Chapter 169: Saved by Brenaan.

Throughout the entire shoot, my mind was completely off. I tried to make up on my mind regarding Adam, thinking of what he would say when he came back but I didn't come up with a thing at all. I

was seated quietly and looked at Shanice on stage.

I could see that she was speaking to Greg but I had no idea what they were talking about.

Romantic music was faintly playing in the background and the directors were chanting faintly to them, making me realise in the least that it was a love scene.

I shook my head to try and fix my focus so I managed to. I snapped out of my daydream and witnessed the two incredible people act on stage.

Everything about it reminded me about Adam. The dancing reminded me when we danced a tango with went viral on the internet.

The romantic music brought me back to when he released a portrait of me as his masterpiece when he opened his gallery.

The sweet-talk Greg was doing made me think back to all those days and times Adam told me he loved me and flooded my mind with a lot of romantic quotes.

The most romantic of all was when he admitted that I was the inspiration behind his art.

Before he paints anything, he would think of me and a part of me would be able to help him fix his image on paper.

How cute is that....

Adam has always been my support.

After my mom left and my aunt abandoned me, it's always been him. Sometimes I even suspected that my secret admirer was him. I had looked for 'Red Lotus' for a very long time and even Aaron was beginning to give up and I know him well to believe he was giving up.

If he ever did that it would mean the situation was entirely hopeless.

Each time I rested in my room,my mind would give me a million reasons to why Adam should be the man behind Red Lotus. No wonder Aaron never found the man.

He was right in front of me and I couldn't see it.

Something about it all made me trust in him but the coming of the blond somehow tainted my soul.

Adam was right. I had to deal with him once and for all. It was finally time he and me had the honest conversation that we needed.

The moment I turned around to resume my seat, I heard the director saying to take five. For how long was I gone thinking about Adam??? I wondered and suddenly remembered that he was coming in three days.

I smiled at the thought but then remembered I was in Las Vegas, shooting a movie.

"Oh No...." I gasped. I couldn't leave unless it was after the week as that's all we had left to complete the shoot. And on the other hand, Adam and I needed to talk. I couldn't drag it out. It couldn't wait.

We needed to deal with it for once and for all. I had to talk to the director as soon as possible.

Seeing Brenaan, I rushed to him and hoped that he would hear my proposal.

"Director...may I talk to you for a minute???" I asked and he nodded, putting his arm around my shoulder and walking with me.

"Eleanor....I am very thankful for your friendship to Shanice....I really am....." he began.

"I appreciate that. I actually---"

"I don't know if you've noticed but her acting has improved...." he interrupted me.

"Yeah...I've always believed in her...." I made us stop the walk so he could finally listen to me. "Director....I need---"

"Brenaan....." he corrected.

"Yeah..." I chuckled nervously. "Brenaan. I need a favour....I would like to ask to have all my scenes shot in advance...."

"How so???" suddenly he became curious.

"I...uh... won't be with you until the rest of the week. Something has come up and I can't stay here longer than three days. I have to be back in Buenos Aires by the ..." I explained.

"Does it have anything to do with your position as woman of the year....????" he asked and my mind completely went blank. There was that too.....Darn!

"Something like that...." I replied nervously wondering what all this had to do with my upcoming award.

" problem. I can uh....discuss with the other directors and we can begin shooting your scenes tonight if possible...."

"Thank you so much ,Brenaan...." I hugged him and walked back to the scene, meeting Shanice.

"You hug my man a lot and that just wakes the beast in me...." she joked.

"I've seen where his hands have not touching them...." I teased and walked past her only for her to grab my hand and pull me aside.

"Whatever do you mean???" she asked curiously her face pure white.

"...Also, he doesn't deserve you....." I snatched my hand away from her and walked to resume my seat, sending her a flying kiss from where I was.

I knew she had many questions in her mind but I wasn't going to let it come in the way of our friendship.

After a battle, I finally had her on my side and I wasn't letting anything get in the way. I didn't miss the horrible face she showed me as she walked upstage for her next scene mouthing "You'll explain later" making me only laugh and wave my fingers at her.

I popped my tongue out at her and fortunately for me the director did the countdown and we resumed. I was saved by Brenaan.


I was happy when Brenaan told me that we could go through with my plan. I was grateful to him and the rest of the cast for agreeing to do so much for me and vowed to make sure I gave them the best of me.

We started shooting that night and to my surprise, it was harder than I thought.

We were shooting the part were Lindy and Greg's relationship had broken after he found out about her drug-use. Lack of support from him caused her to relapse and I had to take up the responsibility of taking care of her child and her which was exhausting for Marvel.

"Attitude Eleanor....attitude...." the editors kept screaming every two seconds which made me feel bad and that was how it went for the rest of the three days.

Nevertheless, we managed to get the footage for the movie although I left feeling bad and horrible about it all.

On the fourth day, I flew back to Buenos.

Lauren came with me and she welcomed me right to her house warmly.

"This guy will be the death of you....." she joked the moment she helped me get my bags inside the house.

I smiled at walked in, throwing myself on the couch. "You can say that again, I literally had to battle myself shooting this movie the last three days and gosh it was horrible. We had to make sure the scenes were perfect since I wouldn't be there to the end of it....."

"'re here now...that's all that matters ...." she said offering me a glass of lemon water.

"What's the plan???" she asked.

"The plan is to decorate the house for him. He's coming tonight ....." I replied getting up and stretching myself before walking towards the door.

"Won't you rest??" she asked and I shook my head. "I'll rest after I've had a conversation with him...." I told her while heading for the door.

Momentarily, my phone rang and I smiled upon seeing the name of the person in the caller ID.

"Hey....I heard you're back in Buenos...." he started.

"You heard right...." I confirmed.

"When did you arrive???"

"About half an hour ago....."

"Ooh...okay....." his tone suddenly became subtle.

"What's up???" I asked.

"I...uh....just ....I was going through the pictures from the shoot and Vogue wanted to cover the story in their magazine so they were looking to use one of the pictures...."

"....and???" I asked, a smile forming on my face.

"I needed your help picking which picture....." he confessed.

"Oh right...right...uh....can we do it like... tomorrow?? Adam's coming over tonight and I wanted to decorate the house for the warm...welcome..."

"Ooh ..." he seemed eleted. "You guys are good now??? you never really told me how it went back at the runway....after your phone call with him ..."

"He never picked up....." I clicked my tongue. "But...uh....he called a few days ago and we agreed to talk in person...."

"I see..."

"Looks like the thorns outgrew the roses ....." I coughed a laugh and played with my foot on the ground.

"Don't say that Eleanor.....whatever it is, you guys will deal with it. This phase will pass too....." he assured me and I didn't say anything. I just hoped his words would be true.

"What'd you say, I help you with the house decorations and come over and pick a picture with me???" he proposed and I found myself accepting within a second.

"Okay..." I nodded.

"I'll send a team to San Martin hill and have the house decorated...don't worry. You don't need to exhaust yourself over this here. I'll do it for you...."

His voice so convincing, allowed me to penetrate into the world of going away with him. I waved my hand and Lauren as I headed for the door. My mood was finally smoothen and I loved that Ambrose was the reason behind it.