Chapter 154: Vendetta

"I CANT BELIEVE YOU ACCEPTED TO BE HIS DATE!!!" Lauren started immediately after I just got out of the bathroom.

I ignored her chatter and proceeded to drying my hair having finished my body. I took of my bathing towel and quickly applied moisturiser on my skin along with my favourite lotion.

"Eleanor!!!" she called my name but my reaction was the same. I proceeded with getting ready and making sure I make it on time. I quickly put on underwear and rushed to my wardrobe spotting a dark petunia dress, thin strapped and bear backed except from the mesh shaped in a spider web. Rushing to my dresser, I opened the second drawer taking out a set of two beautiful golden bangles of which my secret admirer got for me.

I don't remember why I chose to wear them but something about them just forced me to. And I loved how they looked on my wrists!

I threw my feet into Versace sky-high black block heels with a golden strap around the ankle. Boy I looked so tall.

"Pass me my cologne...." I smiled at my reflection in the mirror as I pulled my hair up into a ponytail.

Loving what I saw, I turned to look at Lauren who had her hand stretched out handing me my cologne.

"Thank you..." I giggled as I sprayed my neck and inside my wrists.

"Are you seriously going???" she asked again.

"You bet I am. Do I look like someone who's going to operate on a patient maybe..? where's my stethoscope???" I joked and shook my head while fastening my hair ribbon.

"What's Adam going to think?" she asked.

"Nothing. For all I know he'd be painted a nude portrait of Princess Irridessa as we speak. Why the heck would I have to be conservative???" I ran pink lipgloss across my lips, pumped them together before placing it back down. I gently combed my eyebrows and added highlighter to my cheeks.

I wasn't wearing any make up today.

With all the heavy layers of foundation I had to wear playing Marvel, I decided I had to allow my skin to breathe. The highlighter was only for moments when I had to steal the spotlight. The way I usually do it. My style!

"So what, you're getting back at him??" Lauren asked again, this time in utter disbelief. Before I could reply, Cloud walked in barking all the way.

"Look Lauren. If a man does not have sauce then he's lost. And you know very well I don't want to be. But the same man can get lost in the sauce and you also know very well, I don't want to be ..."

"What the hell does that mean???" she asked still shocked. Cloud was still barking and I turned to him.

"Aww my baby!!" I carried him, raining kisses on his cheeks while I walked down the stairs.

I dropped cloud, unplugged my phone from the charger and placed it in my clutch bag, not forgetting a glass of water.

"Am I the only one who believes this is a bad idea???" Lauren asked again, helping me with my shawl.

"Yeah. As it stands, Yes..." I agreed and walked past her while heading for the door.

I saw a car pull-up in the driveway and that must've been Ambrose himself.

"Eleanor....I can't believe...."

"Bye-bye now...." I waved a flying kiss in her direction before opening the door.

The moment I turned, my eyes got trapped in a familiar brown pair immediately giving me a pause.

I looked back, while fighting to maintain my composure at the same time trying not to look elsewhere.

"Eleanor ..." he began.

"Ambrose...." I followed after him. We stood like that, staring at eachother for a moment before he bent down and planted a kiss on my cheek. My eyes widened in shock as I didn't expect him to do that. Immediately, my body hardened and am sure he noticed.

He quickly took a step back and asked for my hand which I placed in his only for him to plan a kiss on the back of it.

"Good evening...." he began, a smile lingering on his lips.

"To you too...." I responded.

"You look exquisite..." he stood up straight and I smiled back at him, pulling my clutch bag's strap over my shoulder.

"Thank you. You too...." I smiled back.

"Shall we???" he offered me his hand.

"By all means, Yes please...." I held his arm and walked carefully down the stairs towards his car.

"I don't think I've ever had the chance to compliment how beautiful your house was...." he began opening the door for me.

I chuckled as he closed it and steadied myself in the chair, fastening my seatbelt.

"Thanks." I swallowed. "Adam's quiet the artist...I never thought so myself until this...."

"He sure is quiet a good one...." I giggled nervously.

"You seem....well and settled in this house. Why are you looking for your own???" he asked staring the car.

"I've been doing this for fifteen years and yet I have no asset...."

"Right. Competition!"

"With myself....." I quickly chirped in. "I just want to do something that I'd look up to...Am thinking of retiring so I need a place to stay at. Certainly you don't expect me to love with my boyfriend forever do you???"

"Yeah I do. You two are going to get married aren't you???" he asked the very thing I thought he never would and I got silenced for once and for all.

My mind got confused and I didn't understand how to respond to him or to react having been asked such a question.

Whenever the word marriage came into my mind, all I thought of was how paranoid I'd become and all the good things that Adam had done for me.

Yes I so badly wanted to marry him but if he wasn't ready for it who was I to even think of forcing him into it??

"Uh...yeah....we will but that doesn't mean I shouldn't own a house of my own!!" I asked back and needless to say, he agreed.

"I agree with you....totally!" he smiled in my direction and I smiled back, leaning on the window looking outside.

We became silent for what seemed like the rest of the trip with me contemplating and him, I have no idea.

After what seemed like an hour, we arrived at this gigantic mansion situated in the countryside and I must say the ambience was marvelous and welcoming.

Amidst my admiration of the entire building, all I could suddenly hear in my mind was Lauren's voice second guessing this whole being Ambrose's date. I let out a deep breath the moment he opened the door for me, offering me his hand. I was aware of how my heart was beating so wildly in my chest as of that particular moment.

The potential gossip to erupt in people's mouths was what I was scared of.

It hadn't been so long since after my recovery and here I was in the public, not with my boyfriend but another man. Sooner or later nasty thoughts about me would erupt and I wouldn't know what to do or what to say.

Lauren was right. This was a bad idea.

"You alright????" Ambrose's voice jerked me out of my daydream and I nodded, carefully walking by his side into this dinner. Let's get it over with as soon as possible!

"Never better...." I smiled, putting my hand in his as we walked in.

"Amazing...." He smiled and got us into the building.

Having got in, Ambrose started getting everyone and I knew I was deep in for some gossip with Orange Weekly. They knew how to expose even that which doesn't need exposure. Pure Gossip Dealers if you ask me.

For the entire time, I kept smiling; both to the cameras and to the people around.

Frankly I wasn't paying attention to them but to the secure hand casually resting on my back. Along with that, the feel on his warm palm against my bare skin created some tingling sensations which I immediately prayer would go away.

"Ambrose....." I finally beckoned him after he was almost done greeting the entire world in this room.

"Yes??" he pulled me close and lowered his head so he could hear me clearly. I placed my hand on his forearm, and leaned to him. I don't know why I did that.

"Why did you bring me here?????" I asked casually.

"Oh..." his eyebrows rose. "Does it make you uncomfortable??" he added some cynicism

"I get paid for pretending to be who am not right in front of a camera all for people's amusement. I need to know if being here, is the same thing...." I asked back.

"Eleanor.....don't get me wrong but...."

"Ambrose Yde????" I immediately stiffened at the feminine voice that screamed Ambrose's name along with a glimpse of an unfamiliar dark haired woman briskly walking in our direction. I flashed my eyes on his face to see him turn pale.

" this is the reason I was invited tonight ...." I smiled knowing I had to play coy. "I certainly won't get you wrong now..."

"What? No.....No.... You have nothing to worry about, I'll handle her...."

"Oh really???"

"Yes...I wouldn't want to involve you in my Vendetta...."

"Well the least you could do is allowing me to go through the script. Maybe then I'd act more appropriately..."

"Ambrose...." she finally caught up with us.

"Izzy...." he greeted but she wasn't in for it. I didn't miss how she rushed in for a cheek to cheek kiss which was purposely situated on the corner of his lips. So she had a crush on him!


This should be fun!