Chapter 165: The blonde guy???

With Shanice and I finally on the same page, I couldn't be happier. I loved that we could now talk without insulting eachother and through it all, we were able to develop our own chemistry for our characters on set.

Finally being friends with her was amazing because I would easily talk to her on set, the same way I do off set.

I can admit, I saw the change in her acting too.

She was much more expressive and open compared to before and this new her was just fantastic.

We didn't have to reshoot scenes many times like before and we managed to get a lot of bloopers from it.

I think am loving this.

Big time!!!

"Here you go ....." Shanice walked over to me and handed me a bottle of water.

"A week days ago I'd absolutely faint if you did this..." I received it and smiled at her while opening my bottle.

"I know...." she laughed. I kept staring at her until she stopped and looked back at me.

"What's up???" she asked.

"I just wish you knew how beautiful you are....." I tapped her shoulder and she was about to reply when Lauren walked over with my phone.

"You're getting a phone call...." she gave the phone to me and I smiled the moment I saw the caller ID.

"BRB..." I waved at Shanice and quickly slid the answer button screaming a hie.

"Heeeyyyy....." I started the conversation.

"Am so sorry to call you on set...."

" it's fine don't worry about it. We just finished s scene right now.... we'll resume in about 2. what's up?" I asked.

"I am sorry if this is going to be a bother but I'd like to know when you'd be free to go on the runway....." he asked almost bitting himself. I could feel him struggle to find the words and ask me.

"Oh yeah.... tomorrow's fine...." I said casually, not sure if tomorrow was going to be fine.

"What? Tomorrow???" he asked so shocked.

"Unless...if you won't be ready....."

" just shocked at how quickly you said that. Are you sure????" he asked.

"Uh...yeah.....if you'll let me bring model...." I proposed looking at Shanice who was talking to Brenaan.

"Uh....okay.....I can make that happen..." he replied and I could feel his foot tap on the floor.

"Hey....don't be nervous. You'll pull this off. I know....." I told him.

"Thanks Eleanor....." his voice sounded fragile and I wished I could do something big for him.

"Anytime big guy. How did the thing with the house go???"

" bad I was supposed to come back to you. I saw that you transferred the money and I immediately paid for it. I just have one thing to do....." he paused making me nervous.

"What is that???....." I asked.

"Dropping the keys in your hands..." he giggled and I laughed.

"Thanks my hype gave me a fright...." I teased.

"Yeah I noticed...." he clicked his tongue making me giggle. "So tomorrow???"

"Tomorrow...." I agreed. "I gotta go..."

"Yeah sure...bye..." he hang up and I did so as well putting a huge smile on my face.

I walked back to the scene and handed the phone back to Lauren before jumping on stage.

"Was that Adam???" Shanice asked fixing her hair. "I mean the smile on your face can tell...."

"Oh dear....." I shook my head. "How would you like to be on the runway with me tomorrow for Yde's latest summer c

and lingerie collection???"

"Shut up!!!" she gasped and I only smiled and shook my head fixing my apron.

"Is that a Yes???" I asked in a low tone attempting to not mask Brenaan's countdown.


"Tomorrow?? Hell Yeah...." she giggled like a kid on Christmas morning.

"There's a slight problem though. We have shooting tomorrow so we'll have to...."

"I agree. We're staying in late today...redoing all of tomorrow's scenes....." she agreed with me and I loved seeing her like that. She walked to the couch and lied down, preparing for the next scene.

"....and Action!!!" Brenaan screamed and I walked to where she was.

' you wanna go shopping???' I asked and she groaned turning to the other side.

'I don't wanna.....' her voice sounded muffled.

'Wait a minute. Why are you dysphoric???' Marvel asked walking close to Lindy. 'Have you relapsed??'

'What??? No...of course not....' Lindy replied defensively sitting up.

'I see Greg sure has an impact on you....' Marvel poked Lindy's side and they laughed together before Lindy stuffed a cushion in her face.

'He doesn't know.....'

'Come again???'

'You heard me right. Greg doesn't know that I use drugs....'

'You don't use drugs, honey.... you used to.....' Marvel reminded and Lindy faked a smile before walking to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee for herself.

'I see you walk away and avoiding the topic here.....' Marvel screamed but Lindy walked back in with a smile on her face. She was suddenly elated and happy seeming. Marvel, being the kind friend she was, quickly walked over to her and took the cup away holding their hands together.

'Lindy....have you relapsed???' she asked seriously.

'How many times do I have to say no Marvel???? how many.??' a disappointed Lindy asked and Marvel couldn't let it go.

'Am your friend can trust me, let me help you.....' Marvel pleased. 'Isnt it why you moved to Las Vegas??? to leave everything aside and start afresh???'

Having said that, Lindy suddenly felt emotional and stood straight as she looked into Marvel's eyes.

Before any of them could speak, the doorbell rang and Lindy quickly fetched Marvel's bag.

'And that's your cue to leave....' she grinned tossing the bag to her and pushing her towards the door.

'What?? Why???' Marvel insisted.


'Hey!!!' Greg budged in and his eyes landed on Marvel. 'Oh Marvel....I didn't know you were here....'

'Thats why...' Lindy whispered to Marvel. 'Don't worry babe, she was just leaving....'

'Yeah...right.....' Marvel replied and shot Lindy a look of daggers before she shut the door.

Finishing off the scene, I walked off stage and sat in one of the chairs to watch the upcoming scenes.

'Welcome home hunnie....' Lindy started as she placed the cup down and walked over to Greg giving him a hug.

He hugged her back and together, they walked to the couch where he played a song dandelions done by Ambrose???

I must admit I'd never heard that song before.

'Care to dance???' Greg offered Lindy who didn't take long to reply. She nodded and it was beautiful to see them fall in love with eachother right there on stage.

Looking at them, made me think about Adam and all the good moments we had together.

He was the love of my life and nothing was ever going to change that. We have faced a lot of things together and I was certain, I wouldn't have made it if it wasn't for him for being on my side.

I shifted my focus back to the set to find a heavy make out in session.

"Ooh...." my neighbor gasped and I chuckled after looking at who it was. Brenaan! He was obviously jealous and wished to be in Greg's shoes at that moment.

God help Shanice for this.

"Aaannndd....cut!!!" the assistant director screamed followed by a round of applause from us the audience.

"Take five...." he ordered and the two jumped off the stage.

"That was some steamy kiss....." I joked the moment Shanice passed by. She narrowed her eyes at me, a playful smile on her lips as she walked by to her make up parlour.

I smiled and turned to Lauren who was shocked at what was going on.

"Did I just see what I just saw???" she asked and I nodded.

"We're friends. Frenemies if am to be more accurate...." I responded.

"Ooh.....I see" she nodded and I quickly remembered the song that Greg asked Lindy to dance to.

"Hey can I have my phone...." I asked and she quickly gave it to me. "My iPods too...."

I quickly looked it up on Google and there it was. Dandelion by Ambrose Yde.

I smiled as I went through the lyrics, especially the chorus which was the part played in the movie.

"I'm in a field of dandelions

wishing on everyone that you could be mine...

I see forever in your eyes

I feel okay when I see you smile...

wishing on dandelions everyone

Praying to God that you'd be mine..."

I wasted no time in downloading the song and I quickly connected my ipods, quietly listening to the lyrics and sync and flow of the music.

His voice was just magical and I loved it.

I closed my eyes and the image I visualised was that of my knight in shining armour.

The love of my life....

The man I felt safe with, who I could trust with my life!

Suddenly, my eyes opened in shock and I almost fell from my chair.

"The blonde guy????"