Chapter 179: Did You Go To England??


"What's the matter with you????" I asked angrily.

"Did you go to England????" He repeated in a tone that told me he didn't like repeating himself.

As stubborn as ever, I did not reply. I didn't think I had the right to answer his questions. He had to answer mine and at any cost.

Seeing my silence, he knew I wasn't going to reply. We'd been together long enough for him to know I was stubborn. Then, he took a phone out of his pocket. With the energy he used, I thought he was retrieving a gun.

Funny Adam! He unlocked his phone, opened whatever it was that he wanted to show me and then handed it over to me. My insides where already shaking no longer settled by his gentle magic.

I quietly watched the video. My eyes widened and am sure they almost fell off my sockets. My vision became blurred and a terrible awful taste filled my mouth. I felt nauseous and horrible stomach cramps attacked my abdomen. They caused me to go as far as spit on my handkerchief.

"Did-You-Go-To-England???" He asked emphasizing on how each word was important in the sentence. My hands began to tremble and I dropped the phone.

"Ms Eleanor....why won't you answer your fiancé?" Someone asked interrupting me and Adam.

"Did you have a fight?"

"Why are you nauseous? Are you pregnant?"

"Will you break up with Adam and go to Ambrose?"

"We heard you're now dating Ambrose, is it true??"

Question after question they asked me and I felt even more dizzy. Who were these people and what was happening? I felt like a patient who'd woken up from a coma five years after the incident. I was confused and my whole mind came to a stop.

But fortunately, I was like an electric machine with a back up battery. It came to my senses about what was going on.

We realised we had been surrounded by a crowd of reporters. They were a dark shadow cast on us that wouldn't leave on a silver platter. They wanted a hot gossip all over the billboards and on their stations so as to get publicity and many more viewers.

It was as though tarnishing mine and Ambrose's reputation wasn't enough for them.

Out of nowhere, Ambrose came and pulled me out of the crowd. Some security staff from the building went over to Adam and shielded him out too. They lead us back into the building but we protested that we had to leave.

We had unfinished business we needed to talk about. Then Adam suggested we use his car and together we drove to his house.

"Are you crazy?? What was the need for you to go there??" He asked the moment we arrived.

"You left me with no choice. I suspected your secret affair with her and going to her place proved to me right....."

"Eleanor.....we are not having an affair...." He replied and my heart stopped. What???


"We aren't..... we're just.....well ....."

"Just what Adam? had the nerve to give my ring to her.....that ring was supposed to be mine. Mine!! How could you???" I cling to his shirt and cried my heart out constantly throwing fists at him.

"I told her she was lying. You love me and you would never do that to me. I told her straight to her face that if it's a fight she wants am going to give it to her but she can't have you. You're mine!!"

He didn't reply. Instead, pulled me close and wrapped me in his arms protectively like I was his newborn baby. This is how we're supposed to be. Just him and me without all these other people that are trying to separate us. I closed my eyes and calmed down. Adam's aura was strong enough to wreck havoc in my brain. He had so much influence around me and it made me realise I was good in my own way and so was he.

Our love was one of a kind and no one would separate us from each other. We weren't their ordinary Romeo and Juliet but we would leave a greater legacy than theirs. I broke the hug and decided to ask Adam to dinner tonight. Whatever he had with Ria was over. Maybe I overreacted. I got insecure over no reason. But fortunately I felt reassured with just a stare from Adam. It was going to be alright.

I would apologize to princess Ria for harassing her and was ready to pay every penalty for my actions. I didn't care if I lose everything just as long as Adam would be with me. I looked at him about to ask him plans for tonight.

"I did...give her the ring fact, I...I put it on her...." He broke it to me.

I took a few steps bag and placed my hand on my chest because breathing became difficult. I was choking. The pain I felt earlier in my lungs was back and it made my chest hurt so much, like pins and needles were penetrating through. Adam tried to offer me a hand but I refused. I looked at him with a perplexed expression and shook my head.

I placed my hand where my heart was supposed to be and I felt a void from against my skin. My heart was gone. It had attempted a horrible escape through my throat and disappeared. It couldn't bear it anymore.

My eyes were all over the place seeing double, and with everything constantly shifting in and out of focus. Fortunately, I was able to locate Adam. He was speaking on the phone. Shameless. He was speaking to his girlfriend while I was here. What was he doing? I could never imagine. His beautiful eyes never sparkled anymore.

I lost my balance and fell to the ground, hitting my back against the floor and forcefully spiting some blood which fell on my face and chest. Adam bent over to look at me but my eyes were too weak to open.

"I called the's on its way...hang in their Eleanor...." He told me, while rubbing my palms. I was surprised. After touching my hand, I could feel the absence of his warmth and liveness. What happened to us Adam? I thought as suddenly everything grew dim. I went in and out of conscious filling me with despair.

"Hang in there Eleanor....they're here .... we're going to the hospital...." The same statement replayed in my mind and it was the last I heard before my eyes shut into the darkness.