Chapter 153: This should be fun.

"Lights, Camera aaaaannnndddd....Action!"

'Am so grateful to you for coming again, Marvel....' Lindy gasped as she reached for the nearby chair for refuge.

'Dont mention it. what are friends for....' Marvel smiled as she dropped the grocery bags on the counter. She rushed over to her friend Lindy and helped her sit on the chair

'Looks like you'll always need my help after all...despite your efforts to prove me otherwise...' Marvel hinted with a pinch of what tasted as sarcasm and Lindy, raised her eyes at her.

'Believe me....I am doing fine....' she hissed back.

'You stubborn sweetheart. Need I remind you, you just said your grateful to me for coming....?' Marvel poured some water and handed it over to Lindy who wasn't pleased with whatever was going on.

'Dont mess with me!!' Lindy, in a very low tone said to Marvel while gritting her teeth.

Immediately, a young girl ran into the house towards Lindy and put her arms around her.

'Am back from school mom....' she screamed. 'Aunt Marvel....!!!' she shrieked as she turned to Marvel and places her arms around her.

'How was your day at school sweetheart???' Marvel asked.

'It was great. Aunt...can you make me some samoosas while I recite my homework to you??'

Together, they turned to Lindy who was smiling and still in disarray. She managed to crawl over and sat on the couch.

'Mom...can she help???' The little girl asked.

Obviously annoyed, her mother nodded.

'I'd love to help hunnie...' Marvel smiled at the little girl. 'Go and change....It's clear your mother can't do anything of note...since she's sick!' Marvel added the last part and immediately Lindy shrieked.

"Stop! Cut!!!!" she shouted.

"Shanice??? what's the matter???" the director asked.

"What's the matter?? Are you kidding me??? Marvel here keeps messing with me...!!" Shanice turned and pointed to Eleanor. "She's using her own lines instead of following the script....and then you ask what's the matter????"

"Oh really???" I asked while removing the red wig giving me an illusion of the character Marvel I was playing.

"Yes. you're messing with me, distracting me and confusing me on purpose.!" Shanice shouted at me and I could see the rage in her eyes. Of course I was messing with her. Yes! She just had to get used to it or keep up.

"So far all I've heard is a good actress never looses focus. So here you are blaming me for your own incompetence...."

"I am not incompetent! You are !!!" she yelled back and I folded my arms smiling away knowing at the end of this battle, I'll have it all to me. The victory!

I can clearly see how important this project is for Brenaan Are and how he won't stop until everything is done according to my wishes. I know to what length he'll go just to keep me from backing out. Even if it means banishing his very own girlfriend! All for me...

"Look here Shanice...I'll give you some advice..."

"No thanks miss Eleanor, Goddess on earth. Keep your advice to yourself. Am good!!" she turned around pulling the wig off of her head and brushed my shoulder as she walked past.


"Oh God ...." Brenaan snapped and rubbed his forehead. "Everybody take five...." he screamed and they immediately stopped the shoot.

I walked off the stage and having seen Brenaan walk towards me, I knew I had to execute my next move. I was about to call Lauren when she suddenly grabbed me by the hand and had me turn to face her.

"Eleanor, what's your problem??? Why are you messing with the girl like this???"

"Me??? Are you joking with me now???" I defended.

"No am not! You were messing your lines on purpose all to get her. Why would you do that?? Follow the script! That's all you have to do...."

"Lauren I was following the script. I admit I added in a few of my own lines but why is that something wrong.? Can't I joke with her?"


"We are the ones leading this movie together. I understand we didn't start on the right foot so I've done my best to make up for that...."

"Riddle me this...."

"I gave up the spot of being lead actress to her. I knew this was important to me and it would prove a powerful comeback after what happened to me but I also know it can help an actress like her rise to great lengths...I have it for her .."


"Yes. and Today earlier on when you told me the paparazzi were here to interview me for my lead role on the movie...."

"...You gave it over to Shanice...."

"Because she is the lead. If I wanted I would've jumped in and stolen it for myself but I didn't...."

"And today???"

"I was only joking with her on set then it all erupted. She saw my bad side yet again and not the good I had done for her...."

"Am so sorry. But you must to learn how to communicate to people. Maybe all this....isn't her love language...."

"But how do I know that if she doesn't let me.....????"

"I guess we all have things we fight for to get what we want. But please.....keep the peace. This is important to you and I don't have to explain why...." She finished and walked past.

Right away, I could feel Brennan's feet walk past and I sneaked to see him go to Shanice's change room.

Game On!

I smiled at Lauren who was behind me, smiling back at me. She knew how best to play my game and all I had to do was eavesdrop on their conversation!

I turned around to follow him when a set of devilish masculinity, a powerful physique and a brain stopping smile walked in my direction.

Immediately, my brain picked up on the stimulus and gave a very fitting response. Fight or Flight!

"Hello Eleanor!"

"Ambrose Yde!" my body managed to maintain its composure without blowing my cover. I was barely fighting against myself over how stupid I'd look if he even for a moment finds out I find him quiet attractive.

"What a pleasant surprise...." Lauren's voice echoed from behind me and I took a moment to breathe whispering thank God to myself with my hand on my chest.

"Goodday miss Lauren....I was passing by only to have heard Eleanor has her shoot and what friend would I be if I won't stop for a mere hello???"

"A terrible one indeed...." Lauren added and I knew I was in for interrogation that night. "I'll let them know you'll be in in a few minutes..." she waved at me and I nodded.

"What are you doing here????" I asked almost defensively. He wasn't supposed to be here no less than I was supposed to be talking to him. Everything between me and Adam was going on great and I didn't want to mess it up again.

"There's a centennial celebration at Lobrell's Enterprise, and I'll be there as the spokesperson for AC's new signing.

As the shareholder, I'll have to come....." he started.

"And so?? This involves me how???" I asked not forgetting to fold my hands on my chest just to show him how serious I was although on the inside, I was screaming my lungs out.

"I want you to be my date"

"Be Your Date????"

"Elenaor! They're resuming shooting. You have to come...!! Now!" Lauren dragged me without giving me a chance to respond to Ambrose.

"I'll you ..after!" I managed to say to him before I left. He nodded and I turned to Lauren.

"What does he want with you???" she asked.

"To take me out to dinner. Be his date to this company thing...."


"Yeah...that's when my brain stopped working!!!"

"Clearly he's out of his...."

"Just listen to me. I don't care whether what she does is real or not. All I want is for this to work!!" The directors voice echoed from a nearby room which I looked at and was tagged Shanice.

I looked at Lauren and she shook her head.

"Why are you always on her side??? You never listen to me!!!"

"Because shes more sensible. She did all this for you and you don't see it. Look, I don't care about your pep fight okay. it's the money for me. This project is big for both of us and you'd be wise to know that. Don't waste it. If you want out, go alone without me ...!!!" He finished and headed for the door.

"What if she disses me again???" Shanice asked, clearly affected by my actions.

The next minute, before Brenaan could reply, I knocked on the door and splashed the door open.

"Am sorry but can we hurry this up...I have a big date...." I smiled and closed the door behind me, a huge smile on my face.

"Then diss her back!" was all I heard before leaving to the change room.

This should be fun!