Chapter 172: Nothing can cure the pain of heart break

I TRIED DIALING HIS NUMBER MANY TIMES BUT HE DID NOT REPLY. I walked around the entire house, from the roof to the basement but he was nowhere to be found. Where are you Ambrose?? I asked myself before breaking down. I know I had hurt him and It was inexcusable. I owed him so many sutures to cure his pain even though I knew it wasn't enough. Nothing could ever cure the pain of a heart break. Nothing could ever!

I walked up to my room and coiled myself on the bed, still crying. I wasn't sure if the party was still going on downstairs but all I knew was I wasn't interested to neither join them or chase them away. I missed having cloud with me because in a moment like this, I'd just hug him and he would know exactly what I was going through. He wild pick me or squeeze himself towards me. I loved that, it was my favourite part of our relationship. Why did I give him away again?

I sneezed as the cold attacked me. My fingers became so frozen that they couldn't move an inch anymore. My eyelids became so heavy and my body was rooted to the ground. Was I having some sleep paralysis of some sort maybe?? But no, this was accounted to the weather. I wasn't spiritual enough to experience the chronicles of untold spiritual stories! Just like eyes shut!


I woke up after I didn't know how long. The room was warmer than before and this time I was able to freely move my hands. I woke with energy from the bed and sat up with strength. I pulled the sheet off and was about to climb down when I heard the very same magnetic voice.

"Are you up already??" He asked and from the sound of his footsteps, he was walking towards me. A smile formed on my face and I raised my head to see him. Ambrose. I got up and quickly threw my arms around his neck. He hugged me back with passion, as usual and I felt very safe to be with him. I know it's odd for someone with a lover to feel safe and find perfection somewhere else but what would I do. It was the only way for my peace to restore.

"Ambrose am so sorry. Am sorry for what Adam did to you and how it might have affected you and your career as well. Am sorry because I didn't stand up for you as much as I was supposed to and I knew I had failed as a friend in that moment. I truly apologize for -----"

"Shhh....relax ...Take a deep breath...." He calmed me down and I sat on the bed while he sat next to me. "Everything is alright...nothing's wrong don't all good...and so is my business and everything...."

"But people were shooting the entire thing happening, what if---"

"No what ifs. I talked to them and no one is going to publicize anything. Trust me....." His tone was enough to make me believe him. I nodded and held his hand...planting a kiss in it the next minute..

"But where did you disappear to??" I smacked his arm. "Do you even have any idea of how worried I was about you??? Do you???" I continuously smacked him until he held my hands together and looked at my face instead.

"Now I sorry I got you worried. I just went for some air and for a drive so when I came back, I dismissed everyone and made sure the room was warm for you because you were very cold.

"Thank you" I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"You're full of so many surprises....." I relaxed and moved back to rest on the headboard. He moved close to me and sat by my side, holding my hand in his. I noticed that he couldn't stop staring at me and I put my hand on his face.

"What are you looking at???"

"You know I meant every word I said back there about my feelings....I really like you am staring at you...."he said it with a smile on his face and I could feel his beautiful voice vibrate from the showers of love between us. So he actually liked me? Oh my God....It was all upto me now to say my side of the story.

"'re freaking me out..." I covered my face and blushed. I wanted to tell him I also liked him but I didn't want it to seem like I was only replying to his confessed feelings. I wanted him to feel every word as I said it.

"Do I look that bad???" He chuckled.

" know.... actually you don't look half's nothing a little plastic surgery surely can't fix. One move here and there and voilà...." I flattered my fingers in front of him making him laugh and hold them in his instead. He gave me a questioning look and I nodded.

"No, really I know a good surgeon...." I convinced him and we laughed together. I loved this. It was just sad that it wasn't with Adam....for the very first time, it was with someone else.

"Mmmm" he mumbled "Well there's not one thing I'd change about you....."

"Oh really???" I asked pompously and in a very enticing manner.

"Unless....maybe I'd get some brain surgery like get this part taken out...." He explained while pretending his hand was a knife and he was cuting my head.

"Shut up!" I smacked his arms and got him to laugh at me and I frowned.

"I was only kidding...." He hugged me and I loved that he did. I hugged him back and loved just about the feel of his hair in my hands. After we broke the hug, I looked at him and he looked back at me. My eyes went all over his face, scanning every feature from his eyes to his nose his lips and back to his eyes. I blushed and licked my lips nervously before running my hands along my hairline and behind my ears.

" know...." I began "Adam has been the only man in my life....until now....." I added the last part while slowly holding his hand. I wasn't looking in his eyes because I couldn't shake the feeling that my heart was really racing.

"Thank you for inviting me tonight....and for allowing me to come in your life" He raised my face by my chin with his finger to turn and face him. He had a radiant look on his face that caused me to avoid his eyes again but later, unknown confidence empowered me reminding me I wasn't human anymore. I was a goddess. A goddess on earth.

"Thank you for teaching me friendship ....and how not to abandon them when they most need us...." I told him, slowly moving my head towards him.

"I appreciate that but....don't you think Adam needs you now???" He asked suddenly looking sad because he thought I was going to leave.

"Well....I think it's justifiable if he does....but...tonight, I choose you...." I put my arms around his neck and when I saw the smile on his face, I knew I had nothing to worry about. He pulled me onto his lap as his hands chased eachother around my waist to meet at my back. His touch was magnetic too, just like his voice...

"Tonight....I need you...." I touched his forehead with mine and he nuzzled his nose against mine. Before I knew it, we were down deep with our lips speaking to one another. My brain was clouded with thoughts and I couldn't see the right or wrong anymore. I was happy with my choice in that moment and Ambrose was my choice.

"I like you..." I squeezed the words out unexpectedly. Ambrose stopped the kiss and looked me in the eye.


"You heard me right...I ....I... like you...." I was shy at first because I don't openly do these things except with Adam but this time, it was with Ambrose.

"Since the day I bumped into you at outside the elevator....since the time I realised you were my states agent....since the moment you came on set, and we took those pictures and I walked on your runway.... Everyone of those moments, I liked you very much....."

Instead of saying something, he only pulled me back to him and kissed me again. It felt wired at first to like someone and be able to give myself to them but I loved that for once, I was with someone else and learnt that love is not dependent on the person. It's about two hearts connecting. Whether for years or for a second. Love is love...and with that, we went on to doing what we were doing. Two hearts on fire with no one to put it out...