Chapter 173: O what I risk to be close to you

I WAS SITTING IN MY ROOM, still imagining my previous night with Ambrose. Rolling into the other side, I smiled and touched my lips, my brain still able to remember that we kissed. I couldn't be more happier. The image of Adam disappeared from my brain and all I could think of was Ambrose. He was the most beautiful thing that was going on in my life at that moment.

I rolled again, looking at the ceiling and wondering what we would do today. I looked at my phone and checked the time. It was still morning, 6:30 and I decided to go back to bed.

I had no work to do today so...why not sleep in?!

To my shock, my phone vibrated and I groaned to see who it was. I opened my eyes and pushed my hair off of my face only to see it was my house's alarm.

Ambrose did explained he coded my house's system to my phone so that each time someone else came over, my House's security would detect and alert me. In this way, I would monitor my house from wherever that I was.


I quickly sat up like a sixteen year old who finally got a text from her crush. Seeing that it was Ambrose on the door, I quickly got up and rinsed my mouth with mint before wearing my robe and going downstairs.

I could see him through the glass door, carrying a bouquet of flowers and looking right at me. He was in a tux, as usual, silver this time with a white shirt underneath and a grey tie. He looked very handsome like my prince charming.

The smile on my face didn't go away even for a second, discarding the fact that I had a boyfriend somewhere.

But of course, he and I had broken up. I considered us broken...

"Good morning....." I began as soon as I opened the door, gesturing for him to come in.

"Morning...." he responded, pecking my forehead and handing me the flowers. "These are for you....."

"Thank you....." I smiled and sniffed them, quickly putting them in a jar of water.

"I hope am not too early or something....." he tossed his hands in his pockets and tapped his foot on the floor before looking up and walking around the living room.

"You are....." I laughed. "It's 6:30 am. But it's acceptable....because it's you....."

"Oh yeah???" he asked walking towards me and just the sight of that caused my heart to skip. I nodded and moved back from him a little. He caught up with me and had me leaning on the wall, securing me with his hand so I don't slip out. I rested my hand on his biceps while steadily looking at him in the eye.

As usual, he looked at my eyes, nose and lips and back to my eyes making me anticipate something big a good morning kiss.

When I saw him take his time, and I was about to just kiss him but he span around as though he remembered something.

"Do you remember Vogue's magazine??" he asked scratching the back of his head.

"The one we picked a picture for???" I followed.

"Yeah....they showed me a sample yesterday...." he said taking his phone out and showing it to me.

I pushed my hair back and smiled all the way as I looked at the picture.

They picked one which I wasn't expecting. I lied down with my hands on my back. My hair was jelled which made it look wet. My eyes were closed, exposing my red eyeshadow and my red lipstick was the beautiful tone to it all. The nails I had on were long and also red, which matched with the headline. 'Red Seduction....'

"Wow...." I finally managed to say. "I love it....."

I quickly placed the phone down and threw my arms around him.

He welcomed me warmly and twirled me around the place.

"I love that you love it. I do....." his voice muffled in my hair as he put me down. I held onto his arms, trying to steady my stand in front of him.

When I found my feet again, my gaze met his and I knew what was to follow.

"O ....what I risk to be close to you...." I said before concealing the entire moment into a kiss.


"Eleanor???" Lauren's voice echoed through the phone that afternoon and I answered it.

"What's up???" I asked back.

"Have you talked to Adam???" she asked and I got infuriated.

"If you called to tell me that, please hang up or I will....." I said it point blank. I didn't understand how she couldn't be on my side after all this time. Was she ever on my side once???

" called to ask you to come for a fitting. We'll be going to New York for the award ceremony...." she told me and I nodded although she couldn't see me.

"Don't bother, I'll do by myself...I can easily find a dress, no worries." I said before hanging up.

I threw the phone down thinking of what dress I was going to wear to certainly bring the heavens down and show the world that I really was a goddess on earth.

I decided to go on the internet and scrolled through some pages to see what I was missing out, first picking Instagram.

I notification that said I had received over a hundred followers and a lot photos had tagged me.

I didn't realise it at first but when I followed the tags, most of them led to the Vogue magazine cover that Ambrose showed me in the morning and I smiled knowing the world was shaking because of me.

"Yes!!" I screamed and jumped up and down, on from couch to couch. Throwing the pillows everywhere. I was so excited that my life was going on so well.

My hypeman, Cloud, was barking too, following my lead as he jumped up and down.

Suddenly, a man in black walked into my living room and I looked at him surprised. He had his gun on ready to shoot at whatever it was he was aiming at.

"Are you okay, ma'am??" he asked and I got a fright, falling from the couch.

"Yeah....who are you???" I asked.

"Am the head of security ma'am. Mr Yde, hired us the moment you bought this mansion..... I was outside and I heard a scream, are you okay.??" he went on, scouring the entire house even behind curtains.

"I am fine....." I barked as I laughed at them and carried on with my shrieking along with Cloud.

Amidst it, I realised no one was responding for my happiness than I was. I was the only one who could look at me and be happy for me. I was the only one who was responsible for the smile on my face. It was time to stop expecting so much from people but only from me.

I had to. I ought to.

For my survival.


We were on top of the Empire State building, for the award ceremony. Everyone looked very elegant and I loved the glam all over the place. Not only did it spike me up but it also helped me boost my confidence. I was already exhausted from all the pictures I had to take the very moment I walked in and I didn't miss the shout that people gave me.

Fame was beautiful. Very beautiful.

I did some quick interviews with some journalists who wanted to know my excitement levels as well as some gossip regarding my dress and the inspiration behind my look.

Passing by the huge glass windows, I admired my reflection and got to see how cute I looked, one more time.

I was wearing a red tulle gown, that was long to the ground and had a front slit that went all the way to my thy.

it was designed to be an off shoulder but came off as strapless with only a strand on each side that I had to tie, with wings hanging off my forearm also as long as the floor.

I definitely looked like a goddess in this dress. My hair was pulled up in a high gold ponytail and I loved that it went as far as my butt. I wore spiral bracelets on my arms which matched my strapped wedge, which I had the straps laced to my knee. I looked darn hot. I knew very well. My make up wasn't resting either. I had a dull shade of red for eyeshadow and a very deep red lipstick on.

If I was to win this award, I had to steal the show by looking like the goddess I actually was.

I couldn't stop looking around to how full this place was. I was excited and nervous at the same time.

"Hey girlll....." the voice of Shanice walked over to me and I opened my arms embracing her. "Might I say you look desirable.....Wow never rest, do you...."

"Thank you, Shanice...." I broke the hug and before I knew it, I was following her to her seat.

"These are my friends, Liszt and Kita....I couldn't come to welcome you all by myself...." she grinned and we exchanged hugs between ourselves.

I took a seat and we shared a chitchat before my phone vibrated and I quickly picked it up to see an Instagram notification. It was a post from Ambrose. He just posted a picture of me in my gown, right here in New York and captioned Goddess. I smiled and quickly liked it although it already had about a million likes already. I quickly went to his DM and texted a thank you, right before putting my phone away as the function began.

It all started with the CEO of Critics'choice giving a speech and welcoming everyone to the place and function, followed by the manager and finally the floor was opened for the award ceremonies. An after party was organized so the ceremony was given a maximum of an hour.

I looked the two ladies presenting the awards and they looked stunning in their blue and green gowns.

As usual, they would announce the nominees for the category of the award and then the winner at the end of it.

It was fun and admirable when it was the other categories but when it came to Woman of the Year, my heart raced in and almost stopped. I closed my eyes and crossed my fingers while holding onto Shanice very tightly!

"And the woman of the year award goes too...." she paused as she took the card out. "Ladies and gentlemen put your hands together for...Eleanor De La Rue.....!!!!!"

I covered my face the moment my name was mentioned. I couldn't believe this was happening.

I pinched myself a couple of times to be sure this was happening and it was.

Standing up from my seat, I hugged Shanice, Liszt and Kita and a number of people who sat with me. Some were embracing me as I walked to the front to get my award and I loved that I had such a support system.

I hugged the ladies that announced my name and received it, walking to the Mike to give my speech.

"Thank you very much Critics'choice and everyone else who thought me worthy of this award. I am so very grateful to all of you. After....after what happened to me this year....from me being stalked to being kidnapped to being in a coma to being hated by the entire planet all the way to being called the Goddess on Earth, I can't believe am still here....The cascade of events was traumatizing for me but through it all, you guys gave me absolute support and motivate me to do and to keep on doing what I do. A mere thank you is not enough. It''s actually a shame for me to say I didn't even campaign for myself but knowing that I still unbelievable. Thank you so much to everyone and I just want you all to know that it's not the award that marks the recognition of someone's good work. It's your attitude for it. You all deserve to be women of the year and am happy to be honoured with such adornment. Thank you!!!!"

The loudest round of applause I've ever heard echoed in the entire room and I almost fell upon hearing it. I walked down the stairs, and my gaze went straight to my right for reasons not known to myself.

Unfortunately, I landed on Adam who was also looking at me.