Chapter 170: He didn't deserve my tear

WHEN I RETURNED HOME, I was astounded by the decorations covering the entire perimeter. From the gate to the full house, it was so resistible I couldn't just stand watch.

I took out my phone and shot the entire thing from the entrance to the door and the moment I opened the door, I nearly dropped my phone.

My jaw dropped to the ground and my eyes nearly fell off my sockets.

Did Ambrose do all this for me and Adam? My heart melted at the thought of it.

I went on and pictured everything before sending the video to Ambrose.

"Your guys sure know how to back you up ..." I commented on the phone call as I looked at the house.

"I know they couldn't met me down. When it comes to love they're the ones I contact...." his deep voice sounded so romantic and I immediately pinched myself. Not now, Eleanor...

"Anyway....I better be getting ready....thanks again....I won't ever forget this...." I smiled hanging up the phone.

I ran my fingers in my hair kissing my phone at the same time admiring such a wonderful decoration.

Now it was all upto Adam. It was in his hands to either make this worth it or absolutely ruin it.

All upto him.

I heard cloud bark running down the stairs and I embraced him in a moment. I kissed his head many times and hugged him apologizing for missing out on him.

"I promise I'll make time for you....I swear....but for now, you'll have to help me get ready...." I kissed him once more and walked with him upstairs to my room.

I didn't bother spending hours in the bath because I knew the make up part will have to be excellent.

If I was going to make this night count, I'd have to put in all my effort. At least on my side.

It lasted me two hours to prepare and the moment I looked in the mirror, I loved what I saw.

I was wearing a red dress and red stilettos with my hair pulled up in a low ponytail with a side part. To tone my look down, I decided to go for a nude facial look which gave my outfit the bomb I wanted.

I checked my phone and it was four hours before midnight. Trauma from my previous experience wrecked my expectations and made me nervous.

What if it happens again?

I asked myself but suddenly, hugged a picture of Adam my love for him assuring me it would be okay. I dropped it and decided to close all the windows.

With the house filled with warm humid air, I barely noticed how I slowly drifted to sleep on the couch until about five hours later?? "Oh My Goodness...." I gasped and quickly rushed to the mirror to check on my make up which was perfectly fine. Relieved, I walked to the living room and everything was exactly as it was in the house.

No one came in or went out.

Instead of being happy, I was worried. Adam wasn't here yet.

I quickly rushed through the couch looking for my phone which I found along with a missed call from him. Luckily, there was a voice message but it wasn't from him.

"Evening Miss Delarue...." it was Aaron. Why was Aaron leaving me messages when he could just come to my house. "Mr Jenner asked me to talk to you about his trip. Unfortunately he will not be able to come tonight. He went back to England but did not tell me what prompted him to go back....."

I didn't even bother listening to the rest of it.

That bastard!

Once a cheater, always a cheater! I laughed at myself for being so stupid.

"Fortunately for me am not foolish anymore...." I barked before calling Ambrose.

" did it...."

"Can you come pick me up now??? Am moving to my house....."

"Now!?? " he asked hesitating. From the sound of his voice, I could tell he just woke up from sleep.

"Yes Ambrose Yde! Now!!!" I hang up the phone without even waiting for his reply.

I rushed up to my room and packed all of my things being sure to leave nothing as I knew I wouldn't be coming back here.

I dragged all my bags to the living room and while waiting for Ambrose, I knew there was one more thing I had to do. I wrecked the entire house.

This fool called Adam did not deserve even an inch of this beautiful decoration. He had absolutely no right to it.

One by one, I tore it all down leaving the house that was once beautiful in ruins.

No one messes with me.

Not even Adam Jenner!


"Eleanor!????" I heard Ambrose's voice and immediately walked to the door.

"You're here...." I said in delight, placing Cloud down and fastening his neck collar. "Come on boy....let's go...." I pointed him to the car and saw him run, jumping in and settling on the chair in the back seat.

"What happe---" he started but I span around in a second and held my hand firmly at him.

"Don't even ask! Don't?!!" I yelled, making sure I don't cry. I closed my eyes allowing it to sink in.


"Help me carry my bags, will you???" I went into it and he nodded following after me.

I sniffed and showed him my bags, which he helped me carry into his car.

We quietly loaded my luggage until we finished everything. I let out a sigh and walked into the passenger's seat, fastening my seatbelt, pushing my hair back.

I folded my arms on my chest and waited quietly for the lump in my throat to dissolve away.

I breathed out the moment I felt Ambrose on the driver's seat. He started the car and I could feel the lightness in my body as we drove away from San Martin hill. My heart was beating fast as I had no idea what my life would be henceforth. The betrayal was so raw that it was chewing me alive. Why would Adam do this to me. It had been fifteen years of us together but he did this?? For what reasons??? Why would he hurt me like so..?

But for him, I told myself not to cry. I couldn't cry. He didn't deserve my tear.

I looked outside the window and suddenly straight ahead when I noticed the traffic lights turning red.

Ambrose slowly brought the car to a stop and I turned to look at him.

He unfastened his seatbelt and looked back at me.

We stayed like that long enough for him to place his hand on mine and caress it with his thumb.

"Am sorry....." he breathed out.

I didn't reply. I just looked at him and smiled, spinning my head around the chair before looking at the windscreen and back at him who copied my position.

"You didn't have to say anything the silence was golden...." I dispersed the cold cloud and heard him chuckle.

"I just want you to know that am here for you....." he assured me and I nodded.

"I've always known that....."

The next morning, Ambrose came over and as the sweet man that he was, he showed me around the house. It was very beautiful and every corner made me feel like I was I walking around a palace. Suddenly, the dark thoughts about the previous night haunted me and I went silent for sometime.

" okay???" Ambrose asked and I nodded.

"I am....." I smiled. "By the way, do you remember when I said I wanted to host a know-the-neighbours party?? Something fancy but low key...."

"I remember...."

"Can we do it tonight???? I'd love to do it tonight...." I jumped in front of him and I could tell from his expression that he thought I was only putting on an act.

He was sad and from his face you'd tell that he was partly worried about me.

"Am fine Ambrose.....Very fine. Am happy here. With you and very two make me happy....." I tried to convince him and he smiled.

"Okay.....tonight it is ...."

"Thank you ....."

"Anytime you mind hanging at my house though, for the day as they take care of the decorations here at your place???"

"I don't mind at all....right Cloud???" I looked down at him and his bark was very convincing.

I heard Ambrose giggle and I loved that he did.

I looked at him and he looked back at me. As usual, we stayed like that long enough for me to study his face and shamefully look at his lips; wondering what he would taste like.

"Uh ...shall we???" he asked and I looked down at Cloud and smiled at him. "Yes we may...."


"Need anything???" Ambrose asked standing next to me. I smiled at him and having finished my wine, I took the glass in his hands and replaced it with my empty glass. I got him giggling the entire time and I loved just the sound of that.

"Anything but meatloaf....." I replied.

"On it...." He set off but out of the blue, Adam came.

My eyes froze at the sight of him. I choked on my wine and quickly placed the glass down.

Adam?? What the hell was he doing here?? How did he even get the map to this place??

I looked at Ambrose who looked back at me and we both simultaneously looked at Adam. He was wearing a golf shirt which not only showed off his biceps but also his tall stature. I hate to admit it but he looked cool.

"Uh... I'll go with you...because I actually know what my girlfriend likes....although she forgot to invite me....." He threw in the word girlfriend to burst Ambrose but I knew it had no effect on him.

"I didn't forget to invite you, I purposely didn't invite you...." I corrected.

"I can see why....." he turned to Ambrose and walked towards me. I was about to show him that I didn't need him anymore when my eyes suddenly locked with Ambrose's and I saw him shake his head, telling me not to. I shrugged, frowning the entire time until they both left.

Allowing myself time to calm down, I took the time to walk around and greet most of the people. I met my neighbors and I must say Ambrose is such a bomb at making new gestures. I definitely needed his help with this. I couldn't do it alone. "Having fun yet??" Lauren asked and I nodded.

"Yet?? Am enjoying myself already" I drank up my wine and got another glass. "Ambrose said he would drink more glasses than me, what was he thinking really!"

"Just admit it. You..... you've been trying to get close to her eversince....ever since I was away in Britain....." I heard Adams voice and I quickly stood on the balcony, looking at the scene downstairs were most of the guests had gathered. Spotting Ambrose in the middle, I left the glass with Lauren and ran downstairs to stop this nonsense.

Adam was screaming at Ambrose's face and I immediately lost my cool.

He was embarrassing me, my friends and most of all Ambrose. I remember him being a business man and I knew bad publicity was not so good for him because it could tarnish his reputation. More over, he just launched his new cloth collection and still needed all the help he could get to make sure it all sells out.

This attitude from Adam would jeopardize the entire mission and lead him to ruins but certainly not on my watch.

"Adam! How dare you say that to him??? Ambrose is just a friend....!!!" I tried to come in.

"What are you trying to say???" Ambrose asked back at Adam and I buried my face in my arms.

"Am tryna say you have feelings for my girlfriend bro...Admit it..." Adam snorted and not only me but everyone gasped. First he treats me like trash and now he tries to act protective over me??? I was standing in between the boys and I looked at Adam and shook my head. I mouthed an 'am sorry' hoping he would forgive me as right now I couldn't do anything to control the situation. Adam was the problem and he had to leave.

"Fine! Yes! I like Eleanor...."