Chapter 164: Frienemies

My heart couldnt stop racing henceforth. It couldn't contain the joy?? that was flowing through my veins at that moment. I was breathing heavily as though I was doing some heavy exercise.

For what seemed like forever, I couldn't take my eyes off of his and neither did he. I looked at his handsome face as he brought me close to the contours of his hard body.

Before I knew it, he enveloped me in his arms, a short laughter escaping his lips.

From what seemed like a distance, I could hear claps and cheers and what I felt to be laughter as well.

I joined in and laughed along until he let go of me and together we did a salute before leaving the stage.

"That was epic! Perfect!!!" the director clapped. "The emotion, the was real...."

"We should've just used that for the movie....right.??" I joked and he nodded in agreement.

"Excellent! This is why we cast you as the lead Eleanor. Why did you push it down...???" he asked and I only smiled at him not knowing what to say.

I turned to look at Shanice who seemed to be out of place and turned around to leave in the next minute.

"Excuse me..." I asked and followed her, knowing well how it was to end.

"Get away from me Eleanor! I really am not in a mood for a pep talk...." she said before slamming the bathroom door in my face.

I sighed and held my tummy before squatting and wondering what exactly I could do to make this girl believe I was on her side.

"Am just trying to help you Shanice...." I pleaded.

As in a dream, I heard her unlock the door but she came with full force at me like a gryphon.

"The hell you want to help!!! Are you kidding me?!" she broke and I looked at her, confused.

"I don't understand...."

"Exactly Eleanor. you can't! You'll never understand!!! You're not the girl who everyone gets to decide're not the person who had to tear her skin who has to bleed...for love. you're not forgive me if am not all gaga over emotions and love. Not everyone is lucky like you to have an awesome boyfriend who is very good and romantically expressive....!!!" she threw it at me and I placed my hand on my chest to be sure I heard that right.

Did she just....confess her pain to me??

"You got it all wrong...."

" the girl who gets it wrong...always! Hop at it sister, lay it on me and here to listen to you...." she said the last part with a very sassy tone and I knew I wasn't going to get through her like this.

"Must you always?? Why are you so hostile....?" I asked seriously concerned.

"You're one to talk...."

"This is why you and me can ever get along. You've been like this since we met. Hateful, Antagonistic and inflexible to change...."

"You'd rather I be what? Obsequious???" she teased back and I threw my hands on the air.

"I give up!" I surrendered and turned around to leave. "But for what it's worth....I know you can do it. You've got it in you....the potential, the name it!!!"

I knew I'd done my best dealing with her but what she decides to do with my luck henceforth is really none of my business.

I don't help people so I can get credit for it but to show that they are also capable of greatness despite everyone's thoughts in proving otherwise.

I knew I'd done all I could with her, there was nothing else left.

"We resume in two minutes!!!" the director announced and I walked over to Ambrose. After our scene, I was not sure of how to go about talking to him.

All sorts of feelings were crowding my judgement and I wasn't sure of what to do.

"Heeyyy" he waved and I smiled before walking towards him, taking my seat next to his. "I was looking for you..."

"I uh....took five...." I grinned, taking some water.

Despite not facing his direction, I could tell his eyes were on me and it made me want to shrink and disappear out of this place.

"That was refreshing...." I licked my lips and covered the bottle of water, putting it next to me, purposely looking around, avoiding Ambrose's gaze.

He was about to talk to me when the director did the count down and the scene started.

"look they're redoing it.....I hope they learn from us because we sure nailed that stage...." I whispered and stared at him once before looking at the stage and witnessing the scene that was about to bring the showdown to this movie.

"Yeah....I hope they learnt something too...." he added and I looked at him before focussing on the scene.

The entire hall went quiet suddenly eager to witness the scene. I could see that their expectations were high after witnessing mine and Ambrose's scene but I had confidence in these two stage lovers. They'd definitely bring out something special from this.

I carefully watched the directors amidst the shooting which made me relax after their constant nodding of approval.

Finally, Shanice was able to break and express some emotion over it.

It was beautiful to see her relate to her character and to her co actor.

The feelings and emotions were scattered all over the place and the beauty of it was relatable to everyone watching it.

"Aaannnddd.....end scene! Cut!!" Brenaan screamed and clapped for the two. "Well done you guys.....that was epic!!!"

"This is what we wanted from the start.....huh Shanice.....bring out the love. Females are known for their expressiveness. I understand it's a bit difficult for you since you said you're not inlove but try and think of something you love the most then. At least then, we can squeeze out some emotion from you..... otherwise, this was great...." the assistant director tapped her by the shoulder and walked away. I didn't miss the smile on her face when I looked at her. I know she hated me but I was proud of her.

"Thanks for the good work today guys....see you tomorrow!!" the director called it and we all clapped, giving them a round of applause before dispersing one by one.

"What are your plans henceforth???" he asked as we walked out.

" not certain yet. I guess I'll just walk back to the hotel, bath and then get a good night's sleep. I definitely have a scene tomorrow so I'll have to be mentally ready for it...." I replied walking out followed by him.

"Today was intense...." he brought up the topic I wasn't ready for.

"Tell me about it...." I chuckled walking backwards after turning to him.

"I didn't know I still had it in know...the acting skills and all...." he confessed and I tapped his shoulder.

"Believe me, everyone has it in them. You never just lose a Prodigy. Never....." I convinced him and he nodded.

"That's right. Very right...." he laughed and got to his car. "Should I give you a lift or....."

"Oh...uh...let me call Lauren and hear from her...." He nodded and I took out my phone and left her a message that I had gone with Ambrose.

"Let's go....." I told him and he smiled, opening the door for me and in the next ten minutes walking with me to my room.

"I had fun today....." he began. "I haven't been able to feel this free in a while...."

"Oh really.??" I gasped.

" know business gets the most of a person so most times I'd wish to just lay low and relax...but often times I don't do that...."

"It's like you traded your peace with this empire....."

"Haha...sort of yeah.....but thanks for today....I had fun... especially the acting part....." he stopped and looked at me.

"Yeah me too....." I offered my hand for a handshake and he glorious shook it back.

"At this juncture, I think it's safe to say Goodnight????" he proposed and I laughed.

"Of course it is.... Goodnight Ambrose...."

"Goodnight Eleanor...." I watched as he walked towards the elevator. In the meantime, I looked for my key card in my bag which I used to unlock the door.

I looked at him one more time and waved before the elevator doors closed, the very moment he also waved at me.

I stopped for a moment, reeling the moment and then pushed my door to get in when my neighbor suddenly walked towards me.

"Hey...." she began.

"Oh look who it is....." I stopped the door with my foot and looked at her.

She leaned on the wall next to my door with her arms folded and just looked at me.

"You're awfully quiet.... did you break a nail or something.....???" I teased but to my surprise, she just smiled and laughed.

"Oh my God ...she can laugh too....." I joked removing my foot and locking my door. I copied her, leaning on the door and staring at her.

We stood like that for what lasted a minute before she stood straight and made a proposition.

"Do you wanna go grab some coffee or something????" she asked politely and I must say I couldn't believe it. "That's if don't have some better things to do....." she said in an awful tone and I stood straight, looking directly at her.

"To what do I owe such courtesy???" I questioned remembering very well the last time I did this with an enemy, it didn't end well.

"I just wanna say thank you...."

"Oh my Goodness....."

"Don't make fun of me..." she quickly protested. "So do you???"

"Oh yeah yeah.... sure...."

"Great...." she smiled and locked her door, leading the way to the elevator. I looked at her suspiciously and behind her, making sure it was all clean.

"What are you doing????" she asked curiously.

"Making sure you won't jack me the moment I turn around ...."

"Oh dear me....." she shrugged and just walked past me to the elevator. This was not the Shanice I knew.

"Hurry up!!!" she raised her voice at me the moment she got in. I just smiled.

Now that, was the Shanice I knew!!