Chapter 141: Thanks for your concern

I WALKED OUT OF THE COMPANY IMMEDIATELY AFTER FINISHING MY GLASS. I took with me a bottle of the 1787 vintage Chateau Lafite wine. I knew Natalia wouldn't argue but she openly agreed for me to get it. Interesting!

Walking through the corridor, I had no idea what I was going to do at home but I couldn't show now miserable I was to Natalia. She was a wolf in sheep's skin and would tear me apart given the chance to. I wanted to make her believe that I was doing well without her and all her works to help me would really amount to nothing.

I got into the elevator and took out my phone having pressed the ground floor button. I put Aaron on the line and he immediately answered.

"Hello ma'am...." He began.

" good?"

"Very good and ready to be at your service....would you like me to resume work...??" He asked in a very subtle but neutral tone. Aaron was always so conserved you would hardly notice of he's laughing or even smiling on the other end of the lone. He was always so serious about everything and I was sort of confused if he even has a sense of humour.

"Yes... uh...yes....So... I've been thinking, I would like you to find me a real estate agent. I want to buy a house....." I started the talk and finally the elevator doors open. Suddenly, my phone beeped and I immediately put him on hold.

"Hang on...I just got a text...." I told him and lowered my head to read the text while I walked out of the elevator. I saw that the text was from Adam and I wasn't sure on whether to read it or not. She stood on the entrance of the elevator with her thumb ticking against the screen wondering of she should open it or not. Then, someone bumped into me making me drop my phone as I didn't have a good grip on it.

"Oh no...I just bought this phone....." I whined bending down to pick it but someone picked it for me and gave it to me.

"Am really sorry...." A very magnetic voice attracted me enough to raise my head and look at who was speaking. I was stunned at first as the man standing in front of me was what seemed to be more than six feet tall.

He was dressed in a suit that screamed 'am expensive' all the way from the tie to the pants. His facial features where so delicate that they looked impeccable from every angle. He was like the glory of heaven itself standing in front of me and more so, he was a self made God.

"How''s the phone??" He motioned to it and I chuckled nervously.

"Oh.... it's gonna get better....just two surgeries should completely fix it....." I said playfully dropping it in my bag. I raised my eyes to look at him and found him still standing there. He had a smile on his face and looking into his eyes, I saw a glimmer of light that was there whenever he talked.

"'s not just a rumour....." I moved to the side making way for him to walk into the elevator.

"What rumour??" He asked forming a very handsome expression on his face with whatever he was making his muscles do.

He followed my lead and slowly walked into the elevator.

"That whenever someone looks into your eyes their hearts beat uncontrollably...." I sucked my lips in at such an embarrassing statement.

I just openly admitted that he has handsome and was the cause of my violently pounding heart.

After hearing my joke, he grinned and shoved his hands in his pockets, standing in the richman pose.

"With that I can conclude that you know who I am.....???" He asked rather playfully. Was he trying to flirt with me?

"Who doesn't?" I also showed a few tricks up my tongue.

"You're really something Eleanor DelaRue..." He said my full name and I raised my eyebrows in appraisement. My lips held a faint smile and my eyes twinkled with a sense of satisfaction.

"Thanks Ambrose...."

"'re gonna drink all that???" He pointed to the wine bottle in my hands which I'd had even forgotten I was carrying. I found it weird how it was my phone that fell and my bottle was still safe in my hands.

"Yeah....I totally will...." I laughed. "why???" I asked hugging my bottle.

"No, I was just wondering if it's safe for a pretty woman to drink all that...without proper supervision..." He scratched his nose and I narrowed my eyes at him. Did he just call me pretty?

"It's very safe....totally....don't worry....thanks for your concern...." I grinned and turned around to leave when I have no idea why but I quickly turned around and looked back at him.

The expression on his face told me he knew this would happen.

"Although.....if you want to be absolutely can stop by...on condition that you bring your own bottle....this is entirely mine...." I clung to it making understand just how mine and mine alone the bottle was.

He grinned and let out an almost laugh at my silliness. He sure did have a sense of humour. And did I just ask him our on a wine date??? God what was going on with me?

"I think I want to be absolutely sure...." He replied and I swallowed my heart. Did he just say yes?

"San Martin...." I began walking towards the elevator and pressed the button, closing the doors. While they closed I stood just outside and continued my statement. "Saturday night. The house on a hill...."

Immediately after I finished, the doors closed and I didn't believe what just happened. I just met Ambrose Yde!! Damn I should've asked for an autograph.

He was one of the most influential people holding the planet on its orbit. He was an entrepreneur, an industrialist, owned several buildings in the city and had his own communications company. Dude had a whole network! As if that wasn't enough, he was CEO founder of the cloth line 'Yde's.

He is rumoured to have built the foundation of his fame through acting where he found the pillars of his empire and later on began filming his own idol dramas. He's also a gifted guitarist and was releasing records like nobody's business.

In the past three years, the sales volumes of his five albums all exceeded a million dollars earning him a Grammy award for most successful album, three times. As if that's not enough, his songs have always been on the Billboard top 100 for almost each time and the least position he's been is number 3. He also received numerous accolades including three Argentinian Music Awards and 26 Guinness World Records.

His associated acts include, the Weeknd, Mac Miller, Sam Smith and many others.

If I was the goddess on earth, this man surely the God on earth.

"Mm-hmm. I see you...." Lauren's voice echoed form my back and I turned around to look at her. She had her hands in her pockets and she was looking at me like I was doing something wrong. She had this sly smile on her face and I knew she was up to no good.

"What???" I asked.

"He's gone...why are you still smiling....??" She asked and that made me smile.

"Am not...." I replied and walked past her to outside the building. It was a bit sunny today and I knew it was a good day.

"Ambrose Yde, huh?" She purposely discomposed me and I bit my lip while unlocking my door. I opened it, dropped the bottle in and closed it shut behind me, turning to Lauren.

"Yes...him...." I agreed, nodding. She grinned and walked around to get in the driver's seat. I knew this called for some girl-time,bonding-time. I was ready to get into the driver's seat and drive us home for our chat when Gemini's deep voice screamed my name.

I span around to see him run after me like I was some vandal.

"What is it???" I asked somewhat irritated. What else did Natalia want, wasn't I coming from her office just now???

"Eleanor....uh...I wanted to ask about the scripts I sent you....did you get a chance to go through them???" he asked. Darn! I forgot to read them.

"I haven't gone through them yet, I'll read them as soon as I get home....." I replied quickly opening the door and settling in the driver's seat. I fastened my seatbelt and started the engine.

"Eleanor....." He came to my window and I slid it down for only his voice to come through.

"Please go through them. This are very good opportunities. And one is just a cameo role...the other is the actual'll be a full-time lead actress...." He went on and I knew he was only here for one thing.

"Fine. I'll do them all...." I replied and immediately put an end to his misery. He stood aside allowing my car to pass through into the freeway.

Home sweet home.