved it.

Such a pervert should not be allowed to live. If I had it in my hands, I would kill him on spot.

Walking as fast as my feet could carry me I ran out and stood by one of the pillars on the veranda of the hotel. I raised my eyes and looked at the starry night hoping everything would go dim and I'd eventually wake up.

To my dismay, the stars got brighter proving to me just how true this night was.

I felt like screaming and vomiting all the anger out. My muscles let out spasms causing me to trip on the next stair, earning me a bruise on my palms. Why was I like this? How could I really come to see Elroy?

Was I so gullible? I surely made a huge mistake

I thought Elroy was better than Natalia but he was in no way different; and even much worst. He wanted to trade my body for money? How much am I really worth?

Tears raced down my cheeks when I thought of the terrible truth of men in this world. Heartbreakers and I'll mannered ruffians with vicious vices.

But of course, except one! Adam.

Picking up my stuff, I raced to the carpark and joy spread on my face upon seeing the Bugatti Chiron.

" was the-----" his voice trailed off the moment he saw how messy I was. From my hair to the shoes in my hands am sure he got the message clearly.

I ignored him and sought to fasten the seatbelt but he grabbed my hand and exposed the bruises on my palms. Small streaks of blood had dried up emphasizing just how hurt I was.

Upon seeing them, Adam's eyes darkened as he let them soar all over me.

"" he asked. More demanding and authoritative than a mere question. The look on his face told me he was ready to murder someone and I knew I wouldn't argue with him about it.

"He....he's a beast!! He's much worst than her.. " I wept and immediately Adam got my message.

He unfastened his seatbelt and was about to storm out of the car but I grabbed his hand.

"I have to make him pay!!!" his voice echoed all over my head and I shook my head.

"Take me out of here....please ....." I pleaded. I saw him hesitate for a moment before sitting back down and starting the car.

I knew very well I'd be able to get through to him and soften his heart. His girl's honour surely always came first and that was the truth to it. The case with Elroy....wasn't over.

I could feel his anger and dared not to say a word to him. He quickly started the engine and with a roar like that of a male lion, the car rushed off into the darkness leaving the luxurious hotel behind.

I immediately swore to never step foot in that place ever again.

By the second, favoured by the empty roads the car gained speed. Gradually, I could hear the wind whistling in my ears as though I was flying. What on earth was Adam thinking?? I stole a glance at the dashboard and it was ticking over 140km/hr.

I raised my head and held the armrest tight.

I closed my eyes tight and bit my lower lip hoping this sudden nightmare would also disappear. I could see Adam was very angry at the thought of what Elroy did to me. He would most certainly kill him had he been present at the scene. What was going on in his mind...I didn't know....I just knew he had to slow down.

"Adam.....please slow down....." My voice, chirped with fear escaped my lips but seemed to be a painless syringe. His expression got darker and unspeakable as he kicked into a higher gear, getting the car to travel faster and faster, wildly overtaking other cars.

"Adam.....stop! What are you doing????" I screamed but the man next to me seemed to have turned deaf.

Looking ahead, the headlights only displayed a dark tarmac road which I barely recognised. Where was he taking me to?

I looked back and I could see we'd left the road that led to my apartment.

Adam was really angry. He wouldn't let me be with anyone else this late but goodness knows where he was driving me to.

Being the calm me, I remained quite and let whatever fate awaited us to have its way.

In a complete turn of events, the car took a sharp turn and abruptly stopped. I could hear the tyres squeel against the road and a burning fume filled the entire place. Wow!

Shocked, I raised my head and realised I was a few inches away from the dashboard. Some of my hair had fallen over my face and thanks to the seatbelt, I was pulled back to the chair; of course with force!

Where we in an accident?? I quickly examined my self and after feeling all of my body parts intact, I turned to check on Adam but he seemed to be in one piece.

He was in the same position; straight on the driver's seat, arms firmly holding onto the steering wheel, eyes up straight ahead.

"Are you insane!!! What were you thinking driving like that...?? What if---"

"Get out!"

"Excuse me???"

"You heard me right. Get out...."

"What?? Uh...where are you----"

"I have some business to do.....I'll be back shortly....." His statements came out as phrases. Simple and straight.

"Ooh...what ...what business...??"

"Eleanor ..." He hissed and I quickly unfastened the seatbelt.

"Get a shower, I left something on the stove....should be done by now....tuck in....I'll find you.....and incase you feel sleepy....go ahead....I'll wake you up when I get back...."

"You sure sound like you're talking to a toddler....." I laughed as I walked out but he didn't. His silence shook me and I was nervous knowing what he was going to do.

I knew for sure he was going to see Elroy. I knew that very well and I wasn't worried. I was just worried about the storm that was to come. What on earth was Adam going to do??

I stepped out of the car and slammed the door back. He started the engine in the next second.

"Wait....!" I called and he turned to look at me. "Adam....where are you really going???"

"I said, I WILL BE BACK!" His voice was matter-of-fact.

I swallowed my pride, nodded and walked into the house.