Chapter 143: The orphanage, the hospital and the streets...


"Call the health officer...I'll be visiting the city hospital in two hours, I would like them to make the arrangements for me...." I told her while helping Aaron fill the trunk of the car with the already defrosted containers. Fortunately, all these foods were already cooked and it would lessen my work of cooking it for them.

"What's going on???" She asked as she looked at what we were doing.

"Didn't I talk to you about charity?? That's what am doing....." I replied placing the last container. I had the other things placed in a cart behind the car. All the teddies, the cards, the cloths and several other gifts I received, I packed in the car.

I walked back in and God I loved just how it looked. It was so spacious, empty and mostly looked like a house and not a dumpster. The balcony was suddenly accessible and from each angle the interior of the house would be seen for the beauty that it was. I really loved being around this house knowing it was my first time to see it so clear.

Looking at the house now, I think Lauren was right. Ambrose Yde had something to do with it.

"Ma'am.... we're done....where do we go first???" Aaron beckoned me from the balcony and I turned around to face him.

"Huh???" I interjected.

"We can leave....." He bowed his head and I nodded as I walked back in through the corridor and down the stairs. I got to the veranda and outside the house. All the things were packed in two cars and I thought we should add one more.

"Can we stop by the mall first??? We have to buy some more things...." I talked while opening the car.

"More things???" Lauren questioned my decision. "We have two full cars and you want more things???"

"Am visiting three places....we need one more...." If I did my math right, we were missing one full car. For all the street children.

"You can't be the heroine for everyone Eleanor..... you've done enough....." Lauren tried to talk me out of it and I wasn't satisfied with her gesture.

What was wrong with her all of a sudden.

"Okay....we can leave.....first stop at the city orphanage...." I told Aaron and he nodded turning the car on. I fastened my seatbelt , so did he and stepped on the gas pedal.

Having drove into the highway, we took the road that lead us out of town. Aaron sure knew we were busy today and he stepped on the gas.

I was on my phone the entire time when I noticed I received a text from Adam about two hours ago. That's when I met Ambrose. Remembering his face, I dropped my phone and admired him all over again. I felt like a princess imprisoned in a castle and looking out the window to see a convoy to my rescue with the leading man tall and handsome with the build of whatever, almost a trophy to some degree. Ambrose!

He was very attractive but not the clean-cut alpha male or even the tattooed bad boy archetype kind. He was more of the Scottish highlander, Viking conqueror, bodice-ripper historical romance kind of handsome; an unshaven, lion wrestling, mountain man recluse, toss you over his shoulder and plunder your goodies kind of handsome.

This man was driving me insane already. And when he smiles he proves John Curran very right; his smile is like the silver plate on a coffin.

"Phew ..." I sighed and looked out the window hoping the trees will disperse my thoughts of him but I didn't think it was working.

"My thoughts are free to go anywhere, but it's surprising how often they head in your direction...Ambrose Yde...." I murmured to myself and played with my phone in my hands.

"Did you say something ma'am??" Aaron asked.

"" I turned to the other side and suddenly the thoughts about him became so intrusive. Did I just develop a crush??

Of course can I develop a crush just like that. This was my very first time to meet Ambrose officially. How can I like him without knowing him?

And....what was he doing at my company??? As far as I know he hasn't been into acting for a very long time. He was busy with his business and he had no time to act in movies. Why was he there??

" I've been searching a number of state agents and I found three who seemed reliable....." Aaron began speaking and I just wasn't in the mood. I didn't want interrupting me when I was thinking about Ambrose.



"It's okay can talk to me about that when you finalize a meeting with any of okay with that...." I tapped his shoulder and turned to my phone when I remember I had an unread text from Adam.

I was about to read it when another beeped in and I immediately opened it. It was my bank notification. Someone had credited my account with ten million dollars.

I nearly dropped my phone in disbelief but suddenly, I knew who it was. Natalia Ramos.

"Ma'am.... we're here....." Aaron said bringing the car to a stop and rushing to my door to open it for me. I walked out and thankfully all the kids were seated in a tent outside. Did Lauren call them in advance???

As ai approached them, an elderly woman and a middle-aged man came my way and we shook hands.

"We're very grateful for this gesture miss Delarue...." The woman began.

"Please call me Eleanor..." I smiled back. Lauren came over and talked to the young man as the woman brought me over to the children.

A chair was seated in front of the tent and I desired to rather sit down on the tent with them.

It felt good to have so many kids around me of all ages from kids to teenagers.

I planned to spend time with the little ones first and then the teens later. I gave them most of the teddies, plastic dolies, many other toys, candy, sweets and a whole variety of many other snacks. Bringing a smile to their tint faces really warmed my heart and I looked forward to having my own baby one day, only if Adam was serious about getting down on his knee.

"Thank you for the gifts Eleanor...." A tiny girl walked to me and touched my hand with her tiny fingers.

"Aww.....your welcome. What's your name??"


"Oh my God that's a beautiful name...."

"I have a sister...her name is wanna meet her???" She asked and how could I say no looking at that face?

"Of course ..." I got up and followed her as she was holding onto my hand.

For a moment I thought her sister was young but when I saw her walk with me to where the teens where, I smiled even brighter. Just what I was after. Ellyn walked towards a tall girl who had blonde hair as long as her butt.

"You must be Alyssa...." I shook her hand and she pulled me into a hug which later turned into a group hug after everyone else joined in.

We sat under a tree and I got to learn some of the challenges and struggles they go through of which lack of resources was the main one. I can understand. Living in a community is very difficult to have each and everyone satisfied with their basic needs. However, I did not promise to always help but I gave my word I'd so something about it. I ended my visit with a picture. Each and every teenager wanted a picture with me and alone. I didn't complain because they were only about fifteen which wasn't too much work. Then we all took pictures together with the kids who seemed happy after their receiving their new toys and candy.

I felt a bit sad when we drove off. I had such an awesome time with these people and I promised myself to come again given the chance.

My next stop was the city hospital where I visited the children's ward, the gynaecology ward as well as the palliative care ward. Unlike at the orphanage, being at the hospital and see people struggle to find even a single breathe was depressing. For most of my time here, I only presented the gifts and rarely spent time with the patient because I was faint hearted.

The palliative care was the worst of them all. However, these people have me a new meaning of the word hope. They were here knowing and believing they'll die soon. Some in a week, some a month while others in two days.

And yet, they smiled with contentment from the depths of their hearts.

"Bringing life to days not days to life...."

Such a beautiful motto they also had. I admired them a lot.

Our last stop was the street kids but unfortunately I had no more gifts left.

"This is why I said we should stop by the mall...." I stared at Lauren who only scratched the back of her head and looked away.

I smacked her hand and followed her gaze. She was looking at the nearest cloth shop and immediately I got an idea. I spent the next Thierry minutes picking up all the kids from the nearby streets and bringing them to the shop. I asked them to get whatever cloths they wanted and to take a bath in the public showers and wear their new cloths.

After it was all done, I took them all to one of my my favourite restaurant in town 'Foodies'. Everyone ordered what they wanted and God, I loved it.

Looking at these kids wear new cloths and have good food even if it was only for today, was amazing.

"Thank you Eleanor....!!!!" The all screamed together as we were taking a picture. I didn't want to take the picture in the first place. Lauren was the one who insisted. I didn't want people to think I was doing it for publicity. I was only doing it because I wanted to....and that was the truth to it.!